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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. What a travesty for the lad gutted for him, he must be in a very dark place right now, how on earth do you keep his head in the right place after the bad run he’s had.
  2. Your right the world doesn’t revolve around those you mentioned, and journalists can be very tribal in there views and more often than not are a force for evil rather than good. But sometimes they can provide a very valid service and come together no matter what party they are batting for to be a powerful voice for the people against the establishment and it’s leaders, and this is a prime example of the media from all political persuasions coming together to bring to the attention of the country a wrong that deserves to be brought into the open and be debated, with no political grievances just purely right and wrong, and pretty much all sides have agreed he was guilty of breaking the rules and should resign or be sacked, bar his paymaster the PM for his own selfish and inadequate reasons.
  3. The thing is Mike he was caught out visiting beauty spots and came up with this lame excuse that he was checking if he was safe to drive, but when he got to the castle area he felt sick and had to get out the car and walk to a bench and sit there with his wife a child for 15 minutes that’s why he was seen there, and then on the drive back his son conveniently wanted to go for a wee by another beauty spot that’s why they were seen walking in the woods, if anyone believes that they need to check themselves in for psychiatric help.
  4. If you believe his story in its entirety then you could possibly say it was wrong in hindsight but forgivable under the circumstances. I believe what you have said about your own personal circumstances, and wouldn’t consider condemning you if you had to take the decisions you stated. But I do not believe a lot of his accounts on why and what he did, for me he has made up a tissue of lies to try and justify why he was seen doing what he shouldn’t have been doing, give him an hour with kier Starmer and the truth will soon come out.
  5. What’s been happening in your area mate, we haven’t heard from you for a while Rubes, are you keeping well. Try to keep in touch more mate that way we know you’re safe.
  6. I don’t think we are in condemnation of his actions because of his political persuasion, I’d like to think we would condemn anyone from any party for the same thing. He breached the lockdown guidelines and he should be setting an example, after all he was involved in putting the rules together.
  7. Does anyone really believe he went on a test drive to see if he was fit to drive with his wife and child in the car, the press found out from members of the public that he had been seen out that day at beauty spots, the Castle area and the woods so he has made up not very convincing stories as to why he was at these places. Please Cummings don’t try and Bullshit a country full of Bullshitters.
  8. He’s broke the rules that he helped make, for that a lone he should resign or be sacked, he broke them in that 2 week period at least 3 or 4 times. Why should he be able to get away with that.
  9. We will have to give him CL footy if we want to keep him long term, he also has ambition.
  10. There use to be a code of conduct amongst these people, that if they got caught doing something wrong they held their hands up apologised and resigned, I kind of had respect for that, but know they just tell one lie after another to try and twist the truth to suit, no wonder people don’t trust MPs and there advisors theres not many honest one amongst them. Sadly for the Tories Johnson sacked the only credible MPs the Tories had, to reinforce that if you are decent and honest then there’s no place for you in the Tory party. Apologies if this is to political for this thread but were else can I put it.
  11. That’s sounds like they had all the gear with no idea, shocking stats thanks Mike.
  12. Fantastic mate it’s a work of Art, very impressed with your kids shake their hands for me please mate.
  13. The Transport secretary on the Andrew Marr show this morning whose name escapes me at the moment, well how embarrassingly cringing was that stuck there to defend the in defendable, what a car crash that was, whilst Johnson hides from the criticism.
  14. No mate if you did how did he perform, lesser opposition than last week.
  15. Watched the FA cup game Palace v Utd he made a double save to rival Banks against Pele, imo better but that’s just my opinion before I get slaughtered.
  16. We’ve had some world class English talent play for us over the decades, how dare anyone say we are not a big club.
  17. Gazza great shout he may not of been at his best when he played for us but he did, and he was one of kind at his best for club and country.
  18. I have sent her an email let’s see if I get a response
  19. You know what I’m going to suggest to Denise that the first year should be given to the NHS, as a tribute to the all the NHS staff and carers in Liverpool and surrounding area’s. That’s the sort of gesture that would be fitting for Everton.
  20. Not surprised there the sort of actions I would expect from a Tory spin doctor, but what is more shocking is Johnson’s backing of his actions, to strengthen the view of one law for the Tory elite and another for everyone else. There just a bunch of cunts.
  21. Looks like we are losing the Angry birds logo on the sleeve, all I can think is thank fuck for that I personally hated it.
  22. Shouldn’t that be we are all fucking stupid
  23. I agree it is hard, politics is entwined in so many aspects of our lives, that makes it hard to separate them from each other. I do agree that we should try to rein in the way we express our views, and I’m very much guilty of not practicing what I preach.
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