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Posts posted by Shy_Talk

  1. Work hard, enjoy the game, play to our strengths, and isolate the slower defenders they have, pull a yellow card or two out of them, keep an eye on Cabaye as he has a bit of quality when his mind takes him, besides that, run them to death in the middle then sub a few on to do the same.


    I associate the high tempo pressing game with the Rocky Marciano style of boxing, knock seven bells out of them with workrate in the opening half then when tired they cant defend as well/quick and go for the KO. Relentless.


    Avoid cheap freekicks that let them threaten.

  2. I believe he was offered and signed a contract extension a couple of weeks ago, I wonder if the hold up on this move is because of wrangling over money re: that.


    There's more than a week of January to go, we've been big movers so far, and I still believe the majority of deals will happen in the last 24 hours. Clubs agents and players are being coy looking to extract as much money from whoever for their own interests, there'll be desperation moves by the relegation fighters yet...

  3. Yet another coifed haircut in a suit at palace talking garbage a la the last ten or so spivs that have been the face of ownership at that cesshole.


    I hope we volley these all over the show today, as a thanks for that moment allowing arsenal to sneak fourth from us in "our greatest season ever, ever" (meh!)


    This bunch are in trouble, hope we don't fold like we did that sunderland game to help them out of a relegation jaunt.

  4. You come up with the goods or your place is under pressure.


    That's the attitude for the 11 on the pitch, it's the attitude towards those in the office doing the business to secure that 11 on the pitch.


    Hats off for securing deals taking players not being played off to places they'll get games too.

  5. Consider:


    -Barkley being the only young legs in the midfield, not only does he have to make his own space, but then has to use it.


    -Barkley being in a pack of capable legs in midfield suddenly he's not the only player the oppo have to mark and close down early.


    Having willing runners around him has bought him that extra second to receive a pass and then more options to ping it off too if he doesnt fancy carrying it forward himself. Losing Bolasie has meant a change in style to our play, we were looking to get the ball to him quickly when he played, we appear a little more considered with possession since and has forced Koeman's hand, fill the midfield with pressing players marshalled by Barry and grind the oppo into dust. It's as though we are making games as much a test of stamina as well as composure (with and without the ball).


    Barry, Schneiderlin, Gueye, Barkley, Davies, for that area of midfield that will win or lose us games (by holding or being over run in the centre circle.)

  6. Bolasie and Mirallas are very different type of players. Mirallas is by far the better footballer, is more controlled on the ball, is a better finisher and can play in different positions. Bolasie is odd for a winger, he big boned and strong, he's quicker than Mirallas and much more unpredictable and also works much harder.


    Bolasie never goes missing either, he always shows for the ball no matter what type of game he'shaving, Mirallas can go missing at times.


    I seea place for both of them on our wings. One side skillful, direct and scores goals, the other lighting quick (hopefully after the injury) direct, never stops running and unpredictable.


    Put Ross in a deeper roll with those 2 either side of Lukaku with Gana and Schneiderlin in front of the defence


    Nearly there for me, though you missed out that Bolasie wins his headers, theres an obvious question mark over kevs attitude and application, a lot boils down to that penalty miss (team orders, but thats a different story).


    We'll see a different side to players once the shackles of the nightmare we've dumped are forgotten and the new style is primary in their minds as well as the rest of the side is settled and comfortable. Expecting consistency from creative players is a far ask in a side so inconsistent as a whole.


    If Koeman fancies keeping three at the back and utilising Baines and Colemanfor the flanks, they need covering players in front or they cant get forward to work so easily. It also raises a question about how to play Rom and who plays off him or supplies him. I don't think the Belfodil deal is dead just yet.

  7. Post hoc ergo proptor hoc.


    Are you seriously saying that the reason for our poor form against Bournemouth, Palace, Burnley, Chelsea, Swansea, Southampton was down to Yannick Bolasie playing for us?


    Have you seen the dross that:

    Lennon (tries hard, runs allot but no end product),

    Mirallas (one great game in 10 the rest have us wishing he had left 2 years ago)

    or Jerry (One good game then dons the cloak of invisibility for 3 matches before getting injured)

    Have served up for us?


    At least Bolasie can cross and beat his man.




    Yea, err, anyway!


    Had to chip in on the rest, Bolasie showed up in games where we were being over ran, that he featured so much was not a case of a matter of him being so poor but that at the time the rest of the side were so bad he was simply involved that much more for fans to focus upon and the current ire in the bowels of blues has to go somewhere....


    It'd be great to see Bolasie in a midfield of maniacal rate pressing with legs on the bench to sub on with 30 to go to turn the oppo into dust, sadly, being a big lad and a speedster, i'll be amazed if medical science can bring him back to the physical standard he was at.


    (PS. I like Lennon cos he works back, and if the luxury player is a winger like Deulofeu that has difficulty tracking back then the other winger has to cover his (own) fullback so the midfield can try to plug the gap left for the counter(the gap being that of deulofeu))

  8. Options re versatility, the chance to rotate fresh legs on second half, to reinforce the high press, cover for yellow cards and bans, and a senior international brought in so the onus isn't on our latest 18 year old star every week with the crushing expectation that has allowed so many to criticise Barkley from minute 1 every game.

  9. Have a rewatch of the match, is it justme or did Barry have Davies on a string. By that I mean, was Davies Barry's faithful attack dog, he moved him around and hoovered up the afters, sent in the closing down cut off the angles and effectively turned possession over, I'm not 100% convinced on this yet, but specific to those two, is that how we bossed the midfield to efficiently, I have alluded to it elsewhere re: worker bees (maximum legs in midfield to carry a luxury or two) and then having fresh on the bench to run the oppo into the ground late on.


    Schneiderlin is in and has played. Davies is so far a revelation. Gueye has arguably been man of the season. We looked 'the balls' with McCarthy's energy in that single home league loss (first half when he was on). Without it ALL to do Barkley has started to come back to the player we know. Barry isn't close to mobile enough - is he the luxury? Because of the distribution and organisation he plants square in front of the defence.


    We are going to be some side, if I could transplant the Baines-Pienaar axis from say 5 seasons ago into this side, we'd be hell for leather, goin like the clappers, that touch of genius that pulls a good side into greatness. Gotta keep Lukaku.


    Schneiderlin in for 22 million big uns. It's done that.


    We'll roll palace over, you watch.

  10. Here's my point, Pad. To create sustainable fire, you need three things: oxygen, combustible material, and a spark. You can have the most combustible material under the sun but it's of no use without that spark - and the fire won't continue without the oxygen. We have many talented players, but they achieved little in the first half of the season. Despite their abilities, they could barely string together two passes and their motivation seemed in question. On the sidelines were young players just waiting for the opportunity to prove themselves and replace established players. Sitting on the bench, they must have been hyperactive and on tenterhooks waiting for their names to be called - but little happened. What's happened this year? They've been given that chance! The field now has its sparks, and we have a fire! Even ice-cool Koeman is now on fire.


    I'm not suggesting our young players are all MoTMs. I'm not suggesting they are the most talented or even making the most difference technically on the pitch. But, crucially, they've brought the spark to light the fire. Success is the oxygen that will keep it burning, so let's see some consistent strategy and tactics from the manager to turn that fire into an inferno.


    Actually, the triangle of fire denotes oxygen, fuel (combustible material as you mention) and heat. Not necessarily a spark. Now, just for you and no one else....




  11. #Progress.


    Having been critical earlier in the season with stangant football and poor displays called out, I think today was the first time we have seen two halves joined up of quality stuff.


    Loving the youth thrown in for a chance to impress, loving the sideline significance (the Otamendi incident), smart subs today, and the squad has taken a step forward towards being his. Probable player of the season at Afcon, star summer signing out long term, we're a great GK and a plan B forward/striker away from having options and backups allover.


    A lot of the intermediate stuff in the squad has been addressed, more will be shifted on in June.


    The side showed they cared today, that they weren't happy with losing to Leicester, we got a response and a side took a stuffing.


    Now to see us turn up both halves against a bottom half side.

  12. Flat cap & glasses, usually at the wheel of a Toyota or a Volvo.


    A menace, much more deadly than crack and are pussy footed around like the queen of sheba.


    When you aren't fit to drive, call it a day before you kill someone, you may not have many years left to wear it but the family of the deceased might.

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