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Posts posted by pete0

  1. 7 hours ago, Palfy said:

    How if he did say he wants to or hope’s to play in his preferred position for his country is that a dig at Ancelotti, what a load of rubbish that is, publish the transcript of the interview so we can all judge whether that was a dig at Ancelotti ?


    Always an honour to get called up for the national team. 🤞 I get to play in my preferred position.


    It's in his story yesterday. Little videos of him scoring for his country followed my that message. After that a gym workout. 

    Personally don't think it's a dig at the club. He's also wearing a cool hoodie with a cartoon version of himself as an Everton, Nigeria and Arsenal player. Loads of Everton and Arsenal stuff in his gym.

  2. There's six Chelsea players further up the pitch than Gomes for their goal.

    Whole back line is too deep, when Holgate presses they should step forward but they don't budge.

    Holgate leaves his man for Gomes and retreats. Gomes is woeful leaving Iwobi in a 2 v 1 situation. Holgate can't get back quick enough to get the spare.

    If Gomes does his job they don't score. If the back line step up they make it more difficult. Iwobi is the only one not at fault, I'd lay more blame on three defenders who stayed back rather than on Holgate for pushing forward.


  3. 1 hour ago, nyblue23 said:

    Yeah Holgate no longer cares. Really a shame because he looked very promising last season, but that goal was 100% down to him waltzing around. He didn’t even turn on the burners once he realized how open Alonso was.

    First one is all on Gomes. Beyond belief that a professional footballer can get done so easily. Stay goal side. 

    Lost count of the amount of times him and Allan were going the wrong side in the first half. 


  4. https://www.football24.news/soccer/108062/jens-lehmann-highlights-the-best-of-james-and-david-ospina.html

    “At first he played fantastic games, but then he got injured and it was much more difficult for him. What was most difficult for him was finding the right place, but with his creativity and his danger in the rival area he always proved to be outstanding“, He said.

    Lehmann, who went through English football being a great Arsenal figure, also showed that he is very up-to-date with what the Colombian midfielder is currently going through.

    “Now he is playing for Everton and they have improved too much. He is a part of the team’s success. With his time at Bayern, he possibly became a different player. Now that he is in the Premier, we miss footballers like him because he is a world star full of grace“, Assured the ex-German archer.

  5. Pickford

    Coleman Holgate Godrey Digne

    Iwobi Allan Davies Bernard



    Assuming we'll be playing a high line and have most of the ball (wba average about 30% possession). With WBA compact we need the midfield to be on point with their passing, playing the ball fast and direct. Nice slip through like the last 2 games would be ideal but it's rare for strikers to get the first goal against wba. Hopefully James can get one from outside early and prevent a frustrating game trying to break them down. If it does become a frustrating night bring on the cavalry and go long 442.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Palfy said:

    As long as it doesn’t further slow the game down I couldn’t careless if we get refs comments or not, but can’t help feeling some things are just not needed and don’t help the game. 

    Could go either way. Be brilliant if they do it like other sports which has helped refs gain more respect by explaining their decisions.

    Or given the current lot of refs in football they'll use it to garner even more attention for themselves.

  7. 55 minutes ago, Hafnia said:

    No you would like me too though... Like I said I'm not interested in one of your shit fest's.  Like Palf said the other day - you are in your provoking nonsense mode 

    Not interested. Have a good evening. 

    So just digs about Gana today.. then say I'm provoking 👍

    My shit fests? You mean were I hold your nonsense to account then you throw a hissy fit, shamelessly cry to mods and then go into hiding for a bit because you didn't get your own way. That's a reminder, I'm still waiting for an apology for you lying and saying I said shit I didn't. Honesty and integrity all that.

  8. 7 hours ago, Hafnia said:

    We all prefer honesty and integrity Pete, example:-  it's important to give credit to players who you don't rate for giving an upturn in form and not be rigid. 

    Hopefully this period of antagonism is due to pass mate. The forum is pretty positive at the moment and I've no intention of allowing you to drag me into one of your shit fest's 

    You don't prefer honesty and integrity. As soon as you're losing an argument what little you have goes out the window.

    Fine example of yourself here, antagonism? Were talking about Doucoure and Silva. You gonna bring Kane and Gerrard up next? 


  9. 2 minutes ago, Hafnia said:

    It's in a person's prerogative to make stats justify their stance and opinion.  It just depends on how far you bend them and risk losing all credibility.

    Anyway ... We move on.

    Your prerogative is to truth bend and you've been know to flat out lie. Personally I prefer honesty and integrity.

  10. 7 minutes ago, Hafnia said:

    Not sure why you are taking that tone given I've not applied any such tone to mine.

    I used this source. https://www.toffeeweb.com/season/18-19/squad.php

    Vlassic was out on loan, lookman was logged as a midfielder on here so if I wanted to be pedantic I could have included him as a midfielder but he was a non starter as it happened. 

    Anyway... It's from here that such debates go off the beaten track.

    I'd have signed Richarlison over Doucoure but preferred both but I'm not arsed as he's here now and Silva isn't. 

    The tone is reflective in how you historically bend stats. It's manipulative.

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