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Blue 250

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Everything posted by Blue 250

  1. Vic's slowly getting there, I think once the players around him really trust and understand his movement he will be a problem for any opponents.If he could do the donkey work for Jelavic, and Jelavic discover his old form then that will be a hell of a partnership. Looks like Mirallas is probably carrying a slight problem, we know Gibson needs surgery, Moyes seems to be keeping an eye on Mirallas, what a great goal though, in what for him was a quite game. Baines looks better with Pienaar, hopefully the two game rest will refresh he and Fellaini for the end of the season. Thought Ross showed he still needs a while before he's ready to start, he looked strong, got into decent positions but could't pick his pass. Spurs were playing at a high pace, that didn't help him.You can see he's got it, it's just we need to let him build up to it.Many were ready to kick Victor out a year or two ago.I don't think Vic lost many of his battles today and is still improving, my man of the match.
  2. We were shit, Wigan deserved it. Oh my God there's a red shite on the site!........his mega million pound team must have turned a corner or he wouldn't be on here. Good season for liverpool is to finish above Everton, even if it costs about £10million a point
  3. Wigan, better in defence, better in midfield, better in attack.......my only regret at the moment, only putting £5 on Wigan to win
  4. Mirallas has scored two 'clever' goals in the last couple of games.I can see him being the biggest problem for Wigan, most teams now set out to stiffle Baines and Pienaar, and that partnership certainly isn't what it was for the first half of the season. So! let Wigan watch them, while Mirallas creeps in through the back door for a couple more 'clever' goals. Problem is, can we stop Wigan from scoring? Most people assume Wigan want prem survival more than they want to win the FA Cup, well if that's the case they could well be playing today with that certain freedom which often brings out fast direct attacking play......just the kind of 'fast direct attacking play' which gives us problems! I predict a good game for the neutral and a nerve shattering one for us, I'll take the shattered nerves in exchange for one more more goal than Wigan. Mirallas to score, Wigan to score, Everton to win.
  5. A first division Oldham side nearly did !
  6. Blue 250

    Reading (H)

    Good at times, very good for small periods, but I'd say average for large parts. Plus points for me today, Mirallas' goal, to put it between the goalkeeper and his right post was more than a cool finish, and shows his potential, Coleman, the cross for Fellaini was world class, worthy of a winger and his overall play was very good and Anichebe, when he came on he looked like he had goals in him.His run into the box and finish deserved a goal, the defender did well to keep that out. Shame about Jags, but a vital 3 points, well done lads.
  7. Blue 250

    Reading (H)

    Second bottom Reading, giving us the run around!!
  8. Darron, of course you'll take 3-1, I think if Oldham had pulled it back to 3-3 and won on penalties, you wouldn't have been daft enough to write that!
  9. Look Dalziel............Smith will be on soon enough, can we just relax while his arse is on the bench!!
  10. Music to enter a boxing ring! How about, that song that goes along the lines of 'I'm a lover not a fighter'......blow your opponent a kiss, then when the bell rings, smash him straight in the throat! Dalziel, what times that anger management appointment.
  11. Ever thought about anger management.....although you may need to listen to what they have to say before you shoot them!
  12. If some of Oldhams youngsters, were good enough to beat liverpool and draw with Everton, WHY aren't some of Evertons young players good enough to play against Oldham! If Oldhams Smith could score against two premiership teams why couldn't Vellios score against 3rd division defenders.We obviously have the wrong player on our books. Give a couple of fringe players a start, including Vellios.I'm sure they will play their hearts out, and they SHOULD be good enough....otherwise buy Oldham players on the cheap. Oldham scored in the 4th minute of injury time in the first game.............advice to players (of Everton) and manager, don't let Oldham be only one goal down in final 10 minutes, if your on top 'kill the fuc%ing game'.We don't want penalties. Head says.....3-0 Everton. Heart says......2-1 Everton
  13. Looks like Dlia's 'tasties' have left you with a bitter taste, don't worry it will be scouse pie all round after Tuesday!
  14. I'll settle for a very uncomfortable win, so will Moyes.
  15. I though it was shit, but not going to let that do Coleman out of a vote, he gave it a good go. I don't think we've got enough for 4th, and haven't had for a long time (this season), so I'm going to write off the money I lost on them today as one of thoes things . Oldham will come to us with no fear and that hurts!
  16. Villa just scored against Arsenal 1-1
  17. Moyes will be praying for a second goal, so he can keep Mirallas fresh for Oldham.
  18. Have to be honest, Everton aren't playing top 4 football.We're just shading this......just!
  19. Norwich shutting everthing down very quickly, a win here today would be a very good result.
  20. Mirallas has slowly been working his way back to fitness, let's hope today he finally get it back.The man has class written all over him, if he can work a bit of majic down the right, Pienaar and Baines should be able to find a tad more space down the left. Get it into Anichebe on the edge of the box, he'll either turn and smash it in or feed Jelavic.Norwich aren't scoring many, so after gifting them the early goal, that should be it. Norwich ahead at half time with Everton ahead at full time is 22-1, could be worth a pound or two. 1-3 Everton. A win today for Everton will be their 600th away league victrory. When Anichebe scores Everton have never lost (ok that is only 23 times), never the less 'give the ball to Vic'.
  21. He has of late been asked to run around more than he'd like, he's actually not that bad at it, but we do need him doing what he does best finishing off moves.Anichebe and Mirallas should be working really hard to find him where he hurts opponents most. Today, work the Norwich defence hard enough so that Anichebe only has one man on his back, find him on the edge of the box so he can either turn his man or feed Jelavic.
  22. There is an on'us on Jelavic.........likewise on Anichebe, Naismith, Mirallas etc. Jelavic can score 2 goals per game from now until the end of the season, it doesn't mean 4th place.Not if Jonny and co fuck up at the back. Jelavics goals will be a big help, but it's down to every Blue that crosses the line. Liverpool could pass us and finish 4th, without the 'buck toothed' raider scoring another goal.
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