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Everything posted by pete0

  1. howard neville-spurs jags-arse distin-spurs baines-everyone heitinga-man city fellaini-chelsea/real madrid rodwell-everyone arteta-man city cahill-been a few seasons but could have went to a champs league team saha-arsenal the papers seem to think everton are not good enough for champs league position but all our players are according to their rumours
  2. anyone else not rate him? think vaughan would be the better option from blackpool
  3. yes, he'll be gettin an extra 20000 which after tax is 10000, then take account for the dimishing returns of each additional £, that extra 20000 doesnt really outway 1st team football, and i highly doubt he'll be involved much nex year. From this, all i can deduct from pienaar is that he is a money grabbin c*nt and he couldnt give a shit about football. Berbatov took less money to play at the top level with man u, rather than city. Saha took less money to get 1st team football. these are real footballers, and am glad we dont have the money grabber anymore
  4. pete0

    Man City (H)

    Leo the lion you star!
  5. -------Van Der Sar Neville—Vidic—Luiz--Baines Nasri—Parker—VD.Vaart—Jarvis Van Persie—Hernandez
  6. vancouver canucks, mostly because of robin in himym i think stockport have a team if yer lookin for a local team, unsure what level there at thou
  7. not the best but has always stuck even thou it was overshadowed by a great weekend of goals
  8. all over europe, yet struggles against any decent prem players (as well as wes brown). he's got pace and a great shot but lacks in defence and brains. bit of a cross between walcott and coleman. If he's worth 30 mil coleman must be worth even more
  9. completely agree. plus its an absolute joke he's considered for a premiership award because of it.
  10. pete0

    Wolves (A)

    Re-watch the chelsea (arguably the team with the best midfield in the prem) match, he makes essien and lampard look like a school boys. Best match ive seen in the last 2 years was against city where fellaini absolutely dominated a team from DM. I have no idea how anyone would consider fellaini over-rated, not a team in the world he wouldn't get in to.
  11. 20/1 for the shite to finish 4th, worth a punt? considerin spurs and shitehs fixtures plus liverpools limitless luck
  12. chang is one of the nicest beers i've ever had, don't let the warm horrible pints at goodison put you off
  13. shearers proved it, rooney still hasnt improved one area of his game since he left everton. had the potential to be one of the best, but he's not even in the top 5 best strikers in the prem
  14. work at the festivals, and T in the park seems to have the best vibe and line ups, its the one am most jealous that am not with all the fans. Wakestock if yer still in yer teens or a hippy. Avoid V fest if your goin for music absolutely shocking performances. BBC big weekend is good if yer jus goin for a day out with the kids. ive never been bestival but my uni mates say its the best(excuse the pun)
  15. this was about kuyt, then i z they are very similar players, apart from kuyt is actually more effective, emphasising how poo pienaar was/is.
  16. atleast put some 'reason' behind your opinion (a la matt), cos to me it jus looks like blue kippers your bible. To single out bily on tuesday is madness, no one done well in that game, but bily certainly weren't the worst player of an awful team performance
  17. ... and the 2010/2011 stats? he was here more than 2 seasons. cherry pickin doesnt make u right, jus a manipulate statistician
  18. Pienaar fans baffle me, all he done was run around kuyt-esque and most people would agree he's a bag of poo, and when you look at the stats he's alot better than pienaar or mr no-end-product as he should be called. As much as he was involved in most of our good play he broke it down more than any single everton player i have ever seen. i had as much faith in pienaar scorin from outside the box as i did davy weir, yet he always went for glory with no avail. in no match has bily been the worse player on the pitch and in the utter dire matches he's tended to be part of the brighter spells (apologies for soundin like a weather man) only felli, baines and distin can hold there heads up high this season, the rest should be banded together.
  19. clueless? has bily been any worse than anybody else or is he bein used as a scapegoat? simon davies got the same shit for no good reason. as individual players this season its only possible to criticise arteta, as for everbody else its the whole team bein shit.
  20. bily's done more for everton than pienaar did, and u's all sucked his dick. sick of ignorant fans like u jus singlin players out. the whole team was shit, stop lookin 4 a scapegoat. fellaini in his 1st season had people on his back even thou he was 1 of our top scorer and probs and 1 of our best players that season, jus looks like bilys' the new victim
  21. man u 83 arse 82 chelc 73 city 64 everton 63 lpool 60 spurs 56 —— b'burn 39 wigan 34 w brom 33 didnt realise how hard spurs run in is. done man u to beat chelc twice. been slightly biased for us but if we dont fuck up we shouldnt lose more than 1 game till the end of the season now. if we finish a point behind city i will cry, with the amount of points we've tossed away this season
  22. seem like stereotypical middle class with a personality of a washed cabbage fun boys. more talent in north liverpool pity its restricted by the surroundings. Atleast these are better than the last load of shite (zutons and wombats)
  23. Slaven Bilic would be my top choice. Sven goran eriksson, holloway and coyle in that order.
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