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Everything posted by pete0

  1. Bryan Ferry and Roxy Music - Street Life. Hard rains gonna fall, reminds me of the puppet song at the end of Forgetting Sarah Marshall
  2. Say the same about some of Hitlers speeches... doesn't mean it's right.
  3. @Everton missing players is the norm, not every player is gonna stay fit all season. You're usually a sensible red, so save the excuses-makes you sound *bitter* 2nd half, apart from the keeper, could easily be a starting 11 for Liverpool this season and they still got beat in their 45 mins 1-0
  4. Argue about this all the time. Richards and Johnson shouldnt be on the list, ones a cb scared to put a foot in and the other cant tackle even when he does put a foot in. Walker and Kelly shouldnt be above Hibbert yet either. Only English RB who I consider better is Neville.
  5. Wild guess. Won smile of the year?
  6. He was at fault for the goal las night and he left it to Distin to huff and puff, not that he'd do the same. Reminds me of John Terry and Carvalho, everyone raved about JT when he was getting carried by Carvalho, and slated Carvalho for his mistakes/bookings covering JT.
  7. Jags makes more mistakes than any of our other cb's imo. Jus the others are better at covering his mistakes than he is at returning the favour.
  8. Yes, the player investment comes with risk, however the risk of not making the investment in the squad is much greater. eg. Distin a £5 mil investment has played almost every game since he's been here. With out him i believe we would have finished much lower, considerin the injuries we had forced us to play Hibbert at CB next to him as well as a unfit Jags. He may not have much sell on value but he has been a solid investment, and much better than keepin hold of a piece of land that a one point was practically worthless (when Liverpool council rejected planning permission )
  9. Everton lady Rachel Unitt, the only name i remember from the ladies fa-cup a few years ago. Googled her, and shes at Leeds now though.
  10. So would you rather have the old complexes over less debt, better players and better (however rented)facilities, one of the best in Europe, and is a great incentive/attraction for players to come to us, helping us attract players over the 'top teams' as well as retaining them for a longer period to get a better value when we do sell. Before Kenwright our players had very little sell on value, if any and the club was close to financially f*cked. We now sell to buy, but this is much better than financing through bank loans on fixed assets.
  11. This make no sense. Players are worth much more than just their transfer fees, they are very important financial assets, eg. man u giving Rooney a huge pay rise to increase his asset worth to balance their books. You don't seem to grasp this at all, and come across with an almost champ man '99 influence in you're idea/opinion?
  12. Formula; Pax + opinion x (+ or - ) Facts = 42 Disclaimer. They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time it works, every time.
  13. Pax, review last seasons game against Chelsea where Fellaini bossed the Chelsea midfield of Essien and Lampard
  14. Apologies, it even has yer name included in the quotation
  15. Done the 2 players from each team only. Had Baines at first but the gap between the next best RB after Neville to say Rafael/Johnson? is bigger than that of Baines to the next best LB. Romey choosin Enrique a LB at RB highlights the lack of other options than Neville.
  16. Reina Neville© Agger Vidic Kolorov Barton Silva Fellaini N'zogbia Hernandez G'yan Schwarzer Walker Hangeland Luiz Cueller Nasri Petrov© Modric Jarvis V.Persie Drogba
  17. Best player in his position, took the mantle off Essien las season, anything less than £50 mil should be laughed at. I'd still be sad to see him go for that figure as well.
  18. Unbelievable how much charity work Everton and it's fans are associated with yet it's idiots who get all the media. Well done the peoples club for being the tosser that tries to order food for you in a restaurant "we'll all have" or want in their case a new board? money? manager? stadium? players? If they want all this, just support a different team, you'll make a great city fan. The only thing collective is the title of this group. We're one of the best run clubs in the country and most referenced by other teams as the model they want to follow. Hopefully this group will fuck the fuck off.
  19. Freaks and geeks, really good show from the late 90s has a bit of a John Hughes feel to it. Unreal how many of the caste have moved on to better things as well
  20. Easy answer.. because we don't share the citys name Stanley park was apparently Liverpool council said it would be unfair on liverpool fans Politics King Docks was we had no proof we could afford it Mis-management/Money Kirkby decision was a complete farce and shows how corrupt the government is. Massive investment turned down in a recession due to liverpool, skem and manchester ganging together. I've done economics and from that perspective its hard to see how it was rejected, am not clued up on law but am pretty sure it goes against free trade laws. If that was the real reason Liverpool1 would have been rejected as well. Bellfield wouldn't have been a problem if we weren't trying to go to Kirkby. Politics Also quick mention about the amount of work permits we get turned down compared to everyone else, especially when man u and liverpool can get them for kids and their parents
  21. The glass half full side of me makes me think that with him and Larsson going to Sunderland when we are crying out for a winger, gives me hope that we're in for even better wingers than those who we could have got on a free and wages Sunderland can afford. The glass half empty says we're that financially fecked and cant afford a free because of the wage constraint. Do we even have a pot to piss in? Hopefully we'll swoop in for Vaughan, reckon he would be a good fit and do a job, could be the next Zinedine Kilbane!
  22. jus checked a Sunderland forum and they're happy with him, some even saying he's better than what they've got. Only moans is he's injury prone. They also think Gibson's-don't think they realise he's 25-got potential and O'Shea would be a great signing. Didn't realise they are happy with mediocrity
  23. Or our bench. We've got Felliani, Osman, Cahill, Arteta, Rodwell,and Bilyaletdinov who are better, but try tellin a liverpool fan "you no cos we've got all these center mid's, shall we just borrow Everton some be nice an all that..... feel bad on them only having Phil N." F*ck i'd even have Neville and Heitinga before Adam
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