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Everything posted by Ghoat

  1. Silly vodka drinkers.... http://www.espn.com/soccer/blog/the-toe-poke/65/post/3534916/beer-supply-running-low-in-moscow-during-world-cup
  2. First of all, congratulations! For me it's changed as they age. When they are young it's going to be a card, breakfast and something your wife bought "from" them - it's basically like Mother's Day with less fanfare. Last few years we have gone to a minor league baseball game, or I have just grilled burgers or steaks and they hung out and "helped" but for me it's a day to spend some time chilling out with the kiddo/kiddos. I've really enjoyed it more as they have gotten older (girls, currently 20 and 17). My neighbor and I wanted to golf a couple years ago - and has watched my two grow up for like 13 years now, so my oldest spent the day with us fetching clubs and beers and paid for my round, that was great. The last 2 years she has insisted on taking me out for wings and beer, which is pretty neat. The youngest wants to watch sports with me, especially soccer if available. We usually don't do anything with other families, because for me I don't want to be trying to coordinate a bunch of crap on my chill day. This year was different, but mainly because the WC was on so early, and Sunday was the only morning for us to get together and watch games together. 3 "soccer families" where several of the kids played together in high school, club, we have coached each others kids, or refed matches over the years etc... The wives/kids cooked breakfast, served us and refreshed our drinks. I always kinda downplayed it, I still struggle with it being "my day" - it's my Dad's day even tho he has been gone for several years now. At some point I realized that wasn't really fair to my girls who wanted to do something for/with me. Find something you enjoy - golf, swimming, grilling, fishing -maybe hanging out with you and some friends while you jam or rehearse. Whatever, just spend some part of the day letting them enjoy it with you and spoiling you a bit and make some fun memories - who needs another damn tie or more socks? It's going to depend on the relationship you have with your child/children. The way they want to celebrate you, or you want to be celebrated is the best way, no matter what anyone else does.
  3. That I don't honestly know Mike. Assuming in your scenario they are in Mexico at the US border, I would think (meaning I don't know) that they would simply be turned away at the border if they didn't have passports and visas. In which cases they are on Mexican soil, because they couldn't cross - technically they would be subject to Mexico's laws. "Mexico's problem not ours" so to speak. I would not think that we could possibly split them up, or detain them at all, because we wouldn't have any legal standing or jurisdiction "in" Mexico. Unless there is some formal agreement between Mexico and the US for the US to have jurisdiction over immigration of non-Mexican citizens on the border, then at that point they would be illegal immigrants in Mexico and under jurisdiction of the Federales - even if they were just in transit. If they are caught crossing/discovered or whatever the right word is, on US soil without legal right to enter, then obviously it's US law/policy. I hope someone knows, otherwise I'm gonna be searching all kinda shit.
  4. Everything is not black and white. And simply saying "this wrong, we have to stop now" without have any idea what to do in it's place does nothing but kick the can down the road and make it someone else's problem. On my ballot I selected Trump, nothing more or less. So since I'm not an "us", I am a "them" Ergo, a "Trump supporter", a racist, a sexist, a xenophobe, simple-minded, an isolationist, and a sheep that pulls my "Make American Great" hat over my eyes and agrees with everything the President does and says. I'm pretty much what's wrong with America - so I hear anyway. It's a broad brush, it's intellectually lazy and dishonest, but let's just roll with it for now. I think illegal immigration is huge problem. I think it contributes to a hell of a lot of secondary issues, including placing additional burdens on our legal systems, health care systems as well as civil and social systems which are already over-taxed. "The government" doesn't pay for all that, the government doesn't pay for jack, because it can't. I, the rest of the American tax payers and US business pay for all that, because the government only "has" money because it takes it from us in the form of taxes. Which isn'tt inherently wrong, that's what government does, always has and always will. I think we need to stop as much illegal immigration at the border as possible, and if we don't don't deport illegals, what's the point in having the laws in the first place? If they make it in by breaking the law, we reward that? Just let it go, and expect the rest of us to pay for it and be ok with it? I have a problem with that. So now we have this picture being drawn of Donald Trump and Jeff Sessions gleefully ripping the babies right out of their Momma's arms as they (illegally) try to enter the country. We have all seen the pictures of kids and adults in cages like dogs, due to the inhumane policies of Trump and Sessions. 22,000 I've heard. 1500 kids were lost by the government, allegedly? So when the illegals are caught, they are sent to jail or a detention facility, what do you do with the kids? You can't put them in jail, no one would advocate that. You have to put them somewhere while you try to find family on either side of the border to put them with. Which means they have to be separated because you simply can't put kids in jail. So do you only jail the ones the don't have kids? That simply ensures that they all will bring kids, even if they are not theirs. What about the adults who are doing this? Do they not bear any responsibility? They know they are breaking the law, they know what will happen if they are caught - do they not bear any responsibility for putting children in danger of being separated? Who's fault is it that the children are with them? If I was a single father and caught drunk driving with my child in the car, or in a stolen car or whatever - should law enforcement let me go, because I have my child with me? If I go to jail, what do they do with my child? Do we selectively enforce the law because a child is present? My point is, the immigration mess isn'tt simple, and it's not new to this (or the last) administration. Many of our laws and policies were passed under Obama and Clinton with republicans. Just like they were during the Bush administrations with democratic support. Trump is a lightning rod, and the left is losing their minds, but this didn't start in 2016, regardless of how tone-deaf Trump often is. Several of those pictures that circulated were quickly removed when it was discovered they were 3 or 4 years old. Remember how the right used the picture of Elian Gonzalez hiding in the closest from agents to rip Reno and Clinton for immigration policy? That was just as awful and unfair. Kids generate an emotional response, and both sides often use them as emotional pawns to confuse logical arguments - which is sad. So now I have established I epitomize everything that's wrong with America because I voted for Trump and probably sacrifice babies (only minorities tho) on the weekends . Here's what I think as a "Trumpkin". Sometimes there is method to his madness. Sometimes it's just madness and I wish he would STFU. He's not going to "fix" immigration. He's not going to break it either. It's an issue MUCH larger than a president can fix, or destroy even in 2 terms. The left gives him WAY to much credit to think he can destroy everything in 4 or 8 years. My buddies on the right fringe were telling me for 8 years how Obama was going to destroy us domestically and internationally. Whoever is sworn in next wont be able to do it either, no matter how hard he/she tries. I'm not anti-immigrant. My Dad's side came over from England in the 1700's, Mom's side from Ireland in the 1800. I am an immigrant like most all Americans. Our immigration policy is broken, and it needs to overhauled, it is horribly inefficient. There needs to be an fair humanitarian way for people who want to immigrate to the US to do so, and it can't take 8-10 fucking years. We owe that to anyone in the world who wants it, it's who we are and what we were literally built on. However, I don't think it's unreasonable to have expectations in return. If you hate American, hate our way of life, don't/won't respect our laws, and detest us, why the hell do you want to be here anyway? Canada is nice, France is good, what's wrong with Germany? Are you just some other county's problem - a criminal or malcontent that will do far more harm to society than good? Or, do you want try to be a part, at least somewhat, of our society? To have better life and opportunities for yourself and your future generations that you have currently? I don't think it's unfair to ask that, and I don't think it's unfair to know a little bit about who we welcome with open arms. And yeah, I think there needs to be a path for citizenship to those that are already here and established. Maybe there are conditions, verifiable employment, no (felony) arrests, X number of years and so forth. Prioritized by time here and with minor children, especially those that are in the public school systems etc. I do NOT advocate uprooting entire families that have been here for an extended period or time, and by all information available, are "good citizens" aside from the fact they came here illegally. Our existing INS system was not made to handle what we have today, and it's failing everyone. It's so inefficient, I really can't even blame those who have tried to do it the "right way" for years, and finally just say fuck it, and do it the illegal way. It will be hard to fix, because it has to come thru federal system, and be bi-partisan - and it has to be done start to finish in about 2 years, 4 tops, because of House and mid-term elections. There is a lot of money and influence to be made by politicizing fear and racism by both parties, blaming the last/current administration, and doing nothing but making noise to "the base". Trump/Obama left/right...equally created this mess IMO. Oh and let's not forget, immigration is just the symptom. Here (just like Europe) the problem is people fleeing failing states - crime, violence, drugs, corruptions and everything else that undermines a government and puts it's citizens at risk. Way too many people (IMO) are running AWAY from something vs running TO something. That's a whole different can of worms, but that would help more than anything, but in the mean time we have to play the hand we are delt, and our current immigration system is only making it worse. And the political climate isn'tt helping. But back to where I started, this isn'tt a simple problem with a simple solution, and it's not simply black/white. The left extreme wants to let everyone in without question and give full citizenship rights. The extreme right wants to deport all illegals and shut the doors. Both of those courses are reckless - even giving lip service to them is reckless.160 characters at a time with a picture and 30 second soundbites won't fix shit. It just keeps "us" pissed at "them" so we don't have to think - or demand better from our officials. Anywho, this is a hell of a lot longer than I EVER intended, but I've been plodding away at this all afternoon basically between work, calls, peeking at footy and emails. And yes I know I'm in the minority here as far as side of the isle, so if anything was taken as a personal shot, please know it was unintentional. I don't take myself too seriously, and if I'm factually wrong on something, I'll admit it and move on wiser. Otherwise, y'alls stupid opinions are worth as much as my dumb ones. Give or take
  5. Again, another team expected to advance from group and likely into quarter-finals drops 2-3 points in the opener. Of the 16 that made it in for Pot 1 & 2 - after 9 (Chile), 14 (Wales) and 15 (Italy) didn't qualify. 6 Wins, 6 draws. FOUR lost the opener. Only 3 Pot 1 teams got a win, and that includes Russia who was 65th ranked. Russia, Iran, Serbia, atop their groups, with Sweden and Japan tied at top on GD - what the hell??
  6. Mixed Father's Day with a World Cup "Watch Party", since Sunday was only day 2 of my best mates were available. Games were 7am, 10am and 1pm. Omletts and mimosas....
  7. I missed this on Sunday - to be fair I was drinking a good bit. I didn't realize it was celebrated on a different weekend in Europe. So slightly belated to colonial Dad's, and more belated to Euro-Dad's, Spent the first part it with 2 of my best friends, their kids, as well as my daughters watching Gemany lose and the Brazil draw. Pretty good day
  8. Holy crap, COL vs JPN, 3 mins in a PK with a red card and Japan coverts it to go up 1-0. All before my 2nd cup of coffee.....
  9. http://highpressnews.com/midges-on-verge-of-extinction-after-kane-swallows-over-7-billion-in-one-night/
  10. Maguire and Stones played well on defense, but aside from Stones' header that was saved, they just about gave the game away with some shit passes and Stones' flubbed shot on a sitter.
  11. Did Pickford ever touch the ball with his hands?
  12. I think England actually played better than it "feels". First half was good, but Tunisia grew well after the pen, but England hung in and got the 3 points, that's all that matters in the end.
  13. Yeah they said they had to spray the hell out of the stadium. Moths and mosquitoes. Would be annoying as hell
  14. Unlucky. If it hadn't been up at the face/neck I doubt it gets called.
  15. Bright start for England in first 5 mins. Having to sub your keeper 5 mins in is not helpful
  16. Wow. Despite the way it ended for us, it was hard to cheer against him - even if I wasn't cheering for him. It will be hard to not to continue to pull for that guy moving forward.
  17. Belgium is the only favorite who has impressed in the openers. France. Germany and Brazil all looked like they expected to win just by showing up. I can't stand Neymar's antics on the pitch, so much so that, for me, it overshadows his talent. I don't want to see him get another broken back, but I wish him nothing but frustration and failure on the pitch.
  18. So you Brits hang flags when the Missus consents to a round of bumming, just to brag to your mates? That's a custom we should all get behind!
  19. Croatia vs Nigeria - The pasty white Slavs in light kits, and the midnight dark Africans in a dark green - the kits are swallowing both sides! Nigeria's GK wearing dark purple when his team is in dark green...in a scrum, he blends in with this team, there isn'tt enough contrast for me.
  20. As good as that FK was, the screamer Nacho hit was filthy, holy shit. Instant Classic.
  21. Or a team with really short players, like say, Japan.
  22. Mike you are seeming to forget that we "colonialist" (OMG that cracks me up when I see that used!) used to have to pay a tax to the crown for each letter we used - pronounced or written. That's why it's an "erb" not a "herb" even if it happens to be our FAVORITE COLOR. It's was an economics choice, because the tea was killing us already. The Syntax Tax of 1631 isn'tt really taught in school, I'd venture to say that no one has even heard of it until they read about it. In this post. But now you know.
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