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Keith B

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Everything posted by Keith B

  1. Wish we had more discussion on our sports networks on the EPL in the US. I think we'll get there (Today was the first day that two major networks broadcast soccer against each other: the 12:30 EPL and Bundesliga matches), but it is going to take some time.
  2. We won both the friendlies, though I don't think we can take much from it. The Canada game was a bore.
  3. Lennon for me, but credit to the entire team. Can't think of one player that had a poor performance.
  4. Quite the half. Let's stay organized at the back and hit on the counter one more time to kill their spirit totally.
  5. Hilarious. I've been laughing about this all morning.
  6. For a reasonable salary, yes. He's been solid this season. Works hard and gives his best.
  7. They were shit and the lads took care of business. Let's do about 7 of these in a row.
  8. Nice PK Ross. Someone said we'd get one today and we did.
  9. I'm getting that Everton feeling again about this game.
  10. Watching this on my phone at work. Last 5 minutes have been good.
  11. Anyone ever seen Stanek play? He any good? I've only seen his name in the FIFA video game.
  12. Mark, great comments. 1.) I don't worry so much about the keeper situation because American seems to always come up with solid players at that position. There's a bunch of guys, and you mentioned many of them, that could step up. Klinsman needs to look at all of them. 2.) Jozy scored today, but goodness we could use another striker. Can Johanssen make the leap? He's been hurt most of this season at Werder. 3.) I saw a tweet that said JK has started a different back 4 in 100+ straight matches. Hey JK, how about some consistency there? 4.) Totally agree. Also, saw that C. Pulisic, 18 years old, got on the pitch for Dortmund this weekend. Miazga headed to Chelsea. My hope for 2016 is that the young guys we have in Europe start thriving for their clubs. Saw another kid today is moving to Porto, that should be good too.
  13. I get it from a team standpoint, but is he going to get into the lineup?
  14. I think it is fair that he's a bench option. But those quotes sounded like he wanted a bigger role. Bring him on for 15-20 minutes? Okay fine. Start him and play 60-80 minutes? Not so much. You might be right about Ross though. Has played a ton of minutes.
  15. He's been a good player but he's 35. That's just too old for everyone but the very best players to expect to be playing regularly. I appreciate his service, but he's delusional. He was an absolute non-factor on Wednesday.
  16. I think Tim is 100% in the US in June. I know we want him to go now, but June is probably better. I hope RM gives Joel a look. And if RM is going to be around for awhile, I hope he's looking at our youth keepers and keeping the scouts looking around too. For my money, I like Ethan Horvath at Molde. He's young (20), tall (6'4"), and got his side into Europe. He's American, but keeper is the only position America is ever good at. I think he's worth a look.
  17. How was his pace and work rate at the Holiday Inn?
  18. We've got our first friendlies starting this weekend. Apparently most of the veterans in the player pool hate the January camp so we should see some new faces. That's probably good considering how stale the pool looked in the middle/end of 2015. Personally, I think we are in a down period with little chance for immediate improvement. Who are our next Clint Dempsey and Landon Donovan? Can John Brooks be the center back that Jurgen thinks he can be? Can Cameron, Bedoya, and Fabian Johnson set up and be the leadership for the next World Cup run? And who the hell is going to score goals?
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