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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. I’ve got past the fact we’ve left the EU, but I will admit it leaves a bitter taste. My post was aimed solely at people who’s main objective was to vote Brexit just to stop any foreigners entering this country, the article posted by Matt is evidence that that was never going to happen it’s got worse, and everyone of those people who were allowed to enter this country from Asia, Africa, North and South America, Australasia, and some of Europe, could have been stopped at the borders and turned away, but they haven’t because Johnsons lies prayed on the prejudices of people who didn’t want foreigners in this country, and they fell for it. All that’s happened is we have traded EU workers for people from all over the world, and we will get nothing back in return.
  2. There are more people from China and India in this country that shouldn’t be here, working underground who got into this country under fictitious student visas then disappeared, than those who are here legitimately. Show me the evidence that attributes the majority of London crime down to the Eastern European’s, your think that was a walk in the park when you start to feel what’s coming our way with the nationalities we are letting in, it’s not organised crime it’s gangs roaming our streets making no go area’s for our children, there are Somalians were I live who terrorising and stabbing people, because it’s part of who they are.
  3. Ok completely understand, when the GE is or if open again maybe they could possibly be moved.
  4. And isn’t it nice to see that you can still have morals and decency and be a lefty or labour supporter, which has we have seen in the last 6-8 months that is something righties or conservatives find difficult to aspire to. Or am I being to harsh?
  5. I said Starmer would get the better of Johnson he’s far too intelligent for Boris, there’s more than one way to skin a cat and Starmers seems to be working quite well.
  6. I said year’s ago our immigration will increase from countries in South America and Africa, my point then was for all those who’s only reason for voting Brexit was because they wanted control of their borders and who was coming in it would be worse with less control if you voted Brexit. Firstly the people who are coming in now a lot are from countries that are lawless compared to ours and there beliefs morals and standards of what is right and wrong for that reason aren’t as high, the migrant workers who were coming from the EU mostly had the same laws and standards as us and could be checked out with the countries they came from. What a sorry state Brexiteers have got this country into, because of there narrow minded and short sightedness spurred on by pure racism. Well Boris lied to you prayed on your prejudices and you fell for it, your borders are more open than ever with less knowledge and control of who comes in, well great work Brexiteers you must be proud of yourselves, personally I think you’re beyond all normal and reasonable help but you all know that anyway.
  7. And me yesterday, I may email her back thanking her and asking if there’s any further news on my season ticket, this will be the third year coming up that I’ve heard nothing. I’m beginning to feel unloved and forgotten about
  8. Thing is Paul ever since I worked in this industry there are 3 trades that are stupid and take pleasure in acting like animals, they are scaffolders groundworkers and bricklayers, obviously there not all like that and I apologise to anyone on here who is responsible, but the vast majority of those 3 trades are dickheads who think there hard as fuck so they can do what they want, with a what you going to do about it attitude.
  9. Pretty much the same for us on new housing projects for the national house builders, zero tolerance implementation with Covid management on most sites making sure people adhere to the risk assessments. My lads are on price so just need to have a bit of time to adjust to how things are going to be for the foreseeable future, the big money isn’t going to be around for a while, but they should be able to earn a decent enough wedge to live on taking there time and doing things safely, and if they don’t your right there be gone with no where else to go unless they get lucky, and that decision will be out of my hands.
  10. Being bored I started thinking about the players I’d seen who also played for England, and come up with what I consider my best team. You also need to try to put them in the positions they played. West Stevens. Watson. Labone. Baines. Steven. Reid. Ball. Harvey. Latchford. Rooney.
  11. Spot on mate, it’s a great feeling and the football will get there soon.
  12. Still it’s sad that those who can ride out a broken economy would heap more pain on those who cannot.
  13. We should rename Brexit as Broken, because with the Covid and the governments in ability to see that there should be an extension in the negotiations, the prospect of a no deal looming and combined with the Covid, loses to the ordinary family could spell disaster for many financially.
  14. Happy birthday mate, I don’t think you will forget what you were doing this year.
  15. Great banner, is that a pub I’ve nearly forgotten what they are like
  16. Good to hear he’s committed, now let’s see him get back to what he was like last season, because he’s been very disappointing this season imo.
  17. For me it’s very much a bittersweet time, I will miss the Old Lady more than I’d miss my own old lady, but don’t tell I’ve got to much riding on it
  18. That’s so justifiable, I’d be out there booing them.
  19. I remember reading that story in the News of the World, the headline being Tiny Tim spotted running naked through the streets of Bradford
  20. Just joking mate, I agree hand it to them and cut the crap it’s not important enough to warrant the potential risks associated with a return at this time.
  21. Done Matt, and if you would have put stop Liverpool winning the title you would have had millions by now
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