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Everything posted by pete0

  1. 'English' accents to please american ears. Fair enough if its a butler or the queen but when its just normal characters(especially when they state they're from somewhere outside of London) it takes the piss or even worse when its British people playing themselves or being interviewed and they do the silly voice.
  2. Top loader - Floating away in a bath tub
  3. Why ? we don't need a cb. Also 2 years ago he would have cost £10 mil, too injury prone and not as good as Distin anyway.
  4. True, I would pick a smack over the 'i'm not mad am jus disappointed speech' any day.
  5. When Gerrard does it, they should have had a free kick in their own half.. so it cancels out Remember he dived outside the box against Villa and scores from the free kick, the excuses they come up to convince them selves is unreal. Am sure the were berating some one for diving the week before as well. Ignorant hypocrites the majority of them.
  6. Obviously some there to look out for the community, but mostly footy fans making sure the game goes a head and footy hooligans who would be happy to give a kickin' win all round.
  7. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-2024330/Everton-Sunderland-Newcastle-want-Nigel-Bertrams.html? Keeper, never heard of him and we've got no money any way. Cant see this having a chance unless Mucha goes
  8. pete0

    Spurs (away)

    Pienaar wont be playin, out for 6 weeks.
  9. Seen on SkyNews that theres a group of anti-protestes made up of 18-40 year old local men protecting Enfield. Think its more likely there spurs fans making sure the games on but 2 birds 1 stone
  10. Apparently the kids in kirkby are having a go tonight, heard they have started at bargain booze. Wouldn't be surprised if it's the parents encouraging them
  11. They only seem to care that they won on the weekend and if Everton have not. Not many actually watch football "did we win?" and "am a liverpool fan, why would i watch any one else?" is a common out of them. But then they'll say people like Bale are amazing even though they've never watched him apart from one(twice if they had sky) champs league game that was on tele. Take away the sunday rags and they wouldn't even know the score. Apparently Suarez is the best striker in the league not that they has heard of him before the transfer but because they seen his record in Holland. Throw the bitter blues shouts, like manks throw the scouse robbers self projections, because deep down they know there glory hunters and get away with murder(literally).
  12. Worth keeping jus to bully man city, jus hope he can play like he does against them week in week out.
  13. I'd hate us to get Nike, all their club kits are the same and look cheap and tacky.
  14. Yep, was just waiting to see a team i didn't dislike. Am a bit of a Tony 'I hate all of them' Hibbert for teams in the prem atm
  15. Good stuff, Rubes.Surprised they're more pessimistic than us atm. Hopefully Moyes gets the 11 players Paul1300 thinks we'll play. We've got injuries and suspensions so i'd settle for a draw, but they seem to be in more disarray than us. So reckon we could nick it with a late winner.
  16. Think Barton would be great at filling in as captain when Neville doesn't play as we play like a gang of virgins looking for the G-spot without him. No one else in the team seems to grab every one by the bollocks and lead the team.
  17. Cant help but think the media was an antagonist for this, well done liverpool for biting. Fecking idiots
  18. Any anime fans? Even if not AnoHana is a slice of life anime that i'd highly recommend. It's slow but it's heart warming, the tears might jus sneak up on yer so man down and don't care jus watch it.
  19. pete0

    Spurs (away)

    Reckon he will play Neville in front of Hibbert cope with Bale, just can't see who else Moyes would pick there. Vic seems to be a fave so reckon he will play left, if not Cahill will with Rodwell in the middle. Just hope am wrong.
  20. pete0

    Spurs (away)

    Dis-heartened doesn't even cover it. Takes the piss that Bily isn't available, all hopes for an attacking play rest on Moyes picking a 17 year old with no experience to play out of position. Likely side midfielders will be 2 from-Anichebe, Neville, Rodwell, Cahill and Barkley. I has a sad
  21. Form at the back was dodgy most the season, we had the likes of Hibbert and Neville cover. Jags was injured and a can't remember who kept him out but I doubt it was because of form. I remember at the time there was moans Yobo should have been playing. He either refused to play Or Moyes refused to play him
  22. pete0

    Spurs (away)

    All depends on our line up, if Moyes sticks to his experienced players we will lose. Got a bad feeling we will line up something on the lines of this . Hopefully he will be a bit more positive and play Barkley and Gueye. Praying Osman is fit. Howard Hibbert Jags Distin Baines Neville Heitinga Fellaini Anichebe Cahill Saha
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