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Everything posted by Cake

  1. I saw parts of some games. Really high quality and several other nations clearly light years ahead of us (England).
  2. I would like to see Blackburn back in the top division of English football sooner rather than later. Things have to move on and some change is always for the better but founder member and all that. Will take some doing, though.
  3. Blackburn was recorded in the Domesday Book as Blacheborne in 1086. The origins of the name are uncertain. It has been suggested that it may be a combination of an Old English word for bleach, together with a form of the word "burn", meaning stream, and may be associated with a bleaching process. Alternatively, the name of the town may simply mean "black burn", or "black stream"
  4. I've taken that to mean they regarded it as a regular fixture :dont know:
  5. He looks and sounds relaxed and he talks in a realistic way, rather than "I'll kick on from here" kind of thing. He explains it as an opportunity for him to develop further. Good luck to him, I hope he makes it and we see him in the first team.
  6. We (England, Britain, whatever) make equally as ridiculous appointments I'm sure, perhaps not as high profile as Arnie, amongst others, but there you go. Our politicians and the people who support them rely more on total ignorance of what is actually happening such as Thatcher's son getting himself lost while taking part in a car rally while the majority of the country was trying to get up from its knees and excruciatingly embarrassing Prime Minister's question time sessions which are summarised in the national tv news for all to see the bloated fools baying at each other like sheep in an attempt to see who can make the loudest farmyard noises and wave their piece of paper in the air in the most fierce fashion. I don't hate America nor Americans - I haven't even read the book - see how this all started, but there's a thread about it and some Americans and American attitudes are funny, as are English, Irish, Welsh......... I would start a "Which nationality do you find the most entertaining, hilarious, or dangerous" thread but OCD Admin would likely move it where nobody could find it to reply to (no resentment there, then )
  7. The muskrat wants to leave English football because The FA, media and so on have all got it infamy despite my disturbed and racist psychological state. I know, I'll sign for Arsenal! Now this couldn't happen between two 'better' clubs for me (maybe include Villa and Newcastle in there, somehow), and yet now we have the post-shite programmed Rodgers morphing from the easy-talking up-coming manager he was to declare Suarez owes the fans for supporting him through his troubles (does Rodgers not realise why King Kenny was sacked, sorry walked) and also declaring he doesn't understand why Suarez would sign for Arsenal when Liverpool are a bigger club. I would like Suarez to go to Arsenal just for the comedy value.
  8. Sport in sport went out a long time ago. I used to play cricket to a decent level and I have 'walked' once. I've also initially given a batsman out, caught behind, whilst umpiring a game when he was clearly nowhere near the ball and the fielding captain, who was at slip, asked me to change the decision which I did and I then apologised to the batsman. Either incident doesn't make me sportsman-like, it was just what we did. If it had been an Australian who bowled the ball I nicked I would not have walked. If the batsman I gave out incorrectly had been Australian I would not have changed my mind (I knew the captain of the fielding team who asked me to change my mind and he wouldn't have asked me to, either, if the batsman had been Australian!). Treat like for like, an eye for an eye, in my book. Aussies are cheating scumbags when it comes to cricket, always have been, always will be, so they deserve nothing and to listen to them whine about it is just an added bonus. When di Canio caught the ball when Gerrard was on the floor injured now that was a sportsman-like thing to do because an advantage could have been gained from someone else's misfortune but Broad has done nothing wrong - he could have been out next ball he faced so no advantage was gained by him not 'walking' following a ball from which no runs were scored.
  9. not as ludicrous as getting up at 6.34am on the first day of my holiday to post on here (even more tongue in cheek than my ludicrous post about snakes, bears, cowboys and termonators)
  10. If you had come clean and just said you're a student trying to complete some meaningless paper, or other, about what you consider to be the psyche of the average football fan in England instead of what amounts to taking the piss as this is likely on every football forum you can find then you might have got more response. As it stands you can sit on my stump and although I haven't opened your survey you can put me in the blinkered knuckle-dragging horrible cunt category as I only care about Everton, where football is concerned.
  11. Switzerland, Europe (a hamlet in the mountains to most Americans, I know) has one of the highest rates of home gun ownership in the world, due to their people militia keeping firearms at home, but relatively low gun crime rate. It is, therefore, safe to assume some Americans are not responsible enough to keep a firearm at home and so guns should be banned for the safety of the masses. It is, after all, also in their nature to use a sledgehammer to crack a nut and to shit on their own doorstep so it becomes necessary for the actions of a few to spoil the gun fun for all. You could always twat a snake or a bear over the head with a really long stick, of which there must be plenty readily available in a country the size of theirs. God Bless America for electing an actor who used to play a cowboy as their President and for appointing a Terminator to be a State Governor.
  12. Was in Cornwall from 7 - 11 July, St Ives (Tregenna Castle Estate) it was;
  13. Highest pass success rate in Ligue 1 last season. He'll do. Sign him!
  14. Congratulations Matt! :jump for joy:
  15. Because they think people in the village of England, United Kingdom are grateful to have a Queen because it's like a movie with all royal, regal, pomp and circumstance every day and her serfs lie down before her across piles of steaming horse shit so she doesn't get her regal tootsies all smelly when she's aht exorcising the corgis and everybody dresses either like Oliver Twist or as a Beefeater and except policemen because they still have whistles and when they are blown all criminals freeze on the spot and proclaim "Game's up, guv. It's a fair cop". We live in a fantasy land they can only dream of full of jousting, jolly japes and "Hurrah, it's stopped raining" and we can get the bus from Newcastle to London because to them it's no distance at all but most people would prefer to walk that distance barefoot just on the off chance of seeing a piece of paper on an easel or perchance the Queen giving them the finger under the guise of a wave from the balcony of Buck Ahse. Capiche?
  16. No you're not an idiot. it's just me having a mini-rant about people in our media who title themselves as 'Royal Watchers' or 'Royal Commentators' trying to give the impression they live in the grounds of Buckingham Palace and are on bumping bellies terms with Liz and Phil and the rest of the dysfunctional fuckers who are called our Royal Family and who make a career about commenting on when the Queen fingers one of her corgis or if Phil The Greek has a cold or if Charles has spoken to a plant or a building and what the hidden message might be for the generations to come. I despise it all. The James Hewitt comment is simple - he's Harry's father - Harry is the spitting image of him - and Hewitt has either been paid handsomely to keep quiet about sharing his baby batter with Diana or 'they' have perhaps persuaded him it is in his own best interests he tells no tales about Diana's sword swallowing expertise as he's a big lad, by all accounts! They are as important to me as the King and Queen of any country, including King Obama of America
  17. Royal Watcher, Royal Commentator ("and they're off...."). Pfft! What kind of jobs are they? Bit like those hippies at Stonehenge, get a proper job! That James Hewitt must have got a good pay off, or warning.... there's no way in this world Harry is the fruit of Charlie's loins. Not a chance in hell, supported by the panic to change the law for Willy's first brat to succeed to the throne even if it's a girl meaning none of Hewitt's genes get near Herr throne. Listen to our media and we hang on the Royals every word and movement, so we do, God Bless 'em and all who sail, etc. For me they are about as relevant as The King or Queen of Belgium, Holland, Spain, Poland, Meerkovo............
  18. Yes, until we buy another one before the season starts, which isn't half as bizarre as hoping to get over £10m for Jelavic. I've never suggested we should sell Baines, but now you come to mention it...........
  19. That makes him as much English as Vinny Jones is Welsh, Andy Townsend is Irish..........., so "Yes" is the answer.
  20. Re Kinneargate - Early Monday morning Kinnear tries to bring his mate Mick Harford in as a scout. Late Monday morning Mick Harford turns you down. If you've appointed Kinnear in the capacity he apparently has given himself and then Mick Harford turns you down, your club is in a world of shite! I'd find something something else to do for the next 9 months as this will only end badly for the fans. Newcastle will be going in my bottom 3 when I get round to the prediction thing in 'daibo's' post about final placing predictions.
  21. 11:16 today - The Liverpool Echo's Everton reporter Greg O'Keeffe has tweeted: "There's clearly firm interest in Nikica Jelavic from Hamburg given direct quotes from Oliver Kreuzer but equally it's far from a done deal."
  22. That's just it, though - today's prices. There have always been people who have been bought and sold for way more than others because they demand that price based on their ability and the availability of players of the same calibre. I'm Everton through and through and would be chuffed to get £10m for him towards our cause but he is average, at best, and if the going rate for an average player is £10m then football hasn't got long left. In my view he's had a good 4 months with us when he first joined and although he has a strike rate of a goal just over every two games that was helped by his first superb 4 months. I'm happy for him to prove me wrong but I just don't see him as being worth £10m.
  23. Brick Top (Alan Ford), in Snatch; Brick Top: You're always gonna have problems lifting a body in one piece. Apparently the best thing to do is cut up a corpse into six pieces and pile it all together. Sol: Would someone mind telling me, who are you? Brick Top: And when you got your six pieces, you gotta get rid of them, because it's no good leaving it in the deep freeze for your mum to discover, now is it? Then I hear the best thing to do is feed them to pigs. You got to starve the pigs for a few days, then the sight of a chopped-up body will look like curry to a pisshead. You gotta shave the heads of your victims, and pull the teeth out for the sake of the piggies' digestion. You could do this afterwards, of course, but you don't want to go sievin' through pig shit, now do you? They will go through bone like butter. You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes. That means that a single pig can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, "as greedy as a pig". Vinny - Well, thank you for that. That's a great weight off me mind. Now, if you wouldn't mind telling me who the fuck you are, apart from someone who feeds people to pigs of course? Brick Top: Do you know what "nemesis" means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent. Personified in this case by an 'orrible cunt... Me!
  24. If we get £10m for him, that's if he goes of course, the world has gone mad.
  25. Howard, Heitinga, Naismith, Jelavic - don't know how much they'll fetch, would be happy to get £15-17m for the four of them
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