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Blue 250

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Everything posted by Blue 250

  1. Yes and no! Yes, the puishment should be harsher for repeat offenders. No, don't sell him liverpool please.If they sell him they might get £30million to buy decent players, I'd rather he stays misses 10 games, comes back does a jellavic and has a poor season, bites someone again and then find his value dropped to about £10million. I want a miss-firing Saurez and a fast slowing down Gerrard playing next season, that and no scouse passion from Carrigher, could be interesting.
  2. Spot on! Saurez wasn't interested in donating any of his inflated wages before he turned into a werewolf.
  3. Laugh out loud!.......probably just guilty of a bit of bad grammar!
  4. Saurez did stamp on Distans Achilles, he bites, he cheats (he got Rodwell sent off), he dives all over the place, he's just not a very nice person and maybe deserves everything he gets. He hasn't (as far as we know) broken any ones legs, and he certainly hasn't headbutted another player, how could he with those teeth! Watch the replay of the bite incident, if the Chelsea player hadn't thrown Saurez to the ground in self defence he would certainly have caused a major injury.....he was really getting ready for a major attack.At what point would Saurez have stopped, I think he seriously lost it.
  5. Blue 250


    Has Oveido been given a chance to show his worth any more than say Vellios! I would expect both players to play more next season or at least get a chance. We were poor against Sunderland, I can't see it happening at home to Fulham, too much to play for with a home crowd........mind you, home to Wigan just flashed through my mind. I'd give Jellavic a start, that's not a dig at Anichebe, infact I'd start them both and go straight for Fulhams throat.
  6. He is the fucking grammer police.......but watching DK in action, I'm thinking he should probably wade in with a fucking truncheon! DK, it was you asking in another thread about the probable reasons why 95% of new posters don't continue posting, I thought maybe this could be a reason! Now I'm thinking who gives a fuck.
  7. Missed all the fun! How after the bite was he still on the pitch to score in the 96th minute?
  8. OH!........So there is evidence....mmmmmm! You Know I've accused you of it in the past, it's petty, nearly as petty as this fucking arguement. My last word is, we've come to expect it from dear old DK, when a mod indulges in revenge insults it's a bit sad.
  9. Not you Matt ! I really must sort out how I word my posts!! I'll be in big trouble.....from you know who!
  10. Slowish start, but Fellaini did grow into the game, would I swap him for three good players, I think on that team performance I'd have to say yes.
  11. Total mystery today, what happened! To be honest, nothing.Sunderland didn't really play that well either.Fellaini gave it a go and Coleman showed again today that he's one of the positives of the season, other than that, bad day at the office.
  12. Your the one with too much time on your hands, you search back.You have done it to others me included. Your problem is you don't like it back. Even to do it once, even to DK, it's so fucking petty.To post just to correct someone, have you got nothing else to do? It's other people talking shit, yeh, that's right, never you.Matt comes in and says maybe pointless bickering wont help with new members, probably right, but you can't accept that in this case you are part of the problem. Maybe I'm wrong and part of your job is to correct grammer and spelling mistakes?
  13. No your missing my point completely, sure your main target is DK, but you have played grammer police with other people.....and my point is it could put new posters off! DK and myself can laugh it off.....the point you've missed is that maybe, just maybe it puts some posters off. Now after you've checked my spellings, get back to the match.
  14. We just can't get going, was always going to be tough after they beat Newcasle, but we really are just making it easy for them. Might as well just go for it now, even a points not much use, but I'd take one now if I could.
  15. surely that should be "DK and I"......See, silly and tedious and could put off the odd poster. That was the question I was posing above.Play grammer police all you want, I'm up for numerous corrections, I know my spelling is krap, but I don't care.
  16. The minute I saw DK use the name 'johnathan' as in Morrissey, instead of as most who can remember or even care 'Johnny', I put it down to DK's traits. DK's a one off, sometimes rude, sometimes funny and sometimes from a different planet.Thing is he keeps posting, isn't that what keeps forums alive. There has to be a reason why a forum that on face value looks as good or better than any other Everton forum can't attract regular new posters.If you lost say five long term members this forum would probably dry up.I don't understand why people register then never post, or don't even register, but I would say that picking up on spelling mistakes or slightly wrong 'names' surely doesn't require a major piss take. I made a post way back about some kind of fact concerning Everton, relevent to this season.....just happened to miss the 'r' out of Everton!.......fuck me, no remarks about the relavent fact, instead it became a post about 'Eveton' (think it was the r I missed). Point is new posters are probably put off for fear of getting something wrong!! What a friggin shame. I personally think a moderator should set examples. Can any other member offer up reasons as to why this forum seems to attract such little new blood, I would have thought this really could be 'the' place for Evertonians. There are some very good members on here, they deserve more people to share their views with.There is certainly a place for people like DK, he's different, but aren't we all!
  17. Evertonians know all about Hearts! we keep getting ours broken!...............but to be honest it's probably worth it. Welcome, tell us why you like Everton.
  18. Blue 250


    That wasn't too bad, we've played worse.Pretty sure the time Ross spent on the pitch will have done him a lot of good, maybe he can replace Fellaini and we can spend the £28 million on 3 really good players next season. Everton are friggin hard to beat, 5th place is still on! Ref would have played 6 extra mins if Arsenal had kept the ball.
  19. Went with Vic, always dreamt that one day Anichebe would be what he is developing into, only in those dreams he was playing along side James Vaughan. Used to think that partnership would have been two good for most opponents, wasn't to be, but I still think Victor will get even better.
  20. Blue 250


    Maybe other 'people' don't....just a thought! If Mirallas came out and said that he was happy with the way he played today, and that we could expect nothing better than that from now on, I'd be worried.Same for Baines and Pienaar, and probably Ossie. I don't expect them to be excellent every game, I've yet to see a player who is.
  21. Blue 250


    Any wins a good win, and when players like Baines, Pienaar and Mirallas don't turn up yet we still get the three points then you have to say your happy with it! Today the defence was good enough and Anichebe led the line well, with a couple of good games thrown in by Gibson and Coleman. Against Arsenal we wll need more, But I don't see why we can't beat them.
  22. Blue 250


    QPR, fighting for their premiership lives, that alone should be reason for caution. Can't see Rangers being happy with a point, that will hopefully be their downfall. Anichebe to build on his growing reputation with a goal or two.
  23. Like Moyes says, every club has this to face at some time.Probably the rich ones don't have too much of a problem, lucky ones will sometimes find themselves with a string of really good youngsters waiting in the wings (can't think of many of those).Some will do it season by season, which is probably the way most clubs should be set up. Even 'captain fantastic' Gerrard, will have to retire, should liverpool cash in on him before his value declines (as it surely will) and buy three reasonably good 'young' players? Do we have to face up to life with the possability of Fellaini going for £25 million and three decent/good young players coming in? We lost/sold two, what I thought were young talanted players with major Everton futures ahead of them, James Vaughan and Rodwell.....right or wrong life goes on, we just need to find a few more Colemans and his like. Hasn't Moyes been doing a juggling act during his lengthy time with us, he and Kenwright short of selling us to some clown with a few million have managed to make and keep us one of the very best teams/clubs in the country, infact if you put us all on a level playing field money and asset wise, we are probably at the top. Oh sure it doesn't feel that great, no trophies or champions league football, but we're not City, United or liverpool with millions to chuck around and pay £100,000 a week wages. We are probaly going to have to keep buying the likes of Neville for a couple of £million and the Colemans of this world.....so be it.Or Sell Fellini and Baines, and buy 6 good young players for the future.We may have to drop down the league for a season or two while they become a team. With a bit of luck a couple of the older guys can keep doing it for a few more seasons, whilst a few younger lads break through and prove themselves.Plus we will need to spend the Fellaini money well.
  24. I think most have agreed that Phil isn't perhaps the most skillfull player to pull on an Everton shirt, but plenty of people with a better inside knowledge of the club have said he is/has been a Very good captain. If I were Moyes I'd ask Phil himself who would be the best choise as the next Everton captain, I'd say he would have a pretty good idea.He will know, out of Jags, Gibson, Osman and any other name you care to band about, who would be likely to step up to the job. He may well know the players better than Moyes!
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