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Blue 250

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Everything posted by Blue 250

  1. What the fuck are YOU on about?......I'm saying his grammar isn't a problem, maybe it is to others! I didn't mention his grammer, I was talking about his posts looking like a wind up.
  2. How do you know he's not a red? Just because he's Bolivian, he's not a red......makes sence!
  3. Go back to a rs forum! Martinez tuned you down, probably a decent bloke then!
  4. What are you on! Fellaini will go, Baines I'm not sure, unless Moyes keeps him under his wing at United. Howard, Barkley and Coleman won't be going, Mirallas could go either way, but can't see him following Moyes to United. Moyes will be the 6th Everton manager I've seen leave, life goes on and could be just as good if not better. I would like to thank David Moyes for what he has done here at Everton, it was a good day for the club when he walked in.Let's hope the new man gets the fans and Bill behind him very quickly.
  5. A chairman who will give him time.
  6. Blue 250


    All a bit strange really, over the past few seasons livepool were happy to crow about the fact that they were above us in the league ( too stupid to realise how much it had cost them), suddenly when they've been below us for a couple of seasons, positions in the league don't really mean anything. Bitter or what !! So Kenwright was happy at the end, of course he was bloody happy, we manged to escape anfield with 11 men still on the pitch, no freak own goals against us, no players with nasty injuries from kung fu kicks and only one perfectly good goal ruled out!........and we got a point.
  7. Blue 250


    Mirallas is a very dangerous outlet for our team 'Roy' has scored two brilliant goals recently and is looking a very good buy.We need a player who can sometimes "do it by himself".His first season in the prem and he looks a bargin. Gibson needs an operation and is struggling on until the end of the season, he did give the ball away quite a bit yesterday so did many others Blue and red.
  8. Blue 250


    IF we finish 6th all things considered it certainly isn't as bad as your painting it. We've played the season with no main striker, Jelavic tried but he just couldn't repeat his form from last season.The usual paper thin squad have been carrying a couple of injuries and we certainly haven't had the rub of the green from some refs! The only teams above us have probably out spent us two or three times over, and a few below may also have done (they certainly have bigger/better squads)....except for the odd dismal league performance and a disaster against Wigan in the cup, I'd say we did as well as we could expect.Maybe someone should drag up the predictions from the start of the season and they were made off the back of Jelavic ending last season on fire.
  9. Blue 250


    Every time Gerrard hit a pass it went to a red, he was the difference today, with him instead of say Gibson we would have won, he creates things, something today we didn't do. The old Baines Pienaar thing is dead and Mirallas bottled it today. Carrigher will be a big miss for them, Gerrard will be an unreplaceable one, he was man of the match today, rightly so! Shame about Distins goal, but didn't we expect something like that.
  10. Blue 250


    Not enough from Mirallas, he and Coleman need to take players on and get into the box, rather than slipping in balls for out numbered Vic and Fellaini.
  11. Blue 250


    The only area liverpool have been better than us is their speed of attack.
  12. Feeling your pain DK......not undestanding it, just feeling it!
  13. Blue 250


    Nothing like giving yourself that extra bit of pressure! Distin is a good pro, he makes mistakes, we all make mistakes, personally I'm really glad he'll be out on that pitch on Sunday. If he can smash a header past Reina all the better.
  14. Blue 250


    They are favorites, but they also have the pressure of knowing that losing to us will condem them to finishing below us, that might just give us a slight edge. If Everton play to their strenghts and perform we can win this, but a peformance like the one at Sunderland and we have no chance. This is no ordinary game, head says the usual will happen and things will conspire, dodgy ref, own goal etc, heart says a fighting draw is possible. Head is usually right.
  15. I think Lescott could do a job for us, central or out on the left he would be just fine.Probably got a couple of good seasons left in him, good business if we can get him for £4million.
  16. Probably kept him one season too many.....but boy, when he was good, he was really good. You have to wonder what a fully fit, younger, in form Cahill could do in a team with Pienaar and Baines down one wing and Mirallas and Coleman down the other, with Cahill just behind an inform Jelavic....but then I always did want everything!
  17. Blue 250


    Rs will start as favorites, if only we could afford to match their pay structure, or buy the type of players that wear the red! They surely can't finish another season below us, not after what they've spent, no that would be a disaster. Brenda is a top 4 manager with money to spend, if they can't catch us this year we better watch out because it has to happen some time, maybe next year.That will be a sign of a good season for them to try and finish above Everton. Should be a battle Sunday, expect Fellaini to get sent off, they will be screaming for yellow/red cards every time he goes for a tackle. An own goal and a penalty should be enough for the rs......2-0.
  18. Could be a good sales ploy! "We want him here, he's not really for sale....infact if you want him, you better bring big money to the table" That's how I see it, since the turn of the year Fellainis form has hasn't been that special, one or two games he's played well, but we had began to think he could dominate most games. We seem to have been rumbled with Baines and Pienaar and if Fellaini is not doing it for us we are going to need either Jelavic to get 25 goals plus next season, or Fellainis £25million spent on a couple or three good new players.
  19. The ref was standing on the top of a multi-story car park at the time.
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