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Cornish Steve

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Everything posted by Cornish Steve

  1. I took a picture of it. Reading this page, what would you conclude?
  2. And how's that going? How many are dead in that conflict? And how long before the public gets bored and Russia wins? There are times when it's wise to turn the other cheek, and there's wisdom in keeping emotion out of military responses, but there are also times to recognize extreme evil and stand up to it. Thank heaven our ancestors, while a little late, stood up to Germany - even though my mother was orphaned because of it.
  3. Yes, but also a litany of reports about what happened in Israel. Not a peep at the BBC site.
  4. I find it hard not to fume right now. "heavily influenced by the likes of the USA whose senate is made up of 10% Jewish staff"? Apologies, but this is outrageous, suggesting that Jews are to blame? Where have I heard that narrative before? Was Britain wrong for bombing Germany into unconditional surrender? It was an existential threat. I've been to Israel many times, seen the conference rooms that double as safe rooms, heard rockets and bombs exploding in the distance, sat in a cafe, where locals were murdered by terrorists, understand how the nation's very existence is always under threat. Too many still would prefer them to disappear from the map, rewriting history as if they displaced previous inhabitants, ignoring how other nations around them have kept refugees in camps for decades. They face an existential threat, and it would be folly to just ignore it. Yes, the innocent always get hurt, but there's a huge difference between innocents being killed as you attempt to disable rocket launchers placed in their buildings versus deliberately targeting children for death, raping women after killing their families, and attempting to wipe out entire communities. We need to face the fact that what happened in Israel was extreme barbarity, inhuman barbarity, cruelty of the worst kind, arguably worse than what happened on 9/11. I'd be outraged if Israel didn't respond. The deaths in Gaza are not on them; they are on those who authorized the attacks on Israel.
  5. What do you expect? Israel must and will defend itself. This is not on Israel, not one bit. Compare the BBC's lack of news with CNN, for example: - Children found butchered in Israeli kibbutz in an ISIS style of killing - 'They cut heads off': IDF leader describes aftermath of attack. And so on. You know I have every sympathy with oppressed and overlooked groups; it's in my nature. But to blame Israel, as many in Britain seem to be doing, is simply disgraceful. What would we do in the face of sheer barbarity? Say that a response is wrong?
  6. It's been years in the making, maybe, but it's always Israelis who face extreme barbarity. There's simply no equating sides here. Take a look at the BBC news page right now. The main headline is that power is lost in Gaza. There's not a single news headline about the utter barbarity that took place in Israel. How can that be? It's disgusting, and I'm appalled at the bias. I have many friends in Israel, and the constant stream of messages about this friend or that family member having been killed - and we're talking about women, children, the elderly, etc., not the military - is overwhelming. This atrocity is, in many ways, worse than 9/11 in the US, and the BBC doesn't even mention it among their headlines? Really?
  7. How anyone in Britain can be supporting Hamas at a time like this is beyond me, yet I'm reading reports of it. So many of my friends in Israel are sharing horrific reports and pictures of friends or family who were callously murdered in cold blood, innocents and not military targets, as cruel and barbaric as it gets. How can anyone look in someone's eyes and shoot them in cold blood? Not being physically present, there's no way we can truly understand the sheer inhumanity and terror of recent events, but this news reporter, for one, will never be the same. https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2023/10/09/tl-nic-robertson-jake-tapper-live.cnn
  8. The Premier League could do with a good dose of transparency. If some of the owners are private entities and therefore not obliged to publish financial results, maybe the footballing authorities themselves should demand a level of transparency consistent with GAAP regulations.
  9. A less than flattering article about 777 Partners in today's New York Times. What concerns me is the total lack of transparency about finances. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/10/world/europe/everton-777-premier-league.html
  10. Given the preponderance of the word 'mate' in this thread, I thought I'd enlighten non-British TT members. As per the article quoted below, "mate is used as a term of endearment, but also frequently used to casually ingratiate oneself with a stranger or new acquaintance." Another meaning can be seen in "oi, watch it mate", which is a term meant neither to endear nor to ingratiate but to intimidate. Mate can also connote a sexual partner. In other words, 'mate' in Britain can mean just about anything. Which of the four meanings do Shukes and Palfy intend when calling each other mate? I wouldn't want to hazard a guess, mate. https://evanevanstours.com/blog/seven-essential-british-slang-words-know-trip/
  11. These international breaks are really disrupting the season. There's an argument to be made that they hurt other teams more than us, but I'm not convinced.
  12. Says it all. All our focus must be on conversion rate, and the transfer window, combined with DC-L's return, has given us the chance to do so.
  13. I'm often rooting for the underdog. It would have been great for the sport if Samoa had one - just like it was when the Australians were beaten.
  14. That was the display clock, which runs a little behind the official clock. At minimum, even if the kicker can reach -0.99 seconds, there should have been a VAR check. All credit to Samoa, though, for giving England such a scare. Will Fiji do the same?
  15. I’d enjoy seeing one of two things happen today: 1) Liverpool given a goal only to have it denied due to a marginal VAR offside ruling. 2) Liverpool wrongfully given a penalty that VAR would deny (but VAR not used) only for them to blast the ball over the top. In either case, of course, the result must be that they lose the match by a single goal.
  16. It seems England were gifted the game against Samoa since their first half penalty was kicked after the shot clock had expired. Why no review of incidents like this?
  17. Impressive that eight of our starters are English players. Not so common in this day and age.
  18. A dominant win, and still some people here just love to moan. Come on! The players did well. The manager adopted the right strategy. Give credit where it's due and put aside the biases.
  19. What is it with England? One day, they easily win. The next, they are totally slaughtered. New Zealand crushed them in every way: batting, bowling, run rate.
  20. It does reveal just how dysfunctional is the Saudi league.
  21. Samuel Eto’o appears to be in trouble. Perhaps the most toxic individual ever to play for Everton.
  22. Yes! But the VAR situation is farcical. As always, I’d like to know how much the gambling companies made from a Spurs win versus a draw or loss. I’d also like to know whether there would be such a fuss if we were the victims.
  23. It’s going to take time for the new team to gel. Plus, Luton rested their players midweek while we decided to play most of them just three days ago. There’s a price to pay for that, unfortunately. Onward and upward.
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