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Blue 250

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Everything posted by Blue 250

  1. What a day Everton win, Newcastle and Liverpool lose.....oh happy days!
  2. Jelavic will probably be the fallguy, but to be honest, what service has he had? Hurry back Pienaar and Gibson.
  3. Big talk for Martinez comimg up. To be honest we really are crap.
  4. Sloppy, poor and many other words meaning the same thing.
  5. Jelavic knows Lukaku is breathing down his neck, should have him going for that 50/50 ball and running just that tad faster for the through ball, can't do him any harm.If he plays well and we win he'll keep his place. Lukaku will be ready and willing to show us what he can do.The squad looks strong, let's hope West Ham will be watching the forward situation with interest.........Then Barkley smashes a couple in from the edge of the box. Everton have match winners all over the pitch, Baines, Coleman, Mirallas, Barkley the list is endless, the options are good, we just need to get it going. Martinez, it's over to you mate.
  6. So you would define a possible increase in wages of about £35,000 A WEEK.......as a few bob !!. If it's medals he wants, law of averages taken into account, a move to a major money team (like the ones that can afford him and he would want to go to), will provide him with more chances than an Everton team who haven't managed to do so whilst he's been with us (other than an FA cup runners up medal).There would also be more chance of champions league football. Most Everton fans want him to stay, he's our player and I'm sure the type of person he is he will allways give 100%, but apparently the lad has shown an interest in moving, it's his life.
  7. I work with a West Ham fan and he sees nothing but an Everton win.
  8. Baines isn't an Everton fan, he's done a good job for us never letting us down, why wouldn't he feel he's earned a big pay rise, probably more than £35, 000 a week.He is a rare breed of footballer but it seems he did ask for a move, so be it.Let him go when it's right for Everton.Maybe he will keep giving 100% and if he did I'd be happy for him to stay. One of the highlights of Baines' Everton career has been his linking with Pienaar, if as it seems this has had it's day (and I for one hope it hasn't) then he wont be such a big miss if he was to leave. I'd love another couple of seasons with Baines and Pienaar doing what they did at their best, surely that's the type of football Martinez wants from his team.
  9. Liverpool fans crying about the Swansea player that tackled him.They need to watch the replay, the damage wasn't done by the tackle, it was done by the following dive to get him sent off.....he injured his shoulder diving!!
  10. Just got back from America visiting family, cousin showed me his new semi auto rifle, questioned on his need for this item. "Only the good guys would hand in their guns, the bad guys will keep theirs and use them.....the only thing to stop a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun". It's gone too far, the chances are a persons who intends to cause you problems, will have a gun, you choose.
  11. Coutinho off injured........shoulder injury caused by diving......oooooops.
  12. Who really gives a fuc% that some players reverted to Moyes type tactics, could have something to do with the fact that they played under him for many years, plus some of those tactics managed to keep us a top 5/6 team. Playing a team like Chelsea where every position is filled by a player who is supposed to be one of Europes better players, there will be times when needs must. If we had a free scoring forward who could have put WBA and Cardiff to the sword we'd be just about top of the table, with or without Moyse' old Tactics.I feel sorry for Jelavic, goals just aren't happening, if they start flying in for him or another striker fills that role we will do very well. Chelsea won't lose many games this season, that was a great result, sure the performance wasn't that good, but if Martinez can get his new players to gel the future looks pretty good.If we revert to back to wall type tactics every now and then I'll be fine with that. Negative back to the wall tactics aren't unique to Moyes, move on and accept sometimes to win games Everton players will revert to this and if we win all the better.
  13. We rode our luck slightly and that's fine by me, 3 points is all that matters tonight. This team/squad can and will play better than this, we are going to be a very hard team to beat.Martinez is sounding like a very astute manager.The crowd showed him towards the end what a lucky man he was to get Everton.
  14. Proud of all the lads, but Barry stood out.Credit Martinez for having a good eye. Maybe we're in very safe hands.
  15. Always thought Vic had it in him, have a feeling his best is yet to come.Vic on the edge of the 18 yard box with his back to goal and played right, always had potential.
  16. Caption for the bike rider! "shit that wasn't there last year"
  17. I believe Baines will always give 100% to who ever employs him, I'm not so sure about Fellaini. I would put out a statement saying Baines is simply not for sale, but Fellaini can leave for £25million.That's maybe not quite enough for him, I just think that making him stay will not do Everton any good. Buy a couple of good players whos combined wage would probably only equal Fellaini's and chuck a few million at the debt. Fellaini will I'm sure think to himself that he's worth £25million, so if no buyer comes in he may well resign himself to having to do the business for us.Don't stand in his way so he can sulk, just let other clubs decide if it's worth paying the market value for him. It's an early test For Martinez, how will he handle the players in question.He could do what liverpool have done to Saurez 'make him stay'.
  18. Of course it's bull shit, Moyes did good for us, but he's now got a new boss. I was only pointing out what a member had told me in another thread, they implied Moyes had no say in what Utd did, I'm not sure they totally understand a managers duties.
  19. Carefull everyone, no knee-jerk reaction to this and don't go laying any blame at Moyes' door. According to some!.....Moyes has no say over who Man Utd buy, he has no input into the price they offer, and would never allow inside knowledge of Evertons finances to help with any deal!
  20. Barkley had a really good game for what was his 4th or 5th start, with better to come.I'd rather have him over Rodwell, but, I'd help Man City out by taking him and Lescott back for around about the £6million mark. Coleman and Barkley will score more this season, both of these players aren't frightened to shoot from outside the area, which is what we need more of.
  21. We really needed to score during the 1st half when practically controled things.Norwich will be very happy with that point, Martinez will know it should have been three. How many games last season did we do just the same?, barkley showed the way......friggin shoot!, might go in, the goalkeeper will at least have to work, we might get a corner or pick up the scraps from the shot if saved and not held, but at least there will have been an end product. Barkley could be the answer, or one of them and good old Coleman knows where the goal is (thank fuc%). Martinez will have learnt things, if we improve our finishing we might just be dangerous. 2-2 away at Norwich, better than last season, move on.
  22. Naismith must be doing something pretty special in training!
  23. Why are we not shooting from the edge of the area?
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