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Everything posted by Btay

  1. Fingers crossed. Personally I’m not looking so much as where we finish this year but more to what our points per game under Lampard would bring us for the next season.
  2. Big game and we need another 3 points with some hard games around the corner. Same team for me as Leeds. Same intensity from the start and we should see another 3 points.
  3. Well i can really see him getting attached to Everton already. He’s exactly the type of player our fans get right behind.
  4. Watched the game for the third time. Just entertaining and so enjoyable to watch, which is so refreshing and over due
  5. Agree with you mate. Perhaps he’s had a bit of a look at himself though as well - there were some comments rumoured from him when he was being asked to play the right wing-back role last season ( or the one before ) that it was too much running for his liking. He put in a massive shift though last game and I hope that because the benchmark of his performances in regards to effort because the fans will be behind regardless of if the things he tries come off or not.
  6. He’s got the grit though about him. He had that at Ajax. Proper footballer.
  7. So much respect for him. I can only imagine how much the players admire him as well. Genuinely excited for the direction we are heading now.
  8. As said in the match day thread, credit where credits due. I don’t think they had a lot to do but when Keane, Holgate and Coleman had to deal with something they were composed and assured. Keane set the tone in the first 20 minutes, he wasn’t just winning everything but he was brave and finding a man with his headers or bringing the ball down and it allowed us to keep the pressure on. He was a lot tighter to his man and his passing was good. Much, much better from him.
  9. Get in. Let’s see a few more subs now
  10. Would love a third goal here and Patterson to come on for 20 minutes or so
  11. Just wow. Can’t believe how good we were in that first half and we could have been better if it weren’t for some small moments/decisions. That’s Everton football right there.
  12. Lampard has Iwobi looking like a premier league football so he is surely in for a shout for manager of the year already
  13. That’s a yellow though surely… he’s standing behind Holgate and managed to kick him in the face
  14. Had a feeling he was going g to score there. Credit where credits due - Keane’s been excellent first 20!
  15. A second goal here could deflate them. We haven’t had a midfielder like DVB since arteta
  16. Get in. Great goal! Absolutely top top football
  17. Gordon needs to put that away. What a start though and the crowd sounds absolutely electric. If this is the Everton to come - I’m right behind it.
  18. Hope they put on a show mate and you enjoy the day!
  19. Yeah hahah I’m referring to Gordon popping up as rwb!
  20. Well I don’t envy Frank trying to pick a team here…. It’s kinda shit no matter what you do! Pickford Pattinson Keane Holgate Townsend DVB Allan Alli Gordon DCL Richarlison
  21. You’ve said 2 possible back lines and then thrown a complete different line up out there mate tactical genius, giving nothing away to the opposition!
  22. Well no… Sell Mina and Holgate and replace them. Mina in terms of ability is no issue but his injuries are a joke and we can’t carry him. Godfrey has the potential to be a very good centre back but so did Holgate at his age - next season or 2 will be huge for him. Keane - can do a back up role, after all we are a mid table team. Holgate is just Holgate really and Branthwaite needs more time to develop and would benefit coming into a settled team.
  23. All those managers bar Carlo lost their jobs for poor results so I’m not sure if it’s wise taking that as point in Keane’s favour as he is mainstay like you say. Carlo perhaps but we played a deep block that suited him, if any other manager set us up like that we would be furious, surely. Speaks volumes that big Dunc put him on the bench against Villa and he’s been here through all managers doesn’t it? I don’t mention Holgate a whole lot purely for the reason I don’t rate him, even less so than Keane. The other 2 I agree. Keane’s had his good patches and there is a very capable defender in there - just not a very versatile one in terms of being able to play with a high line, tight to his man - deep block on the 18 yard line is his specialty which is why he looked good for burnley.
  24. I agree with you 100% for the first paragraph mate. Keane will play because it’s needs must but if we are not replacing him for next season, along with Mina we are in serious, serious trouble.
  25. I probably have him in the same bracket as Alcaraz - back up CB for a mid table team
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