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Keith B

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Everything posted by Keith B

  1. Is there anyone in the EPL with a better work rate than Lennon?
  2. Oh my what a goal by Lennon and Lukaku with the assist. Beautiful!
  3. We'll need a special effort on defense to keep a clean sheet. Not saying its impossible, but gonna be hard.
  4. Totally agree. The second was obvious and he's put his squad in a difficult situation.
  5. Mirallas deserves it. Stupid dive early and he pays for it. Gonna be a nervy 55+ minutes.
  6. We've taken our foot off the gas since the goal. We can't them take pot shots for 70 minutes. Need to stay aggressive.
  7. There is too much space just in front of our box.
  8. Weird lineup. Hope it works. I don't think I've ever seen Everton line up this way.
  9. Feeling confident this morning. Come on you blues!
  10. Not the Men's team, but the US Women are playing the England Women right now. Two of the best sides in the world. With apologies to our English brothers and sisters, go USA!
  11. Recorded the match and am watching now. The second goal was just a stunning counter. Box to box in seconds. Of course Villa's defending was trash, but Lennon finished it nicely. Lovely play.
  12. Same for me. I am shooting for 2017 but might slip to 2018. The American experience with sports stadiums is much different so take my thoughts with a grain of salt. (Many or most American stadiums are paid for by taxpayers because American taxpayers are idiots and billionaire owners threaten to move the team if they don't pay up.) My city, Washington, DC, built a stadium for its baseball team that opened in 2008. It is a fairly unremarkable stadium--it does what it is built to do without charm. They located it in an underserved neighborhood that was dangerous for many, many years but it is basically built on top of an existing subway stop. It was a bit of a leap of faith to come to the stadium in the first few years, but a solid redevelopment plan, initiated in the late 90s has completely transformed the neighborhood in the past 6-7 years. In 2005, I wouldn't have felt safe here--now, I live in the neighborhood. They've got plans to build a stadium for the local MLS team in a similarly underserved neighborhood nearby and I suspect it will, coupled with redevelopment money nearby, serve that neighborhood well. Admittedly, my understanding of Liverpool geography and politics is very limited. I'd recommend the Washington, DC approach if a similar neighborhood exists. And lastly, and this is probably heresy, but a new stadium for Everton probably nets 50 events per year if you count league and cup matches, concerts and other random events. If you can get the reds on board, you are looking at 80-90 events. From a developer's standpoint, 90 events bringing 50K people to the neighborhood per year is a lot better than 50 events. If we need city government support to get this done, building the biggest coalition possible is a good strategy. /dodges tomatoes
  13. Feels like 100 years since we had a league match. Can't wait for Tuesday.
  14. Doubtful we'll lose support, but he was a big selling point for gaining new American supporters. Most of America is uncommitted as far as an EPL side goes, but I am starting to see more and more EPL shirts/kits/t-shirts than I can remember seeing.
  15. ESPN is reporting that the move to Colorado is nearly finished. Fee is said to be between $600,000-$750,000. All the best to Tim, but I can't believe Everton is getting even a nickel for him.
  16. Hard to take much from his cameo yesterday, but he had a bright moment or two. Jury still very much out. I'm hoping for the best.
  17. Keith B

    Newest Toffee

    Congrats man. Wonderful for your family!
  18. Seen a couple comments on twitter saying exactly this. Chelsea aren't exactly happy to see us.
  19. Lots of institutional and party headwinds against him. We'll see though. For him to even be this close is quite a shock considering where he started.
  20. Christian Pulisic, 17 years old, started for Dortmund today and played 45'. He was subbed at halftime. He created a chance for Aubameyang but Aub pulled it wide. Other than that he was sort of invisible, but then again, he's 17 years old and started against a really good Leverkusen team. Really excited to follow his development. Could be a big player as an attacking mid for the US team for a dozen or even 16 years.
  21. Donald Trump won South Carolina last night and Hillary Clinton won Nevada. Trump is working on completely destroying the Republican party, which is fine by me, but we can't let him get anywhere near the White House. I think he'll lose 40 states if he is the GOP nominee, but one can't be too careful. I vote in Washington, DC, which always goes democrat, but the folks in Ohio, Florida and Virginia need to take this really seriously and make sure they get out to vote, even if their vote is simply "Not Trump." Jeb! dropped out last night, which is hilarious because he had something like a billion dollars behind him and it meant nothing. Personally, in the primary I'll vote Bernie, but will hold my nose and vote for Clinton in the general (assuming she's the nominee).
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