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Everything posted by jamiemaher85

  1. Not had any problems yet. Had it for 3 years now and it still has not succumed to the deadly ring of death. Just hope I don't jinx it now though! Mine is very noisy though, however I have found out now about loading games onto the hard-drive. I did it with Fifa 10 and now my console runs silently as it doesn't need to use the disc drive to run the game. Apparently this helps the console from breaking as well.
  2. I have been pleased with Johnny so far. He carries the ball well, always wants to get the ball moving forward. The problem is that he is being mved arond the team all the time. I dont think he has consecutivly played in the same position yet. Being swapped around from CB to RB to DM, it's hardly going to be easy to cement yourself is it? However he has still showed his class in parts. Can celarly make a pass, is composed on the ball, plus he is willing to help organise a defence and is vocal at the back, unlike "captain" yobo who never seems to put that sort of effort in.
  3. We need to watch out for Ramires. He looks brilliant. Young Brazilian play-maker. He could and probably will, rip us a new arsehole. I'm not confident about this game but still really looking forward to it. Games like this is what Europe is all about.
  4. I went for Johnny, I dont think anyone had a perfect game yesterday but I was really imressed with ow Johnny was really trying to get the crowd going and how he was trying to organise players. He was putting himself forwards as a leader when we didnt have anyone on the pitch really wanting to step it up.
  5. It's funny really, in a rather sad way. Amazing how they are simply trying to make a story out of nothing.
  6. Fantastic news. I simply cant wait for him to get back to action. This news has made my day.
  7. Just started watching season six of The Shield. Very very good.
  8. Website is reporting that he will be available now. Also, you predict 2-0, but yobo scoring an own goal? Is that an Atwell cracker missing it?
  9. This is a must win game after the por result against Stoke, and with a little bit of a rest hopefully we'll be a little sharper than last time, pls Yobo and Pienaar should be in contention. I'm going 3-1. Bily, Saha and Johnny. Ebanks-Blake for them. Howard Hibbert Heitinga Distin Baines Pienaar Felli Rodwell Bily Cahill Saha Plus Stewart Atwell is ref so we can expect a few odd decisions and possibly a phantom goal.
  10. I enjoyed "I'm On Setanta Sports" but thought that it got really tired by the end of the season. The puppets and impressiions where very good but I thought the quality of the writing was fairly low and it got very predictabl by the end of the year.
  11. I wasn't saying that Felli should be punished, but he is more culpable than Everton in the sitation. Everton have done everything asked of them and shold be the last ones to suffer from this stupid situation
  12. I take your point about Advocat wanting to gel the squad in the time that he has. The problem I have with the situation is that Everton have released the player for the internationals and have therefore fullfilled there obligation, that they are now punished doesn't seem right. If the Belgium FA feel so strongly they should fine Felli as this was his decision. Everton should not have to suffer because of this.
  13. He seemed genuine enough when he siad it. He said that at the moment people only ever seem to mention that moment when thye think of his career and that now he hoped they would think of him more than just some chap who scored a quick goal. Seemed a good enough reason.
  14. I did actually! He said he was glad as it meant that people would stop mentioning it each year!
  15. I met Roberto Di Matteo in town today. He was a really lovely bloke, had a good chat with him and he was more than obliging to talkfor awhile. Nice bloke
  16. he played centre back as per usuall and was still the countries captain
  17. His contract runs out the year after the World Cup so we still have time. He turned down the first offer but him and his agent stated that first contract offers are usually turned down and that they where eager to sort out a new deal. I think somethin will still be sorted out., there is still time
  18. Your right. Gerrard had his wisdom teeth removed, which had been causing him alot of pain, and then really started putting on performances. He was out for about 4 weeks after though! Back to Felli, the Belgian FA have every right to do this as it's in the rule book, but I think it's bang out of order. I believe that Belgium can nolonger qualify for the World Cup (which is a shame) which effecctivly renders this game pointless, it seems harsh to then make Felli miss his next game because he wants to get an operation done that he needs. Oh and Mike. Advocat had signed a contract with Belgium FA a few months ago to take them over after the Russian season finished as he was Zenit boss, but he was sacked from Zenit recently so he took over the Belgium sooner
  19. That's a pretty damn nifty piece of equipment. Good find Mike
  20. I think you are being overly critical of Smith here. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to see Smith here as we've moved on. But saying things like he wil move somewhere next season after his contract is "mutally terminated" is plain stupid. He's had a brilliant season for Newcastle so far and is realy doing well at that level. Why Newcastle would want to terminate his contract is well beyond me. I'm not saying we should sign him, but just becasue we're now probably too good for him its no reason to totally slate the player.
  21. No idea mate. Hopefully soon as the last one finished at a really annoying point and i just wanted it to continue. The new one will contain Portal 2 though, Portal 1 was amazing!
  22. I think we can say we have no depth. Only Distin is left footed out of all those players and from what I've seen of him im not convinced he can still play at right back. When you look through the squad you can clearly see that left back is the weak spot in terms of depth. Every other position has people who can play there fairly naturally, left back, well Neill, Neville, Distin and Yobo have been mentioned, none of them are left backs, only one of them has played at left back for any pro-longed period of time and that was at least 10 years ago. For me we have no natural depth at left back, it's all well and good saying we could expirment with someone there and try them out, on that logic last year we had depth up front when we only had Cahill and Felli available to us.
  23. In terms of depth. I love Baines (though he's had a slow start this year), but if he gets injured then we're fucked. It's the only position in the team where we have no depth what-so-ever
  24. Can't wait for Peep Show! Just love it so much. I've finally got my girlfriend watching it as well after 5 years! She's always dismissed it but I forced her to sit down and watch this series and she loves it.. as well she should! Never been a huge Benidorm fan though, it's ok just never found it that funny.
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