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Posts posted by Sev

  1. 1 point out with 10 men. Add some exiting play (compared with the shit we saw in many games last season) and I think we can look forward to a better season this year in many perspectives.

    Big question is how we'll do against the "large teams". If Silva believes in the players then I think it looks pretty good.

  2. For the (lost counting)th. time. Gana was already a problem last season. I fail to see how some of you great guys didn't see that. And it has been quite clear this season that whomever you put next to Gana plays worse.

    Now, you can ask yourself why, but that has been pointed out here numerous times by pete0, Palfy and me.

    Even my damn brother saw that last season. I remember him saying something like "You're lucky to have Davies to clean up the mess Gana makes".

    Gana is a luxery player you may want to use when the team has a high confidence. Personally I would have sold him in the last transfer window.

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