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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. Exactly it’s all in the contract, the contract is there to protect both parties, and when this contract was signed both legal teams would have had an input which would or should have protected their clients. These are the terms and conditions and cannot be broken by either party without incurring financial costs or the agreement of the other party.
  2. Brands has definitely added to it I think I’m right in saying that.
  3. Happy days, if we win we won’t get the trophy in the cabinet no one has seen the key for 26 years.
  4. Has he submitted a transfer request if so then he’s not entitled to walk on a free and have his contract paid up, I was working on the basis we want to get rid of him.
  5. We have had quite a few large sporting events quite recently as you said the football also Wimbledon Horse racing and F1 and the the freedom March last weekend on the political front.
  6. It can be dangerous in the wrong hands I suppose.
  7. Latest figures released say cases have dropped for the 4th day in a row, seriously don’t know what to believe anymore.
  8. You’ve got to moisturise in this day and age Mike especially if you want to look 10 years younger with a beautiful glow
  9. Do you get your Olay off the missus or buy your own never used it myself I use Clinique for men
  10. Your right it is a great position for him and Besiktas and a poor one for us, when you sign below average players and stick them on long lucrative contracts you lose the upper hand when you want to get shot of them.
  11. Not if they pay him off his contract would then be terminated and he would be free to go his own way, wouldn’t that be a better solution to the problem if we can’t sell him or loan him out for part of his salary, otherwise they just hang around looking like they’ve been hard done by and possibly making others feel uncomfortable in their presence.
  12. Exactly he isn’t in breach of his contract I’m assuming, so the other parties need to honour it or come to a deal were they buy him out and make him a free agent.
  13. For me that is such an outdated system and should only be allowed if it’s being used for state security ect.
  14. There’s some sort of protocol in the commons where you can’t call a liar a liar even if proven that they have lied, and even worse if they do stand up and tell a blatant lie in the house they have some form of immunity from any form of prosecution, and if true Boris has pushed the boundaries of right and wrong further than anyone else, but he’s not a liar
  15. I don’t think he will prove you wrong history is on your side, but we have to give him the opportunity and time to fit in and maybe some focused coaching from Benitez and we will see a decent player for not a lot of money. I think we will have to get used to bargain basement buys for a bit as we try to work within FFP rules.
  16. They might have done I’m still eating it either way.
  17. I quite like that, but let’s wait and see what Gray and Townsend have to offer if anything before we get entrenched in battles of their worth to the squad, personally I think Brands and Co aren’t sure what we are going to get very much a gamble how calculated we will have to wait and see.
  18. After his first few months here I had great expectations for him but it never materialised sadly, if when he goes I will be gutted. I love him as a person and he always showed his appreciation of the fans that they made him feel so welcome. If he does stay and I would have no problem with that maybe just maybe Benitez can drag more out of him.
  19. No, but I do like Cadbury’s milk chocolate and the bastards bought them out, is nothing sacred anymore
  20. You couldn’t pick a worse company in the world as a shining example of a good business, unless you are a hardened capitalist who puts profits be for lives. Please read ZME Science report on why Nestle is one of the the most hated companies in the world, it cannot bear to shock you unless you are a raving capitalist or arsehole, great example of companies with huge debt operate to keep shareholders happy and the company afloat. zmescience.com search for why is Nestle one of the most hated companies in the world.
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