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Everything posted by ooberman

  1. we have to keep him. don't care how much he costs, he adds spice to our midfield, something we've lacked for as long as i can remember!
  2. yeah it is old (done before he died) - it was done about 2 years ago, but only got round to sticking it on youtube yesterday...
  3. haha yeah it was supposed to look like we weren't properly beatin him
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xfe1YoYPzlg give us some feedback fellas! think i've posted our tunes before, but only just got round to sticking our video on youtube
  5. yeah possibly - you just want a high quality version? (jpeg or something?) - we have a picture desk, i could ask there....bear with me and i'll have a word
  6. "the editor"??????? just got a mate on the sports desk who gets calls now and then - half the time it's not even worth commenting on it - even newspapers get it wrong from time to time you know !
  7. I work at a paper, and a fella on editorial often gives me a shout if he hears anything i'd be interested in (ie. everton news!) sadly, there's never much interesting to report!!
  8. Just heard he's pulled out, but can't see anything online. Anyone got any news on this?
  9. cheers everyone! what a bithday surprise i got this morning to read that the fernandes deal's done!! lets hope the blues give me the ultimate pressie, a double over the red sh1tes!!!!
  10. nice things he said, but i do hate it when players don't just flat-out do what Barton did and say "i'm going nowhere, future lies with this club"
  11. i heard he broke his foot playing "head tennis" we need to sign this fernandes dude, and get a striker in on loan. also wouldn't mind snapping up a young defender - so this bougherra i've heard mentioned might not be a bad shout....
  12. Possibly Sly Stallone, but since he's only been on the bench so far, I'd have to go for Cahill player I most want to do well though at the moment is VDM, as I'm sure everyone does!
  13. 1-0 us. Osman. MARK MY WORDS
  14. first game i've got to this season, and i'm disappointed we didn't win, BUT we weren't that bad. first half McFadden looked a different player to what i've seen of him before, great close control, good turns, decent runs. Arteta looked awesome, Lescott and Valente looked comfortable at the back. only square peg in a round hole was Davies (who did nothing apart from the shot at the death) not a disastrous result - draw our away games, win our home ones and we'll get europe far as i'm concerned, so i don't see it as a big blow, but at times Charlton were awful. having said that, thank f*** for the USA eh?
  15. Right chaps, first game this season I'm getting my sorry @ss down to! What's your predictions? Moyesey's looking for another shut-out - I reckon we'll get it! 1-0 Everton - Johnson What say you....
  16. i can understand it - but I don't agree with it. put simply, everyone's a bit bored of mediocrity, and this season we had the opportunity to turn a corner and become a top 6 team that everyone recognises year in/year out. sadly, we're just not killing off games we should be winning! and now we've lost cahill for a while, it's adding to the fear of being average still!!
  17. IN: Howard (for keeps), Nugent, a pacey winger - SWP!?! OUT: Wright, VDM (release him from his contract if need be)
  18. i agree with you licker. no point buying some kid with "potential" when we already have: - Anichebe Vaughan Spencer (remember him?) and the numerous other so-called wonderkids we have in our youth team! Like to see a 20-25 year old brought in as back-up for Beatts and AJ myself....
  19. I would love football to be as simple as that. we have a crop of young players, all with great potential, and in 5 years time, they're our first XI. but it just doesn't work that way. one or two that succeed will be sold on (a la rooney, jeffers), a few might make the grade and come into the team, a few won't and will end up in the lower leagues....
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