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Everything posted by Cake

  1. Fair enough. Needs to be scrapped, or we need to stop entering. It's not compulsory. European qualification is the only reason for taking part. I would not like EFC to qualify for Europe via this competition.
  2. Are the games in this competition starting earlier each season? W/C 26 August. Is the final in October? Or do the group stages start in November? Or maybe the highest ranked team from The Capital One Cup who get knocked out in the knockout stages get to enter the Third Qualifying Round for The FA Cup, which the FA intend to introduce from December. Games will be played home and away on consecutive nights with one shown on Sky and the other on BT Sport. Highlights will be available on 'On Demand' for up to 7 nights. Do we have to enter this competition? What a waste of time. No wonder we usually get knocked out fairly handy year after year. Our players are smart! Why give up a trip to America to prepare for home and away games against some frigging cloggers from Iceland or Kazakhstan.......
  3. And the next..... "Roll up, roll up" Raheem Sterling arrested in Page Moss last night. What would you be doing in Page Moss at half ten at night, Mr Sterling? Keep your nose clean! Didn't this arsehole not know when it was his kids birthday, or something like that? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-23633560
  4. Suarez told to play with his toys on his own. I hope he stays so much. They deserve each other. Car crash made in heaven. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/23610289
  5. I thought that was Veron (or Anderson.......).... but I know what you mean about Carrick (he also looks for the picture with almost every sideways pass)
  6. As per a couple of other replies - Moyes is your manager now so forget how you used to play, which formation(s) you use(d) and how Fellaini would fit into them. You will play how Moyes wants you to play and if you sign Fellaini he'll play him wherever and whenever he wants to - Fellaini knows this, which is why he's in no rush to sign for you. If no other CL qualified club (Chelsea or Arsenal) come in for him Man Utd will be his last choice because although he wants to play CL he knows what's going to be required of him by Moyes so Utd are his last choice now but may have been first, or up there, if Moyes wasn't there. Give it until January with Everton and hope someone else comes in for him or sign for his (now) bottom choice just to play CL? That's his choice.
  7. I have a Spanish neighbour (female), he's English. They talk to each other and their kids in Spanish all the time. She is that loud (Spanish women are possibly the loudest people in the world, even louder than Americans) and talks that quickly it always sounds like she's tearing them a new arsehole when she's probably just asking if the cat's been fed, or something. Excitable doesn't come close. So yes, just a chat between them in Spanish about what he wanted him to do, I would think.
  8. Been to Zakynthos twice - Lagana (1994=ish) and Alikes/Alykes (1997). Alikes/Alykes better place by a mile. Zakynthos = major earthquake zone? As for sea bed falling away steeply - from 1 metre to over 200 metres within 15 metres of the shore, in places, as I almost found to my cost.
  9. I can understand that...... was the same with the moths for me at one point... have smashed lamps, lamp shades, had to re-paint, buy new furniture (seriously) following the aftermath of my frenzy in getting to them and when I did making sure I had sent them on their way to hell in a million pieces! I would hit it fifty times after it was dead. Made Basil Fawlty look like he was carefully waxing that car! It's now but wasn't much fun at the time.....
  10. The point would be money and fuck everything and everybody else. A bit like The Champions League in football where the non-champions of almost every league in Europe compete in a league where if they don't qualify for the knockout stages they can go into Competition B (The Europa League/Cup) and have another stab at winning something while any non-Champion of a chosen European League has the opportunity to be crowned 'Champions of Europe' despite not being a champion of their home league. Sounds like something that would be made up for a sketch on Little Britain "got another one for you.....", so it will probably never happen.......
  11. Used to be moths (big hairy ones) but I'm pretty much past it for some reason - just seemed to reduce over time. Did, unfortunately, get to have to remove a hawk moth (couldn't twat it, it was so big, what if I didn't kill it 1st time?) a few years ago - paralysed with fear before I decided what to do (shouted the wife! - the 2nd one!). Still not comfortable around birds, in fact you could say I am positively twitchy! I can't stand the feathered fuckers but would wish one no harm. Stems from childhood when my Dad used to put the pet budgie (didn't everyone have a budgie?) on my head "for a laugh" if I was sat on the floor - I hate that thing as much today as I hated it then and I'm not sorry a window was accidentally left open and it fucked off never to be seen again! Not too keen on going up narrow or 'bendy' ladders up to say 1st storey house height, and above - not really a phobia more of an inner ear imbalance thing - get a bit knee-trembly and slightly dizzy but soon goes if just look straight ahead and not look up nor down (bit like if you're on the sea/ocean, feeling sea-sick - look at the horizon, nowhere else, and it soon goes). Have heard the "look straight ahead" thing has helped a lot of people realise their 'fear' of height is down to this imbalance, though this obviously doesn't apply to all.
  12. I know mate. My feeble attempt at taking the piss out of American Throw Ball, Catch Ball was just that..... feeble..... I'm not sure I can show my face here again.... :major overreaction alert:
  13. I like it. I'll buy it (or most likely have it bought for me as a present).
  14. Where are the helmets, shoulder pads, thigh pads, wrist bands, toe protectors, pinky-finger straps.....? You've made that up.......
  15. Well, that is an incredible amount of money (to me) and it sounds like it's a mega amount for Everton to pay but is average in the big scheme of things. If he is earning that and is holding out for the same or similar somewhere else then I don't blame anybody for not signing him as he isn't and never has been worth that much and he can only hope for something similar when he leaves with no additional fee involved. (Does this need to be shifted to any existing thread for Heitinga?) - good god, since mods have been mentioned a couple of times recently I've gone all nervous..... and I've only been here five minutes.....
  16. How does everybody know how much Heitinga earns? Why would anyone not buy Heitinga because we pay him too much? His income is mentioned in this thread (amongst many others) so I've put this here. I don't get it. If he runs his contract down we don't renew it, he looks shite, he moves on, fair enough we don't get any money for him but at least we will have his ENORMOUS weekly pay whatever that is off our payroll because that, it seems, is what's holding things up. How much is it? Must be an incredible amount of money.
  17. Mowing/cutting grass "the lawn(s)" - now THAT'S a thankless task (and a totally ridiculous occupation/pastime).
  18. I'll be there, travelling from Halesowen, so I'll give you a lift for £30 if you like (£50 return , if we win), otherwise here you go. Queens Square is over the road from Lime Street and is signposted; http://www.evertonfc.com/tickets/by-bus-or-train.html
  19. I've clearly only been around this forum for a short time but just thought I would say I'm very happy for you Rubecula - a lot of people too quick to concentrate on the dark side of things, all the time, so your news is a real tonic even to those who don't 'know' you. Thanks for sharing it.
  20. It's Dalziel you want. He probably tried it 15 times but got annoyed at himself or somebody or something which popped into his head and binned your survey to have a rant on 'What Grinds Your Gears'
  21. WTF is Villash-Bowash bleating on about Real Madrid going public over their desire to sign Bale? (BBC Sport, today). If he looks a bit closer to home he'll find Spurs were the ones who put anything about Bale being for sale, or not, into the media so shut the fuck up you useless Portuguese twat and stick to doing trailer voice-overs for thriller/horror films. It's always somebody else with these fuckers isn't it!
  22. And I see Barton is on Channel 4 at 10pm tonight.......
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