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Everything posted by Matt

  1. partly yes, but a large part is how this board has put the club into financial difficulties. when I pointed out that the owners/boards at these other clubs that are shown as "this is what money can achieve", they fail to show how bad the finances are there too. Its just not balanced, again.
  2. In as good a mood as usual mate? Id take Sinclair, depending on the cost
  3. Same could be said for Everton, I only point it out because their arguments are focused on off pitch performance
  4. So close... They actually started sounding reasonable, then they descend into their childish bitching and moaning.... Nevermind City made massssssive losses (-197m) , nevermind Utd are carrying huuuuuge debts (471m), Chelsea lost 68m, Liverpool lost 49m..... And as Louis says, what is the point?
  5. Germany, Holland, GB and Brazil at a guess
  6. Errr.... Though Felli was. Article is bull in my opinion. Id happily let him go but there would be the loss of Aussie/Eastern interest which would impact sales somewhat, though not sure how much. Not to mention the impact on the kids coming through and the team in general. I'd like him to stay on as a coach to be honest, or come back after a final payday.
  7. epic: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2154283/Cats-away-Artist-turns-dead-pet-flying-helicopter-killed-car.html?ito=feeds-newsxml
  8. Matt

    Couple of laughs.

    why did the frog take the bus to work? 'Cos his car got toad.....
  9. for you tech heads, especially xbox owners : http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-21539_7-57446665-10391702/microsoft-unveils-smart-glass-a-multiscreen-entertainment-platform/
  10. I saw 30m quoted at one point, but even then no chance, no to them at least!
  11. Article from 2007 Mike? edit : nevermind, saw what you were replying to. I'll just shut up....
  12. its very true. But, think about it. If these 30 yr olds can get us European football for 2-3 years the money will help immensely...
  13. 12m for one of the best LB going? I dont get peoples valuations sometimes.... Just like why Felli is only 20m when Modric is +/-35m? Baines, in this market, is 25m easily. I still dont think we should consider selling....
  14. love a glass o red. In fact.......
  15. not being able to put a bet on in Switzerland or Holland
  16. bloody hell id do that and i rarely bet any more!
  17. We really need a like button on here, had me in stitches..... and Mike:
  18. fair enough, i agree for the most part, just think that paying double what we sold him for 14 months ago is takin the piss a little.
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