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Everything posted by Hafnia

  1. scenario:- Your son is a talented player. Both Everton and Liverpool want him in their academy. Liverpool has the better reputation, best coaches, and invariably turn out more talent. Who do you go with?
  2. I often drink with Dave Nugents dad, he is blue as they come as is his son. I asked him about what he wanted in Leicester game.... Draw. Don't underestimate the love fans have for the club, but the love for you children and their integrity/professionalism is bigger. He has his sons fa cup winners medal. Dave Nugent still wants to play for us and would do it for nothing. Let's be honest, if your lad plays for a team, you want them to do well.
  3. Begovic is an awesome keeper, Liverpool should have signed him not Mignolet. Goalkeepers are very much a lottery, there is so much that can change in a keepers development either way, unless you have £20m+ to spend on a neuer then you really need to play the numbers game. All i'm going to say about Robles is that there is no reason he can't be a top class keeper, he's an excellent size for a keeper, has good agility, reflexes. The rest is in his head.
  4. Best attribute a goalkeeper can have apart from reflexes is a personality akin to that of Nicklas Bentner. "wasn't my fault" "who are you shouting at" "you do your job properly, never mind me" All the best had this midset. Even the ones who made howlers like Grobbelaar.
  5. Fourthofficial is supposed to be an Everton fan?! He has loads of followers and tweeted the Vine of the howler. Sooner or later players are going to stop using social media - I know I would. It used to be a case of "don't buy newspapers" as it can destroy your confidence, now we are seeing low level games all over the place with lads learning their trade being totally battered by keyboard warriors.
  6. Just as an FYI Neville Southall never made as first team player till he was 25... at 24 he conceded 5 goals to Liverpool and was sent to Port Vale on loan... Already today I have seen Evertonians on twitter slating Stanek an 18 year old for a howler - just unbelievable. Goalkeeping is a very much psychological position and you need to let the mental strength allow the talent to shine through. There is no chance of that happening when you have idiots on social media destroying developing talents.
  7. could have given him Messi, Ronaldo whoever and he would still be plundering crosses into the box and bemoaning bad luck.
  8. someone who had the trust of the players and proven track record of being a coach for the most successful manager in history would surely be an asset to a manager - unless that new manager felt threatened by him and the relationship he had with the players... That is what I believe the case was.
  9. Really bad time to play a newly promoted team - their discilpline and fight was excellent. We just never had the luck Liverpool did.
  10. It did seem extremely strange at the time, he had a very good relationship with the players. It was a monumental moment which contributed to Moyes downfall IMO. Van Persie described him as "truly one of the best coaches in the world". He has been credited for turning Ronaldo from a show pony into a goal machine. He was replaced by Round, Neville and Lumsden...
  11. He really does look heavy legged, he stands underneath where the ball is falling and jumps late and not very high. Dunc needs to work on him. The problem we are seeing is what I stated before signing him, teams know how to counter him - stick tight to him, don't allow him to turn. He can create space and opportunities by making dummy runs, to allow Naismith space for example, Nais did this very well on saturday - peeling off and running between centre half and full back. whatever RM needs to do with Rom to get him going, he needs to do it quick. I'm giving the lad a chance, albit with a fair amount of trepidation after last year and the world cup.
  12. I think the thing for me with the performance on Saturday is that he was dropping deep - we already had Naismith operating there. What I wanted to see from Rom was more activity in his movement along the front line - extremely pedestrian and easily picked up by Wes Morgan and Moore all game.
  13. After watching Rom on saturday I actually think he will be a good signing - Rom needs a kick up the backside. A player who has more medals than Rom could imagine may give him that kick.
  14. Again, he is a touch footballer. could be a great signing.
  15. Muelenstreen getting his 5 minutes in.... Meulensteen blasted: “He says he asked me to stay but he didn’t say what he then said after that. He said, ‘well, I would like you to stay, I know how important you have been for the club and what you have done for the club, but I am going to do it all myself’. So, it was then, 'OK, what is the reason for me to stay'? “That has not been documented and that is why you get all these wrong, mixed messages about why I didn’t stay. “We had two massive meetings. Yes, there was an element he would like me to stay but, on the other hand, he said, ‘everything you did, I am going to do myself’. So, after being there for five years with Alex Ferguson, being an integral part in training, planning, executing and the whole lot, suddenly you have been sidelined.” Read more at http://talksport.com/football/exclusive-meulensteen-hits-out-moyes-over-man-united-claims-140818108337#77jOvIwiIisEA7kX.99
  16. Call me a sceptic but this is where the Moyes to United agreement absolutely stunk. I believe that at the time Holtby was available that Moyes had already "unofficially" agreed to join united. In other words, was he really that bothered???
  17. They bought him for £1.5m, he is worth £8m ish. Levy will demand £12m for a player they don't use. Holtby was an idiot going there - more fool him.
  18. So Naismith has a very good game, scores one, holds up play well and it turns into a thread about Mirallas being a better option? Yes Mirallas is an exciting type of player, but with 10 minutes to go at 2-1 up its about keeping possession. Not back heeling it or trying to dribble past a man when a pass is on. Of which both he and Lukaku were guilty.
  19. Pienaar is an excellent creative player, he doesn't always get the final assist ball. Very skewed stats. Key player when he's on his game.
  20. Stones will be great when he makes enough mistakes to learn from.
  21. Miguel likes mirallas I think... I do. I actually think he would be a good second striker.
  22. Definitely need him to return. Similar physically to Rom and his presence may light a fire under his arse. Hilarious how some fans are, a £28m player gave a pretty anonymous performance yesterday and gets away with criticism. This lad cost £6m and gets all sorts of shit.
  23. That's irrelevant, butterfly effect or whatever, it was a momentum changer, players flapping like fuck. Anyway, I'm out. Pissed off, lethargic second. Martinez wants a fuckin rocket for that.
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