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London Blue

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Everything posted by London Blue

  1. Are you serious? I support Martinez and believe he is close to leading us to a real renaissance, but even I wouldn't go as far as you have. He has assembled the best squad we have had in 20 years and and you say finishing in the top ten and winning the FA cup would be our best season in many years. Finishing 4th would have been, especially considering the top 2 are Leciester and Spurs! We should have been ready to take advantage of Chelsea and utd falling away, instead we are in freefall in the league. 3 defeats in a row in the league, since his first season our performances have got worse. I love the style of football we are playing and he gets cudos for that but he needs to accept when he's made a mistake and rectify it, not procrastinate like a tool.
  2. It will be interesting to see how we play against Watford, if we lose, have a gutless performance and it becomes clear the players are not playing for him this may well force the board to act. With a FA Cup semi final coming up soon we a need a team, management and fans united. The fans and management are disunited, if the Martinez loses the dressing room then the board will have to act. I am very disappointed in Martinez. I still want him to succeed, and know he is under so much pressure, so can understand him tearing his hair out when a senior player speaks out of turn. But to respond the way he has is poor. I hope he can turn it around, I like others think he is so close to achieving something great, but episodes like this make me come to saying enough is enough.
  3. That's interesting I figured he would have had at least some say, especially at City.
  4. If Martinez does go he would be a very good replacement. My only concern would be that some of his signings, especially the defensive ones have been poor, although what control he had regarding signings I don't know.
  5. Martinez has 9 games to show he can make this team work as we know it can. He needs to convince the players, the fans and the board that with the investment he is the manager to take us forward. I hope he can as I don't think Moshiri will be overly patient.
  6. Just throwing this out there, and just to make it clear I think its massively important to keep him here. If he did go what about Benteke, great at villa, not given a chance at Liverpool, if not a replacement then an option to add to the attack.
  7. Why sell a player who loves the club, plays his heart out and in the opinion of many, many fans is one of the best right backs in the league and one of our most consistent performers? What did he do to piss you off?
  8. Walker, Sanger and Mariano really? Coleman has been one of the most consistently good performers we have had. He can get forward, create chances and his defensive abilities have improved so much. He has pace and a good tackle and has used that to save us on so many occasions over the last two years.
  9. I'm not saying Martinez is a great manager, he is not. He has faults which have been much discussed on this and other forums. But he also has admirable qualities, he has changed our style of play to an attractive attacking one. We also score many goals. He spots talent and develops it. I agree that time is running out for him to prove himself, he must prove he can master the defensive side of the game and be more flexible if not in his footballing principles, then in how they are applied. Above all he must prove himself a winner, if he leads us to a FA Cup victory, and we can have a good run of results and performances leading up to it, then I believe we are set for a real leap forward for this club. If he cant do these things and we limp over the line, and don't win the cup then he has to go. However I do genuinely believe we are so close to something very special at Everton. Martinez has the potential to be a great manager with us, I hope he does but time will tell.
  10. Barkley has scored more goals this season and created more chances than he ever has. Stones is now an England Cb and had bids of 50 million yes he his going through a rough patch but most youngsters do. Galloway was great in defence for the first 10 or so games for us when Baines and Oviedo were injured. Jerry came to us after an unsuccessful loan spell where he hardly played. Lennon had not been a spurs regular for years, and certainly not scored or created anything like he's doing for us in at least his last 4 years. Barry was not used in the City team on a regular basis since they got Toure. Lukaku has improved so much from the raw player we bought in loan. Did you not see the goal against Chelsea, would a Lukaku of 2 years ago scored that? Moyes played Naisy up front and behind the striker and he was poor. You could argue it took him time to adjust, or Martinez played a part in this. All opinion as you say but everything is not black or white, there are many shades in-between, Martinez is not poor at everything he is good at developing players and creating a attractive, attacking style of football. He just can't organise a defence.
  11. Rubbish, Rom, Stones, Barkley, Galloway, Jerry have all improved under Martinez. Even Lennon, Barry and Naisy when he was here improved or found a high standard. Martinez is stubborn and defensively nieve, but he is good at finding and developing players. I have often thought that he would make a great director of football.
  12. I think Martinez is just like Everton, "a work in progress". Both have the potential to achieve great things. If we win the FA cup it could old be the start of a great period for us, just like under Kendall.
  13. Living in Islington it would make me sooooo happy if we beat them, and with some style, circa 2014.
  14. Marathon day, bollocks as I'm working that day. With luck I'll catch the second half.
  15. Who else but Rom, simply fantastic finishes, never stopped working, developing into a great player for us. Thought Coleman was great as well.
  16. I hope Martinez can have a strong finish to the season, build some unity and confidence.
  17. Don't want Mourinho, he plays the kind of anti-football I can't stand, He wouldn't fit in with the Peoples Club ethos either. Plenty of other good managers already mentioned here.
  18. Going to be a great player for us I think. I don't think Baines will be around too much longer and its good to know we have Oviedo and Garbutt.
  19. I wouldn't describe Mori and Jags as powder puff, nor Stones for that matter. What we lack is confidence, and training. By training I mean the kind of repetition based sessions that Moyes used to run. I have always found that confidence flows from effective training.
  20. True, but we were playing well, we had them cold and when Matinez took off Lennon and replaced him with Niasse the game started slipping away. Lennon needed replacing but to put on a player who was not match fit, no experience of the league is seriously misguided. The game needed managing and Martinez didn't do that. Why didn't he replace Lennon with Jerry who has experience and offered a real threat on the counter. Why didn't he put Barry on to use his experience to shore things up? This type of poor game management isn't a one off, its happened time and time again. I really like Martinez, he has moved our club forward and we are playing great attacking football, I love his positivity, the team play the type of football I love and want us to play, but he needs to learn to master the dirty side the ugly side. Every great team can do both. This is a trial by fire for Martinez, I hope he passes it because he will be a much stronger and more complete manager, but if he cant then he must go. Like Mulder in X-Files "I want to believe", and I will give him till the end of the season to prove it.
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