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Everything posted by gethinO

  1. I've just triggered to the fact that we've signed him on a permanent! What a bloody signing! I think he'll have a huge influence next season (hopefully not too big or Barca will buy him back). That RW slot should be his next season no question. No more blending him in from the bench. Only way he's gonna improve is by starting every week.
  2. As depressing as it sounds I agree with you. I don't think we'll be in for another winger unless Mirallas leaves. However we've only spent £4 million so far so surely, surely, even for us, after the TV money we have at least £15 million left to spend which should get us at least one marquee signing. No idea what's going on in the back room though so none the wiser as to our budget this summer.
  3. Oi!!!!?We Shag them, the English eat them!!!?
  4. Ha!! Magaye Gueye, just saw he got released by Millwall. Roberto did say we wanted 4. A winger (Deulofeu), a versatile player with the right attitude (Cleverley), a CB and a number 10. 2 to go it is then.
  5. Sorry to bring this up as this isn't really a thread about our board but the are really taking the piss though. So much lies have been told over the years that I just can't be arsed getting angry any more. They have literally invested bugger all into our club and that's the truth about it. For some reason they get away with it and if we are to progress as a club they need to move on first and foremost.
  6. So that's 2 in now in Deulofeu and Cleverley. Roberto has said himself that we need a number 10 and a centre back. Big talks of Scott Dann as the CB. Do you think he would then be the main centre halve for the summer or would he be the fourth CB with Jags,Stones and one more? Probably not in the financial situation to do that are we so probably Jags, Stones, Dann and Browning and Galloway as 4th and 5th. It's quiet on the Number 10 front though and I do feel that a number 10 should be our main priority this summer. Gutted on Firminio going to the shite.
  7. Lethal indeed but both of us now there's not a hope in hell we'll line up like that next season.
  8. Anyone know anything about this player? Rumours we're really interested. A 29 year old Estonian is not what I had in mind to eventually replace Jags and partner Stones though.
  9. Deulofeu and Mirallas on both wings with McCarthy and Barkley sitting deeper. A proper number 10 in front of them to supply Lukaku. What a frontline that would be. Score loads with those players.
  10. He's 26, not 30 so even better. Would be a great signing but can't see it happening if I'm honest.
  11. You're not the first Englishman to tell me that. From a Welshman's point of view my opinion of the England national team is that they're very boring and lacking any sort of spark to raise you off your seat. Hodgson has a part in that though, christ he's a boring man and I just can't see him being able to motivate an England team. He has no personality whatsoever. You have a terrible group as well. No real challenge there so you can stroll through without really being tested and then when you actually play a good side you seem to struggle. Is this the feeling of most England fans?
  12. I hope so. I don't think we've ever been in a better situation at this stage in a qualifying campaign before so surely this is our time. Never know with Wales though, so many near misses over the years so we're not counting our chickens just yet. I belive this squad is different though. We have quality in our team and with Ramsey and Bale anything is possible. Looks like we'll be first seeds for the World Cup qualifiers which is ridiculous considering we were seeded sixth and bottom seeds in the last one. Shows how far we've come. The buzz about Welsh football is unbelievable at the moment. I can hands down say I've never been involved in an atmosphere like that before where our fans literally never stopped singing for 90 minutes. The party in Cardiff was immense as well and I'm still suffering today. The next double header is pivotal; Cyprus Away and Israel Home. 2 wins and we're virtually there. Need Belgium to win the rest of their games as well so here's hoping Rom and Mirallas perform for them!!
  13. Sorry not having that. Since when is Ashley Williams and James Chester championship level? Add Neil Taylor to that as well who plays week in week out for Swansea. Gunter could play in the prem as well. We've only conceded 2 in this group (penalty and free kick) and I highly doubt a championship level defence could contain Belgium Home and Away as well as Bosnia and Israel. Bit disrespectful.
  14. Got a lot of respect for Naisy. No ego whatsoever. Just gets on with it and realises how lucky he is. Good read.
  15. I also hope he's the fourth player Martinez had in mind. The one to cover the squad as he's definitely not a winger or a number 10.
  16. Signed a 5 year deal with us according to various sources on twitter. Meh,
  17. Overrated player who thinks he's god's gift. He's got pace but bugger all else in my opinion. If they invest wisely with the transfer fee it could be a good bit of business for them.
  18. Should have been a 7th option; none of the above.
  19. Micah Richards Van Dijk Firminio Deulofeu Lennon Konoplyanka Lacazette Inigo Martinez Cheers Roberto.
  20. I would take James Chester at Hull. Every time I've seen him he's been superb and if you ask any Hull fan they say he's very very good. Rumoured to be available at 3 mill as well. Chester, Jags, Stones and buy another good Cb.
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