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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. Not doubting that but wouldn’t you think they would include being on the bench in that, very strange some of the rules.
  2. Yes hope he does well he deserves a club that will play him week in week out.
  3. I agree there was a great player in him, he came as a young man with ability just needed some decent coaching, but injuries and management changes conspired against him, a shame really that we never got to get the best out of him.
  4. I pretty much agree with most of that and the way the contract has been set out it can’t be a long term fuck up so I’m happy with that, is he better than Cenk of course Cenk was out of his depth in this league, is he good enough to move us to the next level no I don’t see him as top 4 material, I believe he’s here as a stop gap till we can get our targets next summer, and as I said in another thread sometimes Knee jerk signings can pay off. So step your game up DCL because we have another player coming in who likes to play centrally and get in around the 6 yard box were he scores most of his goals from, and from what most are saying he might and just might have the better knowledge than you at playing that role, because no one seems to be doubting his ability well almost no one.
  5. That’s fair enough, but sometimes you can’t always believe what you here being a person who likes politics you would understand that more than anyone, otherwise Boris would be the best leader in the world and you would be voting Conservative. Sometimes you have to say the right things just to make everyone happy, and trust me there’s nothing wrong with that approach to life especially if you want to make someone feel welcome and avoid any doubts as to your actions, but for me the actions of him arriving here speak louder than words. He was pretty much going to Fulham deal agreed in principle then at the last minute we jump in offer him something better in the terms of football and money and as by magic he’s here, that doesn’t sound like a serious interest in a player for sometime, that looks like we are letting a lot of players go and we need to get the next available player in quickly and he was available, and let’s be fair sometimes these knee jerk acquisitions pay off, although it definitely didn’t with Delph.
  6. Your right why wouldn’t we, but I don’t see him as the player you just pictured, and by the apparent lack of interest in him from the rest of the league since Bournemouth were relegated you wouldn’t be surprised if many others felt the same way. Do we need another Jack of all trades master of none. Only time will tell, but the way we have acquired him and the contract he has been given tells me he’s not a serious contender he’s a make do just in case till the end of the season, and definitely not a Richarlison or Zaha I can see people paying 60mil for them but not him.
  7. I never heard that let’s hope he’s better than Callum Wilson and has the same impact for us a Wilson has had for Newcastle, but can’t help feeling if it’s true and we were looking at him in the summer we were looking at the wrong one.
  8. I agree with that sentiment and that’s how it should be, but the reality is very different. I’m still curious as to how he will fit into the team, who is going to make way for him or is he a second choice player in which case we may hardly see him. I really don’t see this as a we really wanted him and have been following him for sometime, I see this as a oh fuck we need someone who’s available, a bit like how Delph and Iwobi arrived, the loan deal has very much taken the long term gamble out of it for sure which is a plus.
  9. Unfortunately it is Bailey as you get older the secret is no your limits but don’t limit yourself that much that you don’t push yourself slightly. I did my hammy about 18 months ago power walking which took me ages to recover from, walking about 5-6K every morning as quick as I can before breakfast is my thing, then an hour in the Gym with my trainer 3 times a week doing 40 minutes weights and 20 minutes cardio keeps me toned. This lockdown is really messing with my routine and playing with my head.
  10. There’s some crazy things written on here, and trust me I don’t take myself out of that role, but there definitely getting crazier with best attack in football, in all fairness Bailey you probably wouldn’t get away with best attack in Liverpool
  11. I do but I’ve come to the conclusion that leaving the EU as put a bigger wedge between the Union with only Wales not trying to make gains out of the English for the result, the Irish want a United Ireland the Scots want independence. The finances don’t work for a Union anymore leaving the EU has cost the United Kingdom billions in trade and billions in penalties, the only country in the alliance to suffer the financial costs will be England, we propped up Scotland in excess of 15 billion more than there GDP I’m sure NI and Wales will have the same poor figures, when it comes to cutting the budget I bet they will receive the same funding and it will be the English who make the sacrifices. I for one am sick of the disparity between Scottish citizens and us and the last count in excess of £1,200.00 per head. Let’s be honest things have dramatically changed for us in Europe and the Union, look at what the EU tried to do 27 days after the Brexit deal ride all over it for their own gains. I distrust the Scottish and N.I they would shaft the English given the opportunity, sorry mate but time to look after ourselves on this one, and yes that’s from a hardened remainer.
  12. I’m curious as to how we will play him has he come as cover for DCL or to take his place, or play left or right of DCL, or are we going to change the formation with 2 up front. I have a feeling he’s going to go up top in a 443 DCL isn’t hitting the highs of earlier in the season and could be about to pay the price for his lack of goals in the last 6 or so games.
  13. Why shouldn’t we as English have a say if we want a United Kingdom or if we want Scotland in the Union. I’m sick of the Scottish Nationalists their quest for independence will carry on costing us more money and time until they get what they want, the majority of Scott’s dislike the English even when they had the referendum SNP only narrowly lost because a big percentage who voted remain only did so through financial fears, not because they believe in the Union or wouldn’t prefer an independent Scotland. An independent England makes more sense to me than a United Kingdom, and I want a right to have my vote on the Union why should it just be the other nations who get the opportunity to have their say.
  14. With the wages we pay mediocre players I’m not surprised.
  15. Fuck me he couldn’t of gotten any worse, he’s playing in a league somewhere between division one and the championship. It will be interesting to see how much game time he gets with Poch in charge, not a lot is my guess.
  16. Wagner raved over him he was an ever present in the team, like Lookman Kenny was desperate to stay, but we wanted them back.
  17. I maybe wrong but didn’t Shalke want to keep Kenny but we wanted him back, possibly because they were unable to buy and wanted to extend his loan contract for another year.
  18. Pete I’d be over the moon for Scotland to get there independence EU or not, what worries me is that given another vote for independence they my lose again, what should happen is the rest of the UK get to vote on whether we want them in the Union or not that way they will definitely be out.
  19. Doucoure and Allan have ability with their energy something Gona never had and never will.
  20. You are obviously a very young person Zoo but I remember Vietnam and more recently Yugoslavia, where thousands died in the quest of political beliefs or independence, I would rather division was done with discussion and at the ballot box than by the gun as we have seen on the African continent in the last few decades or the Middle East.
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