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Posts posted by Sev

  1. Of course you're loyal fans. I mean, you'd have to be with all the crap you read here on the TT forums :rolleyes:

    I still think a stable and moderate progression is the way to go for our club instead of one year being in top 7 only for the next year fighting for survival. Seen enough of that, to be honest.

    Things look good or at least better for the future; not being involved with Moshiri or 777 Farters is indeed something to be happy about. New stadium, new prospects, new horizons and all that bollocks and hopefully better and more stable positions in the league. That would, I think, automatically attract supporters.

  2. 3 hours ago, RuffRob said:

    As a Everton fan in his 50's I can't say I like 'Chelsea or Man City either, but what is very noticible is that there are plenty that do - Nowerdays in North Wales and when travelling further afeild I see lots and lots of youngsters who wear Chelsea and Man City football shirts. When I grew up it was only Liverpool, Everton or Man U.

    Like I said, its the sad reality of modern day football - Money. A club has to either extract more money out of the current fan base, or appeal to a much bigger fan base and begin to extract revenue out of them. 

    If we want to see a winning/competing Everton side again, then I am not sure how you do that without going down this type of road. As a club we need to become relavent again to those beyond our current loyal fan base. 


    It's player names and heavily sponsored European tournaments that attracts the modern younger boy/girl or man/woman. We're mostly older farts here and were brought up in another way and time. I can't help but wonder how faihful the modern/younger fan is to a club when things wrong these days.

    If you want a broader and wider fan base you have to compromise with certain things. And spend money, a lot of it. I'm of course aware of that.

    The problem, however, could be that it's just a short term of success. And what is a short term in modern football anyway, you could ask. 2 years? 3 years? 5 years? I prefer more secure long term solutions rather than the whatever-is-hype thing. Yes, I'm a dinosaur ... but I think the keywords are stability and progression; not too fast and not too slow.

    Oh, and next time you see a snotty kid in a Chelsea or Man. City shirt, you know what you have to do :violent:

  3. 2 hours ago, RuffRob said:

    The sad reality is that two of the clubs with the fullest trophy room over the past 20 years or so are Chelsea and Man City. Liverpool, Arsenal and even to a degree Man Utd (in last 10 years at least) look that their success with evny.  

    Prior to the 'money' coming in to these clubs, there would be little arguement that Everton FC was by far the bigger club of the three.

    The limitation of Goodison Park has held us back in being turned in to a behemoth of global football - that will all change in less than a season time now.  

    It plain to see this is having a significant impact on the parties that are now showing an interest in buying us. The closer we get to the stadium being finished and us still being a Premiership club then the 'risk' in buying Everton rapidly diminishes.

    What money can do it give you the leg up that is needed to be able to get you dine at the top table. Look at the revenues that Man City and Chelsea are both able to now self generate all based on success that was initially bought.  

    Is it selling your morals or simply the harsh reaility of what is needed to build the next generation of both a local and global fan base? becasue it is this 21st century fanbase that help drive the revenues needed to be a club at or around the top of the tree.

    We need to become the next premier league club that it becomes 'fashionable' to support. Once you get a supporter its generally for life!!! Man City being the massive global club it now is has been 15years in the making with a fuck load of money thrown at it. 

    On the back of a new stadium complex, if Man City can do it from being the second team in a city, then there is no reason Everton couldn't do it, especially if Man City's upcoming hearing does help relax some of the current overly strict financial rules.



    I'm sorry, but I really don't like Chelsea or Man. City and how they are and have been run. If it's just about being the next Justin fucking Bieber then it's pointless to me, at least.

    It should be about football and club spirit. Money is boring but sadly needed. I really don't want to see we "sell" ourselves out to whatever is hype.

  4. And that poll is because of a documentry on ARD that can actually be seen today in their Media-Thek.

    Perhaps try to read this article to get a better understanding of it all. It's in german, but can easily be translated: https://www.swr.de/swrkultur/leben-und-gesellschaft/harald-welzer-ueber-ard-umfrage-zu-rassismus-im-fussball-100.html

    There's no doubt that the timing for this documentry and the poll (just before Euro 2024) is problematic.

  5. 2 hours ago, Matt said:

    I did find out that the Germans find our obsession with the rivalry rather amusing. They see the Dutch as their old enemies apparently, England is just another country to them in football terms.

    That is absolutely correct, Matt. I speak with germans every day ... and drink their beer :beer:

  6. 13 hours ago, Btay said:

    Another season like the last one he will have better options than United & we will get an even better fee for him. Win win for both sides. Plus he has every chance to force his way in to the England starting team with us. Best result over the summer is he gets selected for England & performs well.

    When the fuck was Man. Utd. ever an option :P

    Hope to keep him for years.

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