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Blue 250

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Everything posted by Blue 250

  1. Liverpool have a greater debt than us, they can't really afford Torres and Gerrards wages.Other teams have bigger money problems than Everton yet they pay higher wages. Simple really, liverpool don't have the money yet Gerrard still gets £120,000 a week. If Everton want to keep Pienaar.....they will have to FIND the money
  2. Seems to me the options are as follows. 1.Give him the big pay rise he believes he deserves, he stays. 2.Don't give him enough to make him want to stay, he will ask to leave! meaning.a, we let him go for pretty decent money or b, make him stay as punishment and see if he gives us one good last season, then let him walk for free. I would have him down as our best player last season, I'd be tempted to give him the money. With a fit squad and a tad of luck next season it could be a really good one, I think we need Pienaar to push on. Any other players start asking for improved contracts off the back of this, tell them to play as well as Pienaar. If he (Pienaar) simply just wants a change of club plus extra money, so really wants to leave Everton, don't keep him hear next season.....get the money and move on, quickly.
  3. Oh well!........relax guys.......the little addition "plus Bellamy" proves it's just a bullshit story!
  4. Moyes has surely learnt enough to know keeping a player against his will is pointless. Let him go, grab as much money as you can and replace him with a player who wants the shirt. If Pienaar had three years left on his contract and wanted away, then maybe, just maybe it's worth saying, your staying here and if you dont perform then your in the reserves.But One years contract on the table and pienaar or any other player in question could just ride it out and take it easy! Put yourself in their shoes/boots! If he really wants to go.....let him go.
  5. It's pretty obvious to all observers, be they Everton fans, or managers of Man utd, Chelsea or City, that Jagielka hasn't regained his pre-injury form. There's probably a good chance he will get back to his high standards and if he does, and if he wanted to leave then £15-£18 million is probably the starting price....unless City come in them I'm sure Moyes will be asking £23-£26 million We finished 8th.......all our good players will be linked with top 4 or mega rich teams, it's just something to fill the sports pages.
  6. It's no secret that Bellamy has a damaged knee or knees and knows his time is limited, he would cercainly be a challange for Moyes to handle and his wages are probably way too high anyway. Can't see this deal being anything other than a non starter. All this said, he is on his day a very good footballer, and to have had a young level headed Bellamy at your club with healthy knees would be a pretty good position to be in. On the £ and $ subject......let's just hope we don't all have to renew our keyboards and get ones with Euros on ....surely Euros are on a par with Man City, ie not liked by many people. surely transfer dealings between the two clubs (Everton and City) are going to be strained for the forceable future.They will continue to throw stupid money at players in an attempt to unsettle them.A wages cap would put City right back down the league table.
  7. Will they be the same people who then moan when Chelsea or Man Utd do offer him big bucks.......and he leaves.
  8. Moyes has been great here at Everton......there's no reason why someone else couldn't do better. We don't own him, and one day he will move on. Next season will be massive for Everton and Moyes, lets hope we really enjoy it. As so often mentioned on here he (Moyes) hasn't really done that much in Europe......well David other than playing Rangers that's just about all you'll have to look forward to. I would say that 6th place in the prem with Everton is harder to achive than 2nd place with Celtic in the SPL.....where the hell's the challange in that! Come on David even Walter Smith wins championships north of the border......call that a challange.
  9. Always has been an overated player, gives 110% and wears heart on sleeve, usually has decent players around him and one of the prems best goalkeepers, so maybe looks better than he is. Maybe, just maybe in a world cup final he could give 120% and inspire those around him. Always likely to make a rash challange though, so I'd say only if we really have to.
  10. 93rd minute!.....should just about fit in back here at Everton.
  11. No problems mate! I think most football 'persons' want you to get fourth place.
  12. Spursman, we may not have won anything, but be assured we have more than a 'moducum of respectability'.......we've played, at times some of the best passing football seen this term in the prem, beaten some ' good teams' we've had our fair share of bad luck and certainly the worst injury list of any team in the premiership.To finish a couple of points behind teams who have trebled our spending and not suffered our injuries deserves, 'massive respect' I hope you hang onto 4th place.......make the most of it!
  13. I can see us improve under Moyes! all we need is some luck with injuries and a good start to next season. We outplayed Arsenal at their place and should have won 3-1, we've beaten Chelsea and Man Utd this season, we even outplayed the rs at Goodison and lost . Has the Yak really been fit this season, he has started to look sharp, but for most of the season he didn't, Arteta and Jags weren't about, nor have been Vaughan and Vicks just got back.Fellaini ended his season as he was just hitting fantastic form. Other players missed chuncks of the season also. Our league position this year is not the best, but the reasons are above! That's another season under his (Moyes) belt! You can be certain he's learnt things. We will need our share of luck next season, but we could well finish in the top 4.
  14. Anichebe always had potential, now he's starting to show it. He could well be a big plus for next season, opponents won't like playing against him. I can still see the day when Anichebe and Vaughan rip deffences apart.
  15. If liverpool are going to let Chelsea win, then THIS is huge. It wont be lost on the Everton players, meaningless game perhaps for Stoke.....not for us. Give Anichebe a run at them.
  16. Pretty good come back Milky!....why not just stick to funny posts!
  17. Ok!.....Like many, you would think liverpool couldn't do worse than Rafa, so we'd all like him to stay!....... BUT HEY! What if they get someone in who really fuc%s up! New owners, new manager, Gerrard past his best, Torres wanting away or injured, Carrigher finished.....all those Spanish players wanting to follow Rafa...... I've changed my mind........Rafa out
  18. Guess we had a drop Cahill thread after a few poor performances, which every player is capable of.I'v seen the same for Saha, Yak, Hibbert, Yobo, Bily and so on! When Cahills good he's bloody good, when he's bad he's bad, doesn't seem to spend much time in the middle. I went on record saying he was probably Evertons most important player, maybe not the best but the most important, I like Cahill, he's been brilliant for Everton, I hope he stays and wins things with us............BUT he does have bad games, he can't be man of the match every week. There seems some strange nominations for m.o.t.m on here sometimes, and that's just how it should be it's for fun, usually the best player just about shades it, so leave things as they are I say
  19. Good luck to Chelsea, don't know how many titles that will be for the Blues! We managed to win at home to them, lets hope the rs lose and lose badly. Chelsea will win the league, the rs will finish a couple of points above us! WOW!.That's a hell of a season for liverpool....All that money they've spent, the massive wage bill, the fantastic youth policy, Gerrard, Torres, Reina, numerous other £15 million + players top european manager, grand stadium in the pipeline world wide fan club pumping money into the club........ALL THAT! and they they will just pip us to 7th place. Without injuries at the start of the season......they (rs) would be finishing 8th.
  20. We were the better team! we just made bloody hard work of it. Some of the Fulham players were obviously looking for a game in the european games coming up, so they didn't exactly roll over, but we still made hard work of what should have been easier. If Bilys shot had gone in off the post, I would have thought we may have found it easier going.
  21. Danny Murphy in todays paper said HE thinks Fulham should drop key players for their trip to Goodison! That's right Danny, you don't want to be going for those nasty 50/50 balls, you've got a big game coming up. Come on now Fulham.......just roll over......save it for the Germans. Everton 0 Fulham 1 (Danny Murphy)...because Murphys probably playing mind games
  22. "IF" the stories are true, and "if" the baby really does turn out this time to be his(Gerrards).....then at least this is one child who wont be needing tax payers money to bring it up.Stevie's really working hard at making his next! autobiography a bloody good read.
  23. Relax guys! It wasn't Fellaini, it was Steven Gerrard in a big afro wig.Although the girl has lost a couple of teeth and suffered severe concussion, captain fantastic has been found not guilty.
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