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Everything posted by Hafnia

  1. ah the old "I go the match and therefore see more shout". TV coverage is so good these days - the camera angles and camera man intelligence. If you go and "scout a player" then of course the ground is the best way of doing it as you watch them when they are miles away from the ball to see what they do. For me you don't need to be at the game to see a players runs. I see Rom making runs but as I have said they are like watching a relay runner - straight line, pointing ahead of him. I think the word I am looking for is "varied". I will however say this - he needs a strike partner. If he can't adapt his game according to our system then he needs a player to run off. Teams aren't going to have a high line against him and to be honest he doesn't have the top end speed to exploit that in the way we originally thought. I believe Kone could be the ideal partner for him but it may mean dropping Naismith.
  2. Naismith:- “He will make mistakes and he will maybe come on in games and be effective or he will come on and lose the ball. He needs to learn the times when he does go forward and do his bit and the times to keep it simple. That will come with experience.” This is it in a nutshell for me. Barkley because of his ability on the ball can sometimes over do it, he will learn when not to over do things. The ability is already there and enough to have a glittering career - as Gary Neville said - you just can't score the goal he scored without special talent and technique.
  3. He's been absolutely shite. Sorry but he has. Naismitg has played less games, is one goal behind and isn't striker. He does contribute far more though. Wins challenges, headers, links up play and gives us presence. But hey if you think 6 goals is great and not offering anything else is ok then that's up to you.
  4. Not that it matters but I was a season ticket holder when I earned a 5th of what I do now.
  5. Still getting a 3g signal in goodison? you'll have to let us know who your contract is with. I do love your match updates from within the ground........
  6. It's all very well running and pointing, 9 times out of 10 it's not even a viable ball! There is no checking or feigning, one speed straight ahead. Part of being a striker is to understand that. Why does naismith, eto and Kone not have the same issues in terms of getting the ball in a way that they know what to do with it. The problem is he can only deal with a ball in front of him. It's unbelievable. Martinez has tried him out wide in order to see if he can get a run on his marker, they sussed out that he has no control and Mark him tight. That's that. I will tell you what the problem is, he has no mobility. He can run after a few strides and go in a straight line, but unfortunately he hasn't got the change of direction to feign, go one way and check, he starts his gallop and points, it's about movement not straight line running. Hate to use him as an example but watch sturridge in this regard. Feign, check, turn, not just run in a line.
  7. Agreed, he's had enough starts now and it's time to let the other two have a crack. I like nais in the number 10 role, or could try ego there. Ross has so much more option in front of him from deep.
  8. If Mcgeady is shite then it's because he is playing shite. None of this broken toe, 21, world cup hangover, split up from girlfriend, robertos system. shite performances are because the player has played shite or is shite.
  9. I did see Rom headers or attempts, I especially thought his thumping header right at one of our defenders was special. I have no issues with criticism of a player if he doesn't put effort in. Regardless of who they are. Personally I seen more from Kone and eto in 10 minutes than I did from Rom all game. I would start those two.
  10. The thread is about sterling and barkley - as being potential superstars. Wright Phillips, Ashley Young and Lennon were brought in as a comparison too to give similarities to Sterling. Not sure why you bought McGeady in but for the sake of him getting another bashing I thought it would be relevant to put this "no end product" into persepctive. Again I will say it.... give him the full season, its his first in the prem.... Mirallas in his first year barely completed 90 minutes.
  11. If you don't live in a glass house then you should not have an opinion to what those who do decide to do with their stones... according to you.
  12. I'll remind you of price tag relevance when its the January window and we have no money.
  13. McGeady is a creative winger - you said he has no end product. For the purpose of illustrtation "chance creation" is end product - unless you want him to have shots from the by line or from 30 yards which is where he makes his plays from? The point being that if you want to normalise the data then you would take Mirallas free kicks out the stats for starters - so lets for the sake of the point stick with chances created in the PL - as it stands they are similar. I'm not saying that he is as good as mirallas - because he isn't. He just isn't as bad as what some of you are making him out to be. As I have said before- he is going to get better - that I am certain of.
  14. I will be honest here, you could partner Ronaldo with Coleman at the moment and Coleman would look a mess. He is absolutely all over the show. Taking the ball over the touchline for throw ins, over running it the lot.
  15. Hmm interesting how perception differs from reality. McGeady has 11 chances created in 11 games, 84% pass accuracy Mirallas has 10 chances created in 11 games - 87% pass accuracy One is highly rated for end product. one is highly criticised. If McGeady was a £20m+ touted player then by all means, bring him in to the mix.
  16. I found it funny, he knew he was due a card and was influencing the ref. Then when he told the player where to go after he refused apology was ace.
  17. Its not difficult to understand.... its based on your "TV watchers have no right to an opinion of how fans in the ground should conduct themselves" If your view is correct then its only the people who live in glass houses who should have an opinion on whether or not they should throw stones.
  18. Pienaar should be sold or released to go elsewhere, his legs and sharpness has gone. Lukaku needs to spend time on the bench watching how Naismith and Kone know how to actually give defenders something to think about "purposeful, intelligent running". His efforts last night were like watching a reprobate on community service picking litter up - done in a way of saying "i'm doing what i'm being asked but I really can't be bothered" Compare him to Naismith, Tim Cahill, Suarez - just no comparison, he is bone bloody idle. Regarding McGeady, I do think he is going to get better - but we paid practically nothing for him and could sell for £5m+.
  19. "You don't see another player like him because you don't get that balance of physicality and technical ability. He is a diamond - the perfect player for this league." Totally agree with that sentiment. There was a stage where he had two players on him and the ball was up for grabs, he just used his size and strength and came away with it.
  20. He reminded me of Pat Van Den Hauwe - purely from a mental side of things.
  21. To be honest I did see Eto do that and in fairness he had absolutely no intention of jumping. With him you wouldn't know if he though "I'm not making that i've got a chance of the second ball though" - players used to do that against Big Dunc. The problem I had with Rom is that he can't jump and his timing and positioning for the ball is woeful - he stands underneath it and jumps. Where is the run up and anticipation of where the ball will be at the optimum height??? Naismith is brilliant at this:- anticipate, run, jump, header it it. Ferguson was the best I have seen at it.
  22. Yeah a pretty good comparison indeed, his performances from 19 onwards earned him a £21m move to Chelsea and the rest is errrm history. These young little whippets look great till they get found out.
  23. No one seems to pick up how often mirallas over does it and loses the ball. Mcgeady is a squad player the way osman is, and yeah a couple of million is nothing. At times he has moments where he beats a man and sets up a goal, as a winger that's his job. He is getting that little quicker all the time. There's no comparison between Lukaku and Mcgeady. Let's compare lukaku to naismith, eto and kone. Al cost a fraction of Rom but have far more football abikityband contribute more to the play.
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