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Cornish Steve

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Everything posted by Cornish Steve

  1. Now the discussion becomes interesting. Tendulkar was once given out LBW because he ducked to protect himself and the ball hit his shoulder - which blocked the wicket. In other words, the 'L' really means any body part. But you just wrote that glove is defined as being part of the bat and not a part of the body. What if, momentarily, the hand left the bat: Does glove then become body and not bat? It comes down to fine margins, doesn't it?
  2. I must be losing touch with the rules of cricket. The Australians claimed Stokes was out LBW, and it's clear from the replay that the ball would have hit the stumps if his pad was not in the way. As it is, his bat seems to have made the slightest contact with the ball - but still the ball would have hit the wicket if his pad was not in the way. Has the rule always been that way - that any contact with the bat precludes an LBW decision?
  3. The more I think on this, I believe you're right. Test match cricket is a 5-day game of strategy, while limited over cricket is about scoring runs quickly. They are two very different games. Bringing a limited over mentality to test cricket is understandable but a mistake. I'll warrant, if we look at recent statistics, that there's increasingly less reason in buying, in advance, a final day ticket.
  4. Nope. Most will want game time and to maximize their lifetime earnings. Honestly, I doubt that much else comes into it these days.
  5. Even if it's the case, a one-line public statement is warranted. There's no excuse for continued silence. It's now been 144 hours.
  6. But doesn't it? This is a 5-day test match. Who in their right mind would declare on the very first day? It blows my mind. (Agreed that things always look different in hindsight, but I really really don't understand why a captain would do that for fewer than, say, 500 runs on a second day.)
  7. It makes that declaration look more and more stupid.
  8. Well, with five players playing at one and two, England might just stand a chance.
  9. Yes, the heyday of West Indian cricket: Richards, Holding, Holder, Roberts. Some say it's urban legend, but, during one England vs. West Indies test, Brian Johnston is reputed to have said "the bowler's Holding, the batsman's Willey".
  10. Do you remember when David Steele batted for England? There were times when he would score fewer than ten runs an hour!
  11. Psychology is certainly an important factor, as is momentum. England appear to have tried the former, but the Australians now have the latter. It's a finely poised game right now.
  12. Arrogance if you ask me. Seriously, I can't think of a single other possible reason.
  13. Not sure whether this comment posted to the BBC commentary website by 'Jack from Sidmouth' was serious or sarcastic: "Feel as though England are a few mistakes away from dominating this game. The dropped catches, missed stumpings and the no ball. A few of the wickets yesterday were avoidable. Take those out the game and we’re flying." There's an Everton version of this statement: "Feel as though Everton are a few players away from dominating the league. The lack of goals, mistakes in defence, and misplaced passes. A few of the defeats last season were avoidable. Take those out the game and we're flying."
  14. REMINDER: "A statement will be made about interim appointments and the future of the Chairman in the next 48 hours." June 12, 2023 Tick.... Tick.... Tick.... The 'Tock' has gone missing and this is now a potential time bomb. 48 hours has become 120 hours and counting. Fire them all, Mr. Moshiri. It's your money. You've been generous, but now your reputation and legacy are at stake. When I met you many years ago, you were decisive and capable. Prove that you remain so. Act without further delay.
  15. This is how I read this! Let me complete it: Here’s hopping everything goes well enough for you to make it to our team’s bench. We need the help.
  16. I just read this and won’t forget!!!
  17. Let’s hope that, around this time, Farhad Moshiri realizes that Bill Kenwright’s real name is Grima Wormtongue. At that point, the shackles are released and Dyche leads us into successful battle.
  18. And I remember watching that final on a fancy new device my aunt and uncle had recently rented: something called a black and white television. Amazing to think that, back then, there might be two replays to settle a game. In the quarter-final, Everton defeated Manchester City in the second replay.
  19. This silence is very embarrassing to the club. Dysfunction at the most basic level is clear for all to see.
  20. https://royalbluemersey.sbnation.com/2023/6/14/23760976/chat-gpt-ai-generated-farewell-message-from-bill-kenwright-to-everton-chairman-steps-down-moshiri My guess is that the real resignation letter was too similar to this AI-generated letter, so they need a day or two to change it.
  21. Then it may be both since there's another 2-week gap after that first game of the year.
  22. Looking at the published fixtures for the new season, it seems very odd that no games are scheduled for the first two weeks of January. Is there a reason for this?
  23. This morning, a friend of mine shared how he managed to find yesterday's answer to the Wordle puzzle in two...
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