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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. Definitely but we wouldn’t moan at Davies being there would we mate, even if Gomes was fit and Carlo put Davies on and Gomes on the bench I’d be okay with it.
  2. I already new you were a massive geek and I didn’t need stats to tell me that
  3. If Carlo makes changes for this game he will have good reasons for doing so, he’s not an idiot. Our last 2 games have been very tough on the players with the amount of hard work everyone who’s been involved have put in, there maybe some injuries or niggles and one or two might need a rest.
  4. Would it be fair to say that’s what you call a slight exaggeration
  5. When you look at what Olsen had to do it that game any keeper could have walked through that, the defence was outstanding they were restricted to two efforts on target, the header which was straight at the keeper and the shot from outside the area which was at him and he just had to fall on. Then there wasn’t much else to discuss on the keeper front really bar he was competent and we kept a clean sheet.
  6. I very much agree with him, stats are for geeks in my opinion or people who can’t make an opinion without some outside help to guide them to a view. What’s happening to peoples ability to watch a game and see through their own eyes and feel through their own emotions if what they have witnessed was good or bad, what gets me is football is about opinions on individuals or teams and we’ve witnessed it on here to try and win a argument some use stats as the be all and end all of a difference of opinion, yet can’t see that’s not there opinion it’s a company who are being paid mainly through advertising to count individual items on a game and on individual players, and there are loads of these organisations been driven by companies who want a forum on the internet to advertise through, and these sites must be popular because if they weren’t getting hit on they wouldn’t get the advertising revenues to carry on.
  7. I would disagree with your thoughts on Arteta he was at the top of his game when he left us, if anything we never got over his loss for sometime we just couldn’t get a decent replacement to do what he did for the team, and he became a bit of a hero at Arsenal the fans loved him and let’s be honest they were in a good position to know a good player when they saw one they had witnessed many for years before Arteta arrived.
  8. I agree he is out of his depth, and to think he was widely tipped to come here at certain points, as much as I loved him as a player we definitely dodged a bullet by not having him as a manager.
  9. I do like him but honestly don’t think he will ever be back here, more through his own choice, sorry for going off piste but you’re analogy could be said about Pickford he’s our player still here and people don’t want him to do well, and that makes no sense but I think we are all past having much sense on here if that makes sense
  10. I will have to sit down and have a good think about who knows more Ancelotti or Mark this may take sometime
  11. They weren’t like that against Southampton Arteta rung the changes in personnel and they played the ball on the floor very Wengeress, looks like he’s fighting for his job by changing his tactics which obviously weren’t working.
  12. Mediocre players from Spain Turkey and Italy won’t make it in the PL, Sandro Tosun and Kean are all good examples of this.
  13. I find it strange he can run faster in Paris than Liverpool the air must be cleaner and thinner
  14. It’s nick picking to the extreme, they won’t be happy till he’s made a mistake that leads to a goal so they can stake their claim that they were right all along. It’s like being accused of being a witch years ago they dunk you in the village pond for 15 minutes if you drowned they were right if you survived your innocent . What chance does he have not lost us a single point this season on the contrary he’s gained us 6,7 or 8 not bad for a shit keeper it’s a shame some of our MF and defenders weren’t that shit, we could have been top of the league still.
  15. Of course you would have a wall regardless of what the keeper does, if the can block it great then there’s no discussion, how do you feed about keepers who make a save on a shot that’s gone over the wall into the top corner, do you moan that they shouldn’t have made that save when it’s clear they gambled and left the post they were covering to get across, no of course you don’t.
  16. Good keepers don’t except that fair enough mentality they hate conceding in any circumstances, dead ball kicks around the area with the movement of the ball and the ability of the players are close to being like penalties, I don’t want a keeper who marks his “post” and when the ball goes over or under the wall goes fair play not my fault like water of a ducks back, I want a keeper who’s done his homework and tries to stop a goal no matter what side it’s on. And like I said earlier most good and world class keepers try to anticipate where the balls going just like it’s a penalty.
  17. What do you mean all keepers do, most keepers try to second guess where the player taking the free kick is going to place it, they watch hours of video footage of the players that take the free kicks for their teams, same as do with the penalty takers. Trust me every single keeper in the league as done the same thing more than once, it happens more now than it did years ago due to the skill of the dead ball takers and the movement of the ball, it wouldn’t be ridiculous to say that with the skill some players have they score just as many as they miss in those areas. I’ve seen plenty of saves where the balls gone over the wall and the keepers anticipated that and moved before the ball was kicked otherwise they wouldn’t have got to it, and I’ve seen hundreds of goals where the ball goes over the wall and the keeper hasn’t moved, I have the feeling with you because you dislike him he will be damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t.
  18. Agreed you shouldn’t show Arsenal to much respect they are masters at finding there way through the tightest defences with short intricate passes, take it to them without being to gun ho and test there back line, if we can get the an early goal who knows we might get a hat full.
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