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Everything posted by pete0

  1. Spot on. Fare enough about another team getting investment over us, but this is a perfect example that a new owner is not gonna magically fix everything. Villa we're very similar to us league position wise and still are(if not further behind). This ruins any argument for how well the chairmans done, when ultimately he has failed to finish higher than 6th and only once above us in his reign. I don't see the point you're making about player sales, to me it reads they have sold their best players(in positive way) and we are going to sell our best players( in a negative feel). You say there ex-players represent England as a good thing for them, but we have a team full of internationals that we haven't sold yet. I don't get what you mean? You point out Gary Cahill but they let him go, because they bought Curtis Davies for £10m but you think they have been doing great business. To compare youth teams is laughable. Would you swap ours for theirs? Haf, I think we're complete opposites it seem we disagree on everything.
  2. <p> European qualification, rules were clear yet they still got to play with out. Wait for it... qualifying. There is a clear division between the common sense reality and the world the kopites live in. Wheres the conspiracy theory? Could their previous owners payed the arrears. Yes. Was the sale forced through? Yes. Should they be entitled to compensation? You brought Liverpool up as the model to follow, and it was a bad point. How is me pointing that out, bitter? Your another level of cunt with that passive piece of shit line. Seriously what the fuck!? Don't be coming back with a whiny, why you aiming an attack at me crap either, you've threw the bait and i've bit. Here's a conspiracy BU didn't tape Kenwright, and also discovered he's snuck £25m out the club and hid it in Greenes bank account, but BU dont want him sacked, no just an intermediary team brought in because although we blame Kenwright for everything and barely mentioned the CEO who would have been able to answer our financial questions better-but that would have been no fun recording, oops- it's him who the 'fans' want replacing. Common sense, reality and completely rational explanations, and not a daft conspiracy in sight within all your BU posts. You're just a sheep who's jumped on a band wagon thats slowly realising behind all the ruckus they're making, that they have the opinion of the minority.
  3. Well you used Liverpool and it was a bad example, everyone knows they have different rules from the rest of the world. The previous owners are very wealthy and could afford to use their own money, they seeked further funding before willing to dig into their own pockets which is fare enough. So it's highly doubtful they would have allowed themselves to lose close to £200m, hence why they are now trying to get compensation.
  4. The owners had the money thou, and would have payed out of their own pockets eventually, and once they were prepared to, it was illegally sold.
  5. Liverpool sale was a joke, if that was any other club/business that forced sale would never of happened. Just another example of the rules of the world not applying to the shite. Wouldn't be surprised if Hicks and Gillett get more money back eventually, they were robbed
  6. Anyone have a clue if Saha's got a chance of playing?
  7. the French would beg to differ
  8. Zola or trick question and it's Matt Le Tissier?
  9. Marco i've lifted a lot off yours, you done so well last week. Hope you don't mind.
  10. I was expecting a bollocking for not yet seeing True Grit. Sad thing is most people I know wouldn't even entertain watching the man who wasn't there just because its classic noir, a new movie in black and white seems to boggle some people. This bit tends to put the lads off Lawn Dogs but I think it's the best bit (Note: am a straight male, not that it matters) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KQUzvirrkE Of the other ones watch a simple plan if yer a Paxton/BillyBob fan or Trees Lounge if yer prefer Steve Buscemi
  11. I can't see yours either, just had to read shaking fist among the text aha
  12. 3 seconds in Dutch tv station name is drenthe so guess will be same pronunciation http://youtu.be/cQEtpN2_D1I How the Spanish pronounced it
  13. This was more specific, than a simple what do you think of BU/Kenwright which have been discussed to death over the last couple of weeks in the general and some of the rumours sections. (am not a mod thou, so maybe they just don't like you )
  14. I meant that we have secured a premiership place, and now we've moved on to sorting out the debt.
  15. So if the board all go. Then what? What's the master plan? Some genius entrepreneur marketer comes in like Garry Cook. Shit, one problem, we can't afford to pay some one to run the club. Kenwright ousted Johnson and has been slowly fixing the mess ever since, keeping us in the league was no minor feat, we had a team of Scott Gemmills at the time not many people from the squad would have seen fans wearing shirts with their name on the back round Liverpool, now we have a whole squad we can be proud of. Now we're secured in a very competitive/dangerous league and we've starting paying back the money we owe for helping us to this status and the previous mis-management of the club. What more do we want Board- no money Players- no money Stadium-no money Even if we get a new board I don't see how that solves the problem. There is a lot of money in football, but not much profit. So that leaves 2 types of investor bored/mad billionaire which leaves the club at risk, and multi-millionaire who's in it to sell the assets and make a small fortune. Could some one please give me a clear list of objectives (I must be missing something, something clear, obvious to what they want, why and how it's gonna help, because I am frustrated as fuck to why the hell people are moaning)
  16. What are they hoping for. A billionaire to see the protest on itv news and be all sorry for Everton for being responsible and paying the debt they owe. Shock horror i know, the banks want their money back who'd of thought? Apart from unrest this protest will achieve fuck all apart, definitely nothing proactive, maybe a little more annoyance to what Neville would call the 'proper' fans and some litter out side the ground. Like moaning that yer mate got money from the tooth fairy, jus be happy you've still got yer teeth. Moaning cunts the lot of them. We have no money to spend. How the feck is a protest gonna change it?
  17. I've watched the Big Lebowski probs over 5 times and still don't see what the fuss is about, always preferred Fargo. The dude is like they got stoned watching Kingpin, Bottle Rocket and a bit of Kevin Smith then tried to write Fargo 2. With RA it's the simple stuff but done really well with just the right amount of cleverness like a old Simpsons episode. Whereas O Brother, to me it was like a remake of Raising Arizona, it's got all the silliness but to catered for the American audience taste(the Dax Wax promoting annoys the f*ck out of me). Tbh i think all the Coen brothers movies staring Clooney all seem a bit off. I dont know many other people who like the man who wasn't there, I really liked it probs the best Billy bob movie. Can't comment on True Grit(never in the mood to watch it), but from what i've heard it's better than No country which was quality. Overall imo think they're over-rated, I prefer stuff like Lawn Dogs, A Simple plan, In Bruges and Trees Lounge that have a similar style/feel.
  18. England are poo, and as an Evertonian I just can't support them, Watson, Unsworth and Barmby all should have had more caps under us. Always preferred the rest of the UK, and don't see how anyone outside of London or the 'big 4' can support the media whore of a squad. Collison done well, always thought he was gonna be a good player, and looks like the injury hasn't hampered him to much. Be worth a punt in Jan.
  19. Raising Arizona stands out for me
  20. one of me favourite goals that one. Given more stick than he deserved, but ultimately not good enough
  21. I find they play some very familiar crab football, and it's not really that enjoyable to watch apart from the goals in which Messi has been able to take his man, whereas we have Coleman run into the LB or Saha surrounded by 3 players lose the ball.
  22. Joined up to thisnorthernsoul.co.uk, am still in lurker mode but they seem a good enough bunch ie. more of a TT than a BK. Anyway ive pm'ed one of the admin and they said it's fine for the talking with the enemy. Any how, does any one got suggestions for questions? Up to now am thinking on the lines of Happy with manager/football style? Best 11? Lots of speculation over McCarthy, Watson and Rodallega, who was the most important player to secure? Wigan have alot of fire power, will there be goals galore and who from/biggest threat? Everton recently signed Stracqualursi, which brought about alot mentioning Boselli. Is he awful or need more of a chance? Which player do yous miss the most? (We might moan about Lescott, Pienaar, Gosling and Arteta getting poached by rivals, but Wigan have had it even worse Baines, Palacios, Valencia, Bramble, Scharner, Bullard, N'Zogbia, Cattermole even Heskey to rivals.) 3 in 3 out (Marco inspired) Score? and Final league standing? Is their a running question we should all ask? because think the 3 in 3 out Marcopaulo used is a good q. Obviously the score as well but maybe include something a bit different and insightful like what are your thoughts on Anichebe
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