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London Blue

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Everything posted by London Blue

  1. Really? Valencia league winners twice. Inter, never really had a chance due to very public falling out with owners. Chelsea, picked up after the mess of De Matteo, won the Europa league and finished 3rd in league, despite being "the Interim one" Napoli, got them to the champs league twice and won the cup. Real Madrid, fell out with Ronaldo.
  2. This is a chance to send fans and players off with a smile and a good feeling. Play the youngsters, play 2 wingers and play without fear.
  3. What he actually said was: ""I am manager of Southampton," "Everyone knows I have one year more on my contract." "We will sit together, analyse this season and talk about the future. That's what the news is today." Not exactly a definitive no.
  4. Would take Benitez great manager, he'd be perfect for us. Better than Koeman, I don't know. Nice dilemma to have tho.
  5. Don't mess with nurse Ratched! Nope love the Waltons, used to watch it when I got back from working nights. Grandpa was my fav - reminded me of my grandad.
  6. The new owner is reluctant to invest, just wants to keep them in the prem.
  7. I'll be sure and let them know when I'm next at NSY. I started work at 6 this morning, don't start till 9 today so bit of a sleep in. This place is getting like the Waltons!
  8. Everton, a Shakespearean comic tragedy, 400 years in the making.
  9. Not that impressed with Bilic, West Ham don't play good football and are VERY dependent on Payet.
  10. Sorry my bad thought it said his agent, just says he is interested, but makes sense given the Southampton boards lack of ambition and funds.
  11. http://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/ronald-koeman-interested-everton-managers-11325894
  12. It started with the Eto signing, the beginning of the end.
  13. We need someone the players respect and want to play for. Now Koeman's agent has said he is interested, he, De Boer, and Pellegrini are my top 3 candidates, in that order, but its a damn close thing. And a damn nice choice to have, especially as they are all apparently interested.
  14. Crikey I knew it was bad in the dressing room, but not that bad
  15. That was the point I was trying to make, all be it poorly.
  16. Won some silverware with Ajax, mind you MccLaren won in the Dutch league too, but at least De Boer did it repeatedly, and with some style.
  17. Would love Pellegrini. Prem winner, experience, disciplined, could attract / keep right players. Would love Koeman. Experience, improved Southampton, disciplined, could attract / keep right players, play very good football. Would be happy with De Boer. Winner, could attract / keep right players, plays good football - no PL experience. Would be happy with Favre. Improved M'Gladbach,could attract / keep right players, plays good football - no PL experience.
  18. He is in a siege mentality he wont go util he is pushed. Deep down on some level he still believes he can turn it around, that all he needs is one more season and new players who will thrive under his tactics. Its like a no hope politician believing on election night that they are in with a chance. We all know its a deluded fantasy, but he doesn't. We offered him a 5 year deal, we didn't put a break clause in. The longer this goes on the more toxic and damaging it will be for both him and us, and Lord help us if he is still here on Sunday, I don't think anyone will want to be at Goodison for that car crash. The board must do the right thing and sack him.
  19. The Departed. Final destination. Black hole. Mike Bassett - Everton Manager.
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