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Everything posted by Ghoat

  1. I think WAY too many do Mark, and the pols know it and play to it. I do think we should have the bear arms and I don't want the gov to be TOO heavy handed about it. That said I don't own a gun and have never been in the NRA. I believe in "traditional family values", but I think a pair of men or a pair of women should absolutely have the same rights to their family values under the law. I have also been reminded this go around that if I vote repub, I am a racists who hates immigrants. If I vote demo I am a socialist who hates God. Makes it tough on a football/soccer lovin', NASCAR watchin', drinkin'with gay/lesbian friends on Wed nights, Catholic schoolin' daughters guy in Alabama to figure out who to vote for me. I'm what's wrong with this country according to both parties. I'm unique - just like everyone else!
  2. State primaries. The democrat candidates are all running on "I hate Trump". The repubs are all holding a shotgun or rifle. Those seem to be the only qualifications for public office in Alabama ffs. How about someone that doesn't give a shit about Trump either way, and leaves the 2nd amendment fights to the courts - and maybe try to de-fuck the clusterfuck that is Alabama politics for the betterment of the electorate? Naaahhh, that would never work!
  3. If you need any US logistics help - as in transportation, let me know I can help or at least point you in a direction! Speaking of, they drive on the right in Philly. Canals too, so heads up!
  4. Much appreciated Aaron, found both and followed. Twitter is still a strange beast to me, it's the one social media that befuddles me a bit, but I'm trying! And yes, I learned the history/backstory of the S*n animosity a couple years ago when the Ross Barkley/gorilla comments emerged.
  5. I think he has shown flashes of being pretty good in all MF positions. Well rounded? Ok at all, good at none? I'm not sure, but I would think some stability at manager, as well as playing a single role for an extended run would help him a lot - as would having the same players around him in well defined roles. Our MF was different formations and different players seemingly game to game last year, grasping for something that worked. Not a single MF played consistently well last year - maybe be Gana due to work rate, but otherwise, it was a revolving door of players and tactics. His biggest for me isn'tt his skill on the ball or in tackles - but his willingness to attack, take players on as well as fly into tackles. It's hard/impossible to teach that in any sport - a player is aggressive/unafraid or they are not. He isn'tt intimidated by driving at a Yaya, or taking the ball off a Costa - grown ass men. He needs polish, lots of it,. That can come from good coaching and experience. Lets not forget his Mum was driving him to training every day from home this time last year.
  6. Unless Jags, by his choice, wishes to hand it over to Coleman, I think the Club/Jags Vice/Coleman is the natural choice. I think Pickford is likely to be a captain in the not too distant future, hopefully at Everton.
  7. What do you consider to be reputable media outlets for football? I take most everything I read with a grain of salt, good bad or indifferent. Most stuff I read comes via apps - FotMob, Bleacher Report, theScore and such. RoyalBlueMersey/Sbnation and Liverpool Echo are the only two websites I check regularly. But as some point it seems you are just reading reports of what others are reporting.
  8. 2-1. We got the opener at 45+1, Gave up the equallizer at 57 or so after GK was indecisive came out to punch a corner and got hung in traffic and didn't clear, was out of position for a tap in. ROI put the 2nd one in at 90', ugg... Coleman was fairly quiet - a bit of a pest to be sure, missed a really good opportunity in second half I think when he came inside and had an open look. But honestly I was more bummed about Robinson not playing, both as an EFC and US supporter. Coincidence or not, we mostly played down the right side, some in the middle - but we had nothing on the left side at all. I'd have selfishly loved to see him going up against Coleman, even if he got his ass handed to him - who better to learn from than a teammate you can go back to later and break it down with.
  9. Spot on. To be relevant internationally, it has to matter domestically. International success - or even relevancy - will in turn grow the sport domestically. Otherwise we're just another country that gets out of the group stage every 2-3 cycles and is ok with that. We had a huge surge of interest during the last WC - The networks hyped it, people watched, American Outlaw chapters sprung up all over the country, MLS benefitted, expanding from 19 to 23 teams (3 more confirmed in the next 2 years) But, there is a significant percentage of those people that forget about it for four years, like the Olympic sports. But there are those that got the "soccer bug" by following the USMNT in the WC, and while you "have" them, there is a much better chance that they start watching MLS or EPL when it starts back on TV a month later. They recognize the foreign players they saw now playing for their club teams, or want to watch the US guys with their clubs and start to really follow the sport. That's important, IMO, to getting a wider audience - especially in the areas that don't have an MLS team, or any real domestic presence (which is most of the country). That's one of the many reason it sucks so much that we aren't in this year, we are missing that window of hype that comes every 4 years. The ones that tuned in for 2014, but lost interest afterwards, you are now waiting 8 years to have that opportunity to really grab them again. I'm sure to non-Americans that's absurd to think of the sport in those terms, because it's just always been the predominate sport in most of the world. But over here people have said it's set us back 4 years, 10 years, 20 years etc...I don't necessarily agree with all that, but us not making the WC certainly is a significant setback, not only for US Soccer, but the sport in general domestically. I'm sure the networks that have the US Broadcast rights - NBCSports (EPL) and FoxSports (FA Cup, EUFA, World Cup) - have the data that will either show a decline or at least a decline in growth in the post-2018 WC viewership compared to the post-2014 WC viewership of their European coverage. We have a tremendous untapped portion of the population that could really contribute to significant domestic growth of the sport. But if that portion collectively has A.D.D. then we just lost most of them for a few years because they saw a big fat furry squirrel and forgot the rest of the world is on hold watching footy for a month this summer....
  10. That's an interesting perspective. And this is purely subjective/opinion, but I feel like American players can get trapped in that mindset because it fits more in our overall "sports" culture. Be a stud in high school, get a college scholarship, be a star, then make a living playing at a high level in "our" pro league. Somewhat big fish/little pond, limited to what's in the US. In that regard, our best and brightest leaving for "bigger ponds" is a positive. Not content to be a great "American soccer player" but going abroad to learn, in hopes of being a great footballer among great footballers. I can't say I have ever really thought as much about players of other nationality's potential being possibly handicapped by their domestic football cultures as we are (or basketball as your other examples). In part because I see top players from all over the world being successful in top leagues, and in part from being raised in geographically isolated nation. I mean from where I live, it's 900 miles to drive to Canada or Mexico, the only 2 bordering nations. Notwithstanding being an island nation, 900 miles from London probably puts you in 15-20 different counties, languages, cultures etc... Different perspective for sure.
  11. I'm with you Tonk, on both counts. Between the fact that I am familiar with all the English players, and my family was English until they left Bridport sometime in the 1740's, I'm all in on the 3 Lions! And I'm amazed at how the press treats both established and up-and-coming English players on domestic clubs vs when they put on the National shirt. Poor Raheem Sterling. The kid' is only 23, and he is already the reason England crashed and burned out of 2018 World Cup - before the first whistle! Slight exaggeration, but still!
  12. I have read pundits saying why it was a mistake, and others saying why it made sense. The fact that equally compelling arguments came be made show how loaded Germany is. From a 'Merican perspective it's just mind boggling at the gulf- if he walked into our camp, he would be the best player on the squad, and it wouldn't be close. And he is Germany's 24th or 25th best player. Ok, you can't say that due to positions, 3 GK's, defenders etc. but that Low can legitimately rate 5-6 attacking players higher...just damn. They have an embarrassment of riches.
  13. I was hoping for same, was disappointed that Robinson didn't get the nod at LB. I thought we looked "decent" considering it is still mixing and matching players at positions, and we played what was pretty much the starting XI for ROI as a WC tune-up. Not a lot of positives other than young players getting quality experience playing time on foreign soil. CCV looked a bit shaky, and Hamid....it just doesn't appear he is ever going to grow into what's needed. Terrible positioning, indecisiveness on coming off his line or staying, and getting stuck between etc... We need someone to step up at GK so badly
  14. I couldn't see if on my phone, I had to go to the full site on laptop. Will have to scroll down now, as there is 749024392 articles about Silva. https://bleacherreport.com/everton " English-Born USMNT Duo Learn Baseball That's just not cricket
  15. I'm not sure I would loan West Brom a pair of socks right now
  16. Yeah, I'd like to see him get 90 mins in at least one of the 2 remaining friendlies, because he needs the experience, and frankly we (US) need a LB. The idea of him on the left and Yedlin on the right is exciting. Then if all goes well in preseason, I'd rather see him with the first team in training, learning from Baines, Coleman, even Kenny and getting in the occasional game here and there. Galloway seemed like a good promising player, and it seems his development has been stunted (or maxed out, who knows). https://www.starsandstripesfc.com/2018/5/30/17407988/usa-usmnt-bolivia-man-of-the-match-antonee-robinson-friendly
  17. Agreed, very good show, think I have seen every episode of that at well. The Americans and Breaking Bad are not comedies. Dramas, a bit more heavy than NCIS
  18. The Brits will probably laugh at this, but I had never heard of Midsomer Murders, friend of mine mentioned it to by wife and she/we started watching back at Christmas, almost done with season 18 now.....Pretty decent binge watching. I hate there is only one episode left in FX's "The Americans". 6th and final season. Luckily they signed season for season 5 & 6 at the end of 4, so they have been writing for the season in advance, no sudden wraps ups Really neat show for those of us around or growing up in the Reagan/Gorbachev era. Best TV show I have watched in years. right up there with Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul for me. Not on Netflix tho, Amazon Prime.
  19. I'm not sure there is one thing really, but I'd guess it's a couple different things. Klinsmann did a good job reaching out dual-citizenship kids, especially those in Germany who father's were US Servicemen. Most of them were young, already playing in Europe, and uncapped. We just need some Army bases in Brazil now... I think there are more kids now who have smarter parents that played the sport themselves at higher levels and realize that the US system has flaws in development. In America we seem to place a premium on raw athleticism - size, speed, strength etc, at the expense of technical skill. It "works" in basketball and US football. Not so much in footy, and parents that are wiser and understand high-level soccer also understand the domestic training is still a ways behind on the technical side. I also think that the success of several of the current young crop coming into the USMNT has opened the eyes of both high-level/elite kids as well as their parents to the opportunities available in Europe for proper coaching and development. I think it's also made European scouts look more at American teenagers. Success breeds success so to speak. And right now, there seems to be a lot of young raw US talent heading to Germany. I'd like to think our "soccer" IQ is growing, Maybe one day in the not way way off future, we will be able to domestically develop world-class players. But currently, our system will continue to produce great athletes, because that's what we do. But to produce great footballers, we need those teenagers to be in European academies and systems as soon as possible, and that's exactly where most of our bright young stars are.
  20. Weah seemed to cause lots of trouble with him movement, both on the flank and when coming inside. I'm not sure how much he has played on the right side of a 4-1-4-1. but he looked comfortable. He is exciting, but I was really impressed with his touches and flicks, seemed very unselfish inside the box. I do like the fact that and Sargent are both about 6'1 as well - 6-5" with hair! I wasn't familiar with Keaton Parks, can't say I see a lot of Benfica matches, but looked decent for a 20 year old in his first cap. I like the idea of a having a 6'4" presence in the MF if he can continue to develop.
  21. When do we sell Shani Tarashaj? He seems to have fallen into a black hole since the day we signed him.
  22. Several threads seem to divert into this from we yanks, and I'm as guilty as anyone. Thought I would start a new one here for the current team moving toward the 2022 WC cycle. Thoughts on the team this summer, starting with Bolivia friendly? Robinson was who I most wanted to see, from both club and country reasons, I thought he was excellent. Rest of the back 4 were solid enough Pulisc didn't do much, but I thought Weston McKinnie looked good. He playing the 6 but was all over the pitch (in a good way). Adams didn't make roster, but MF is starting to look pretty good. Most pleasant surprise was how well Sargent and Weah played together. They linked up often, lots of 1-2 passes. Surprised me for two 18 year olds who have never played together, let alone their first international caps - ignoring the 3 mins Weah played at end of last match. Granted it was also a young inexperienced Bolivia side, but I thought for a team so young, they did about as well as could be expected. Lots of promise, but I'm a bit dismayed that we don't have 1) A keeper 2) A manager
  23. I just have this sinking feeling we may never see him at Goodison, that he will want a move somewhere else before the WP drama can ever be sorted. I sure hope I'm wrong.
  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zycel96bviU Jump to about 1:50, I couldn't fine a clip of just this goal - beautiful work down the flank and perfect cross.
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