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Posts posted by johnh

  1. 45 minutes ago, StevO said:

    I didn’t say you were undemocratic. 
    I don’t see how you can be happy about certain people being excluded from the vote, and not respect Matts opinion on that as someone excluded. 

    Steve,  Where have I said that I'm happy at people being excluded from the vote?  I have never even commented on the issue.  Also, it was Matt who inferred that I was undemocratic.  You posted a number of views in support of Matt, hence my comment 'how does that make me undemocratic' .

  2. 20 hours ago, StevO said:

    I’m disappointed in you after this post John. You’re a sensible and experienced individual, but to call out Matt like this is extremely harsh. Matt was denied a vote, and is entitled to be frustrated by that. He views democracy in the UK as something that should give him, and Rusty, a vote. How can it be so bad that he doesn’t see that as fair or democratic? Surely you would agree that all brits should have a vote for it to be democratic, and not just those who lived in the UK at the time?

    Steve, how does that make me undemocratic?

  3. 22 hours ago, Palfy said:

    John there are examples all over the world that have seen democracy being flouted as here, for instance would you say that it was democracy doing it’s job when Robert Mugabe was so say constantly being elected President of Zimbabwe, I know you are going to say no correlation, but there are some people being refused a vote and people being lied to. 
    For me a refusal of a vote or a lie to win a vote is undemocratic know no matter how you dress it up wouldn’t you agree. 

    Palfy, Project Fear is also lies and there have been plenty of them from Remain.

  4. 1 hour ago, Matt said:

    Disgraceful? Just pointing out that people are wrong calling the vote democratic when millions were refused a vote (that’s disgraceful) and that you still don’t get that or how British democracy works. 

    Matt, I don't know how old you are (after your recent posts, 14 or 15 springs to mind) but I became eligible to vote in 1957.  I have voted in every GE since then. I have voted Conservative and Labour.  I have voted when Conservatives have won and lost and when Labour have won and lost.  I have been disappointed when my vote was for the losing party but accepted the result every time, 100%.  I don't need you to tell me how British democracy works, your post was an insult and you should be ashamed of yourself.

    Democracy is a very fragile instrument and it only needs to fail once to fail for ever.  YOU are amongst those who will be guilty of destroying it for ever.  It doesn't matter how much you stretch logic or come up with mealy mouthed excuses, YOU ARE UNDEMOCRATIC.  End of.

  5. 4 hours ago, Matt said:

    No, it shouldn't. That helps no one

    1) Remain - as is

    2) Remain - with a plan to improve

    3) No deal

    4) Deal to leave (thats already idenitified

    After all this time, John, you still don't get what democracy means...

    Matt, that final comment is unbelievable.  Made by someone who wants to overturn a democratic vote.  You couldn't make it up.

  6. If there is a second referendum then the option must be the same as the first referendum, ie Remain or Leave.  However, I think the options are going to be gerrymandered by the Remain Parliament eg  May's deal or Remain say, resulting in a 'rock  or hard place' choice for Leavers.  Doesn't surprise me as democracy seems to be selective in the Remain camp these days.

  7. 2 hours ago, pete0 said:

    To be democratic people would have to be more informed and left to make the decision rather than stoked with fear. 

    Leave winning is closer to those in Africa, forget which country Zimbabwe maybe, practically voting with a gun to their head, they still had a choice but is it really democratic? Just instead of a gun it was mental manipulation in Leaves case. 

    Is it democratic if people don't know what they're voting for/understand the actual consequences. Not that you can blame them all, they were lied to from the off. We're currently 2 years down the line and still have no idea what full consequence of leaving will be. 

    Pete, you must think that every voter reads the Party manifesto from cover to cover in a GE.  They don't.  They form an opinion and vote the way they think is best.  The Remainers had no clue what they were voting for either.  You seem to have believed Project Fear (lies) even more than Leavers did.

  8. I always thought that the claim of being the largest vote in democratic history related to the number of votes for 'Leave'.  17.4m votes is the largest number of votes for anything, in history. So  it just shows how ridiculous are the claims that the vote was not democratic.

  9. Her indoors has bad arthritis in her hands.  Recently, this resulted in having to have her wedding ring cut off to be made larger by having a gold segment welded in. I got the estimate today (£175) which was less than I expected.  I still have the receipt for when I bought the ring in 1959 -   8 pounds 10 shillings.  How times change eh.  Still it was about a weeks wages at the time.   Would have been embarrassing if the jeweller's had charged for a brass segment!😁

  10. Thanks guys for your good wishes.  Feeling a lot better today.  Episode always lasts for 12 hours (almost to the minute) and once, when I was in hospital and wired up to computers, the Doc told me that heart rate was 228 beats per minute for the 12 hours. End up feeling like you have just run a marathon!  Have had it for about 15 years now but it doesn't get any easier! Used to get  7 or 8 episodes a year but as I am getting older they are increasing.  The really weird thing is, in a relatively short time, I go from struggling to get up out of a chair to being back to normal as though nothing ever happened.  

  11. 2 minutes ago, MikeO said:

    Thing with m-i-l is she (in her own words) has "had enough" and is quite happy to die. She won't let anyone go with her to appointments so we don't really know what she's being told. She's not at all afraid of death and tells me (when wife not around) that she'd really like it because her quality of life is pretty miserable, she lives in a lot of pain already after a botched surgery on her back after a horse riding fall decades ago as it is. I can understand her feelings though she's amazing and I'll miss her a lot when she goes.

    That aside just having lunch on a square in Madrid. Cultural observation, place is packed but I'm the only person as far as I can see drinking a "large" beer, everyone else has a half, but I think I'm the only one not smoking.

    Mike, enjoy and sunshine and the city.  Quite a nice day here today but unfortunately can't do what I had planned.  Might be able to join you in a pint though.🙂

  12. 1 minute ago, MikeO said:

    My mother-in-law is currently going through the same thing John, they can't find a reason. Went private so cost her a small fortune as well! She's spending a lot of time in bed. Hope you're fit again soon.

    Thanks Mike.  I went private several years ago.  Spent a day undergoing all sorts of tests.  Didn't really get anything out of it at the end of the day.  I asked the Consultant about a pacemaker but he recommended against it.  He said that half his patients who have them fitted ask for them to be taken out.  Something to do with the 'jolt' when they kick-in, wakes you up sharpish in the middle of the night!



  13. Telegraph Sport today says that 'Marco Silva will remain in charge of Everton after the international break.................................He has met Everton's majority shareholder, Moshiri, twice in the past few weeks and believes the club will give him a little more time to turn thing around.

  14. 4 hours ago, Matt said:

    Sorry, John. First point I can agree with but that’s a result of circumstances. Second point isn’t true, for obvious reasons. Third is also not true for also obvious reasons 

    Matt re the second point.  Please advise me what plans the EU has for the next five years?  I say five years because that is the period of the fixed-term parliament in the UK and Party manifesto's have to cover this period.  I appreciate  you may have difficulty as the EU don't produce manifesto's,  all done behind closed doors.  Still, you seem confident that remainers know more about the future in the EU so give it  a go.  Best of luck. 



  15. 1 hour ago, Matt said:

    People are changing their minds.

    people still have no idea what leaving the EU means. 

    The referendum was by definition undemocratic

    It is impossible to argue with any of that. 

    People are more entrenched in their decisions.

    People who voted remain have even less idea of what staying in the EU means.

    The referendum vote was the largest democratic vote in election history.

    See Matt, it wasn't impossible to argue with it.

  16. We have too many players underperforming, not earning their wages.  We need a manager who can sort them out.  It is obvious that Silva is not that manager, he is clueless on selection, tactics, substitutions. The problems are clear for all to see except, it seems, Silva who makes the same decisions game after game.  Its as though if he changes something it is like admitting that he got it wrong in the first place.  I don't think the players have any respect for him.  I think Moyes could sort the situation out, but like Fat Sam, on a short-term basis.

  17. 3 hours ago, Finn balor said:

    Biesla at Leeds? I think he has said it’s his last season there and they aren’t certain to get promoted. 

    He gets his teams fit, but Leeds have the same problem we have, they can't score goals.  Leeds have had the same problem since last season and Bielsa hasn't sorted it.  He keeps playing Bamford (who is our DCL) and persisting with the same tactics.  The only guarantee we would get is a fitter team.

  18. On 19/09/2019 at 00:56, pete0 said:

    I'm not anti vac, think you're a dipshit if you don't for the most part but flu jab does seem to be redundant and I wouldn't be surprised if it coursed more harm than it solved. Flu is too complex for a vaccination unfortunately. 

    I get my flu jab every year.  Last year I got flu (Her indoors reckoned it was a mild cold!) and the GP surgery told me that, last year, there were three strains of flu doing the rounds and  the flu jab only covered one.  Have already had my jab for this winter.

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