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Everything posted by Palfy

  1. I don’t agree with that, are you saying that 2 million more migrants are using our hospitals this year than used them in 2010 that’s why we’ve had a 25% increase in its demand, because that’s the only reason he can give for the extra demand and poor service, blame the foreigners.
  2. He’s blaming the problem of the NHS on immigration by insinuating that 25% rise or 1.6-2 million more people using the services is a direct result of our open borders with the EU, the people who come here from the EU work and contribute to the system in Taxes and NI contributions, the NHS is in trouble because of the years of underfunding by this Tory government in the name of austerity. But the far right want to blame all our woes on our open borders with the EU.
  3. So in your opinion get rid of the foreigners and close the borders, and all the problems of the NHS will be solved. That’s the far right facist solution, which could and should be classed as a form of racism.
  4. I don’t think we should do anything big in this transfer window particularly in the midfield , we are relatively safe so let’s get our injured players back and see what we need in the summer in that area. If a world class striker becomes available or top class CB then go for them, but otherwise I would stick till the summer.
  5. Depends on what you want from a manager, someone who has a system which has made him one of the most successful managers in the world, and he’s going to stick to it, or someone who is going to change what made him successful because he’s inherited a bunch of players who may not be good enough to play his way. For me he needs to play these players his way so he knows who can cope and who can’t, that way he will know what he needs to bring in and what he needs to get rid of.
  6. I was very disappointed with his performance today I really thought with out Richarlison in the team he would have stepped it up and stood out as our best player, but he did the opposite and went completely missing.
  7. I will never understand what the thinking was behind his signing, Silva and Brands fucked up spectacularly bringing him here.
  8. Rather than use Delph he would have been better off playing someone from the under 13s, ok slight exaggeration under 15s
  9. That’s the way Ancelotti plays the game, and he hasn’t come here to change his style of play he’s come here to change the team’s style of play to his way. I think we will have to see a lot more of this as he makes the adjustments, and the players will either come good or be replaced.
  10. I own a Villa in Spain and go there regularly, and in the next year or two plan to spend longer stays, I would definitely sign up if given the opportunity to be a associate member of the EU and join the block.
  11. I don’t think anyone out there wasn’t guilty of making mistakes, but I wouldn’t argue with your reasoning.
  12. Went with Pickford made 1 world class save and a couple of really good saves to keep us in the game.
  13. Looks like Niasse is coming on not for Kean I hope
  14. This is terrible I’ve seen more ability on the parks.
  15. I’m surprised WH haven’t come out and pressed us more.
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