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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. Like I say it is a dilemma especially with injuries and squad that lacks real depth in all area’s.
  2. That’s always been our problem in recent years not being able to beat the teams below us on anything like a regular basis. We’ve even witnessed it this season.
  3. Pete rein it in mate that’s bullshit mate you know and most do on here that Haf doesn’t want those you mentioned over DCL, you can go trawling through posts of 18 months ago or longer when players and the team weren’t performing and people were banding names around as alternatives and suggestions that may help us get out of the shit that’s what we do. Sometimes less said is better and that goes for me and everyone, and particularly the mods on some occasions. And no offence to anyone just my thoughts on the situation and hoping to avert another full blown shit storm that just turns into personal attacks and nothing to do with debating.
  4. It’s a dilemma for the manager but I have a feeling that if he needs to rest players he will do so in the cup game, Ancelotti is looking to finish in the top four this season you can sense he believes it’s on, so for that reason it will be his best XI available for all league games, and I strongly believe you can manage tiredness in between games.
  5. Your aloud to move before a pen left or right before it’s touched, now that’s a school boy error shouldn’t you know the laws before you make a judgment.
  6. Can’t sleep mate you’re posting earlier and earlier, soon it won’t be worth going to bed. Your right he is a marmite player I like marmite so focus on his tastier work, I do recognise his weaknesses but his good stuff out weighs his bad, but he does have the odd game when it doesn’t and then Carlo’s axe falls and he pays the price.
  7. Finding it difficult to get my head round that, I think I’ll wait to have it confirmed by the club before I believe it.
  8. That’s the extent some people are prepared to scrape the barrel, when I read it I just thought that doesn’t even deserve a response.
  9. Can we go with 3 out of 4 please I don’t want to ruin a good day
  10. Thanks to a lot of his point saving stops, let’s not just look at negatives we need to be balanced remember the many positives as well, where would we be without the 6 plus points he saved us, nowhere near 2nd that’s for sure.
  11. Thing people forget is he was never brought here as a long term project, Moshiri brought him in to keep us up whether you or me thought that was needed is immaterial we didn’t get a choice, Moshiri wanted to give him a 6 month contract he wouldn’t accept that and they settled on 18 months, he did what he was paid to do taking us from 15th to 8th and promptly sacked with the nice payday he negotiated. He had signed his contract before the West Ham game and was watching in the stands with Moshiri and Kenwright, whether that had any influence on the game or not no one will ever truly no. I feel your anger should be with Moshiri for him being here he never approached them they approached him.
  12. It’s the games you expect to win that have a habit of derailing a good run, if the focus isn’t right this will be harder than any of the last 3.
  13. I think a lot of his hard work is being overlooked because we have taken it for granted, and others who play better than usual but no better than him standout and get the votes. I wouldn’t want to lose him for another period of games the last one proved how much we need him.
  14. That is classed as different households over here and depending on what Tier you are in they can’t mix.
  15. I’m not sure I think Carlo is a manager who takes a lot of stock in experience, and may question that against Keane and Mina at this point in time.
  16. He’s turning into the finished article and when he does get there which won’t be too far away he will be unstoppable. Interesting thought crossed my mind DCL or Lukaku who would you want out of the two of them open question to everyone. DCL for me and I wouldn’t have said that a year ago.
  17. Ali not on the bench of 9 subs for Spurs does that indicate he’s off in January.
  18. Leicester just gone 2-0 up at Spurs makes our win against Leicester so much sweeter.
  19. He served his purpose and did what he was brought into to do, and he made massive money doing it, then what was the cost for Silva in his time here with the compensation to Watford and paying up his contract, in fairness probably money well spent when you consider he was the catalyst for getting Richarlison to sign, when he goes we will more than double what we paid for him.
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