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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. United imo are playing the best football in the league at the moment, fair play to Ole what a pressure of a job to have.
  2. Were still be paying the bigger percentage of Tosuns wages and they didn’t give us 5 million, like I say great business.
  3. But not if you’re the highest paid DoF in the league
  4. Daily Express said 5-6 not that it matters, if it was just paying is wages it’s a waist, we only let Tosun go out on loan based on we could get King great business.
  5. Don’t get that they both play upfront and are supposed to get goals, what has King done with his limited opportunities nothing, if he at least showed some effort he may have gotten more game time, by all accounts he hasn’t impressed in training, regardless of money even though Lingard has cost West Ham less who would you rather have in the team out of those 2. Now let’s not forget Brands is I believe the highest paid DoF in the league possibly Europe who knows even the world, he doesn’t go for Lingard he goes for King that riles me, if you’re suppose to be the best in your field and your wages endorse that then make better choices.
  6. You had to many bevvies with your dinner mate
  7. He chose West Ham over West Brom and Newcastle now I can understand that, they were the only other 2 clubs mentioned that made a move for him.
  8. So shall we presume we never made an offer for him or we did, but either way another Brands cock up spending 5 million on King.
  9. Do you know we did, I’m willing to bet you any amount of money you like we didn’t, I’d like to think if we made a move for him he would choose Everton and Ancelotti over West Ham and Moyes.
  10. We did pain at it’s still painful. West Ham paid 1.5 million, and his contribution is possibly going to make them tens of millions in Europe.
  11. Lingard 1.5 million till the end of the season King 5 million, Lingard classed as shite and not good enough for us by most, and King looked at by most as great business for only 5 million
  12. Lingard cracks another one against Leicester then taps one in to make it 2-0, West Ham have paid 1.5 million for his services till the end of the season, we paid 5 million for King somebody needs to hang their head in shame, and that person has his name on this thread.
  13. Well don’t buy it online, with your recent record of online clothing purchases you could end up with a dress.
  14. At close range to an advancing keeper you are more likely than not to score if you hit low and at him, you see it so many times the ball going through their legs very difficult to adjust and stop in those situations.
  15. Looking at the likes the clique are in action again although I do agree that this has been probably his best season performance wise in an Everton shirt, and should have gotten him a recall to the England squad.
  16. Well I’m watching the masters and not a chef insight, I haven’t really got into master chef this season. Although I am watching the great British menu.
  17. He was 14 months older than my father who was in the RAF in the WW11, my dad liked him because of his navel record in the war. Got me thinking when I heard he had died whether Megan will be at the funeral with Harry.
  18. Only remainers would understand that to be true.
  19. I agree he does look a lot leaning than 18 months ago, and that is undoubtedly due to the amount of games and the work he is being asked to get through in those games, but he’s still physically strong and able to bully people.
  20. Does anyone else think he’s been far to over used due to no real competition in the squad, I’m not going down the road of he’s tired as he is one of the fittest if not the fittest in the team, and would want to play every game. I think he’s gone off the boil through lack of genuine competition, he can afford to have back to back poor games and pretty much guarantee to play the next, he needs the competition to push him on. It worked wonders for Pickford.
  21. We can bat this back and forth a cross the net all week long and not agree that team orders should be obeyed, or that anarchy should prevail and the most stubborn get there way. But to answer your question those who should have been involved in that free kick where their trying to wrestle the ball off him, and Coleman the Captain who could have pulled rank and resolved it stood 20yrds away and completely bottled it, again just shows we lack any resemblance of a leader in the team. But we can carry on like the Chuckle brothers if you want, to you to me to you to me, and I’m not the dead one
  22. Yeah I’m Captain beaky and this is my band, and I’ll do what I want and fuck the rest of you useless cunts.
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