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Everything posted by Matt

  1. Gana for me but another good performance all round. Thought Chermiti did well all things considered, he should get the remaining games.
  2. We've not conceded or been on the back foot with a tired team, that's improvement in my eyes
  3. 3.5 years no booze mate We've had a couple of periods controlling the game and a few decent chances with a team largely comprising of players playing their 3rd game in a week and an untested kid (who is showing moments). That is positive, we could've just not turned up as usual.
  4. Good parts, bad parts. Halfway to job done.
  5. We're about to address that
  6. Fair enough. I know where you're coming from, I just don't agree. I'll leave it at that.
  7. Luton are having to push every last game now, moreso than ever, so they'll be shipping goals all over the place. We're safe, they're not going to win their remaining by 4 and we're not going to ship 4 per game for this and the next 3 games and Forest are also not going to do the same. It's between those 2 now.
  8. And even then with limited wages compared to the past. It's not like we offer 100k a week anymore, probably half that, which limits the scope even further.
  9. Be interesting to see how the kid does.
  10. A draw pretty much does too considerably the goal difference
  11. Pretty sure we can mate. His new contract has 4 years or so right? I think we can convince him to stay, earmark him as captain to lead us out to BMD and then see from there. That said, I think finances dictate here and he will be sold.
  12. I was trying to be a lot more calm in my post because there's no point debating with you, so I'm just asking questions. I'm really not looking for a fight mate. If I seem overly positive maybe because you're overly negative? I honestly try to see the positive where I can because there's enough shit in the world and with the club that I need to see light at the end of the tunnel. That's largely what drives me patience. No, I don't think he lost the squad. I think I underestimated the event and there was a falling out that was blown out of proportion. But back to back home wins with hard working performances tell me he didn't lose the dressing room, but he clearly fucked up. If he's been big enough to change in a way the squad have responded, then that shows me he is adaptable. Put it this way, we've had managers who would've just banished the dissenting players to the u21s or worse. Not sure I ever said we came back from the training trip a better squad, that would've been insane. The players absolutely deserve the credit for the change, but then they were also largely at fault for for the shite run we had, i.e the shit passing argument pointed at Dyche. Just curious, how do you see the next 6 months going at the club?
  13. You think that's bad? We'll have half of them for next season if we're lucky and no budget to improve for a couple of windows. The thin squad is about to be turned into graphene. Just hope it's as tough and durable!
  14. Well your tone has gone from "hang him from his ginger bollocks, he's a bully, he's the worst" (paraphrasing, not looking for direct quotes) to patting him on the back for a job done after a couple of wins and saying he'll have done his job... But you're right, you're usually frustratingly stuck to your position don't get me wrong, this version of posting is a lot more desirable! Fair enough but that's more appealing to mercenaries, no? We've seen that enough over the last few years and that's more of a worrying proposition in my view; it's a large part of of the reason we are where we are. But we've done that part to death already. See, I do see us needing him for another 2-3 years, unfortunately. Not because I want him to even though I think he could do more and deserves that chance. There's so much still going on which is going to take a lot longer than 12-14 months. When I've done Continuous Excellence implementations, for example, the sponsors and board understood that to change mentality whilst rolling with life's punches was a 10-20 year project. Partly due to external factors, but mostly down to staff churn - very hard to change a mindset of a group if you keep chopping and changing the mission and staff, almost impossible if you're constantly switching the team lead.
  15. https://www.evertoninthecommunity.org/news/2024/april/26/steve-morgan-foundation-2024/
  16. Exactly. I'm thinking of Dyche as a more palatable and capable Fat Sam. Pure practicality to solve immediate issues, that's it. We don't know if Dyche can be more expansive because he's never had a budget or the squad. When he has he signed Defour, so I think he wants to be more than he is, he just sticks with what he knows for now because that's the best this squad is capable of since they've continually failed at the basics for large parts of the season (still an improvement on the previous 2 seasons!)
  17. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-politics-68901786 Speechless
  18. I always laugh when you make his point. You're the poster with the most extreme posts in both ways, positive and critical, in my eyes He's absolutely a firefighter and the club is still on fire. Ironically, it's the only part of the club thats actually improved! I really don't see that settling next season or the season after after to be honest. With a change of owners coming, with a change of home, fire sale of the squad coming... I ask who, again, would be crazy enough and good enough to get this team performing better than a mid table club? I know you can't or don't want to name names but my point is that if you're so clear on the problems, I would assume there'd be some ideas about how or who to fix them would. I'm not aiming to dig or tease here. Genuinely curious to hear about alternatives as I keep hearing this complaint about things not being good enough but with no ideas on how to improve. Things like passing and finishing is 100% on the players, the manager isn't on the pitch and is putting tactics in place that has dramatically improved our defence whilst creating a lot more chances. I've no idea who does a better job with this squad in this situation.
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