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Everything posted by jofanon

  1. I think the boy is quality. He didn't play much last year because of injury and the fact we had such a small side (in stature). If we can get a few lumps in the side then we will see much more of him.
  2. Which should still mean we have 10-15m to spend elsewhere (Wagner Love?). I would be depressed if we didn't have any budget apart from what we have sold on.
  3. Assuming no Mouthino then that's probably the best option. If Mouthino does come then good know what the formation will be? Presumably Cahill on the bench?
  4. DAMN! Stuff social networking and give me Kaka!
  5. Usually happens before a big announcement...
  6. What REEEEAAALLLY get's my goat with this club is the lack of communication. What the f*ck is happening at the moment? a.) why did Wyness leave? b.) why hasn't Moyes been signed up yet? c.) is there any money for new players? d.) what really is happening with the ground move? e.) why can we not find any investment when the likes of Villa and shitty are floating in money? Rightly or wrongly I think the majority of Evertonians are panicking right now. There might be some painful truths in there but at least we can move forward from them and put an action plan together.
  7. Has anyone actually seen much of this kid. Everyone is saying buy him quickly. He carries a good reputation but he's not proven in anyway. Yes I am a sceptical Evertonian. It happens after many painful seasons.
  8. Yep we will definately be playing players we have been tentatively linked to.
  9. Taken from the Daily Post website... "The news is a signal that Moyes is now in a position to start adding to his squad, and he confirmed that Switzerland’s Euro 2008 right-back, Stephan Lichtsteiner, is a potential recruit." Note "he confirmed". Hmm. Don't know anything about this guy but its clear we need a new right back.
  10. Off that Triball shite site... Tottenham are ready to sell no less than SIXTEEN first team players this summer. The Sun says Juande Ramos is unhappy with some of the stars he inherited from his White Hart Lane predecessor Martin Jol. The Spaniard must also balance the books after bringing in more than £40million of talent in the January and current transfer windows. And he needs to raise cash to finance a £15m swoop for Blackburn's England winger David Bentley. Those facing the axe are: Paul Robinson, Pascal Chimbonda, Michael Dawson, Anthony Gardner, Young Pyo Lee, Steed Malbranque, Teemu Tainio, Kevin Boateng, Younes Kaboul, Hossam Ghaly, Adel Taarabt, Darren Bent, Paul Stalteri, Ricardo Rocha and Robbie Keane. There are quite a few players there I'd like to be honest. Robinson - great backup keeper Chimbonda - we need a new right back Malbranque - usefull player Dawson - 3rd centre half people are talking about Kaboul - I actually think this guy could be really quite good (ok not the best start at Spurs) Bent - rather than AJ Keane - hell yes
  11. Don't you just hate text speak?
  12. I think its ridiculous to say he has no delivery. Ok he isn't playing 40 yard Bckhamesque passes but he stretches teams and can beat a player. He is still only young too. Would worry me about having another short arse though.
  13. Lots of rumours about AJ leaving today. Think it will happen? Can't see it myself. We would need to replace him and £10m doesn't buy you much these days.
  14. Arsenal have just signed Nasri and signed Ramsey (as we know!) earlier in the month. Coupled with the fact Everton have actually come out and commented on the Bent rumours leads me to believe we are still very much interested. Forget the stadium rather have Arshavin!
  15. Not really seen much of Darren Bent. Any good? Better than AJ?
  16. We really need a "special" player. A game breaker. But let's be honest - no chance with this one. It does frustate me though. We finished fifth and still the shitty Spurs are spending big i.e. £16m for Modic. Why oh why does someone not buy us? We have history, a massive fan base and a successful team. Surely ideal for a takeover? Can only assume there is more debt than we know.
  17. We need squad players as well as super stars. I'd take him for £2m sure.
  18. I know exactly what you mean. I want someone that is going to shake things up when our backs are against the wall. I want someone that is going to send Gerrard 20 foot in the air!
  19. It won't happen but it shows how much things have changed rather than us being linked with Koumas and Robbie Savage every two minutes.
  20. Have you seen him play? I've got no idea what our budget is this year but I would be surprised if it was more than £20m. A quarter of that on an unproven young player, in a position we don't need filling seems a lot. But I trust Moyes. He has done the business the last couple of years. What do I know!?!
  21. If this is true then this is the bargain of the century... http://www.tribalfootball.com/article.php?id=97313 Initially only £10m for Drogba! The guys is quality. A few pounds in wages I'd waver...
  22. I don't know why he is going to be an automatic first team starter? I haven't seen him play but he doesn't sound like he's a defensive midfielder so where does he fit in? Does he usurp Arteta, Peanuts or Cahill? I very much doubt it. And if Fernandes starts then it even more unlikely.
  23. Sign for the European and domestic champions and learn alongside the greatest player in the world... Or... Sign for us and play along side Phil Neville in a shitty old stadium. I don't hold much hope for us to be fair. If I wasn't an Evertonian I wouldn't sign for us to be fair to the kid.
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