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Everything posted by Sibdane

  1. I think he'll turn out to be a quality center half. I don't think he'll stay at Hertha after this season just because I believe bigger clubs will come calling.
  2. Yeah, can't say I'd seen anything about him in awhile. Thanks, Louis!
  3. I think Praet has what it takes to make it, but my only concern is his lack of experience.
  4. I'm really excited about Deulofeu. He seems to love the club, and he has tons of potential.
  5. It does seem like this is our program's philosophy. I do agree with you though when you mentioned that aren't really any other coaches available to come in and take over (unless we miraculously were able to get Klopp!).
  6. I agree with you completely here. Like I said before, Klinnsman has done a great job bringing in talent, but I can't help but feel he's diluted the pool a little bit; team cohesion is lacking, and I can't help but feel it's due to all the new additions. It's a catch-22 really, we don't want to leave any stone unturned because then we miss out on potential talent, but having a solid, consistent core is also important to success. So far, I can only recognize Dempsey, Beckerman, Bedoya, Bradley, and Fabian as core players. Every other player has question marks over their heads.
  7. PS. Give me Bradley over Klinnsman anyday as coach. Klinnsman needs a directors role. He's not a good coach.
  8. Bradley wasn't injured though, so I'm not sure how that's relevant. Bad form or not for Mix, Beckerman is not who you play there against Jamaica. How can you say that Klinsmann has found more talent for his than before, but somehow we are a worse team. He could've brought in Cameron or Williams -- both are better and more mobile than Beckerman. Again, poor, poor roster. And everyone knows that Germany's success is down to Low. Saying that Klinnsman led Germany to 3rd is not a big feat considering they usually always make it to semis AT LEAST.
  9. I don't buy the "who else?" argument. Jamaica is a team that we should be besting and usually beat. Klinsmann should've recognized their athleticism and gone with a different plan. I feel like he's been out of his depth since he's joined and his successful career as an athlete is papering over the cracks that are his managerial weaknesses. You play Bradley there against Jamaica instead of Becks and push Mix up.
  10. 1. Messi 2. Ronaldinho 3. Zidane 4. Zlatan 5. C Ronaldo 6. Henry 7. Drogba 8. T Muller 9. Baines 10. Donovan
  11. Howard has always been good for the Nats irregardless of form. And yeah, maybe the back four is more to blame, but there is still blame on Guzan as well. I will say that I don't like how Howard took a sabbatical. Klinsmann better show some consistency and make him work his way back like Donovan. I still think Guzan should remain number 1, but he's just an average keeper to me.
  12. Klinsmann needs to take on a different role within the USA program. He's good at recruiting talent, but that's about it. His team selections are terrible, and we play an ugly brand of soccer, in my opinion. It's great beating Germany, Italy, and the like, but we don't perform when it matters. I mean, why on earth would he play Beckerman against Jamaica, a team that is known for their athleticism?
  13. I will be extremely disappointed if we sell Stones for less than £50 mil after the whole Chelsea ordeal.
  14. Yeah, Guzan just showed why he got dropped by Villa last season.
  15. That's exactly what I'm saying. Why offer him a contract like that? I agree, it was a bit short-sighted.
  16. I could not tell that was a football table at first. Poor Micronesia. Seems like pretty unsportsmanlike conduct to just keep scoring like that.
  17. Strange isn't it? He's obviously rated by someone to have been around this long.
  18. Shades of him, eh? I thought the same.
  19. My question is: if she does happen to win the case and she has the child, does the father pay child support?
  20. Interestingly enough, everyone is sitting where I'd expect. Veterans together, Spaniards, Belgians... ...And it looks like Coleman is next to McCarthy.
  21. I'm a fan of both kits so far. I like the stripes on the sleeves, as they are unique. The only thing I don't like is the white on the blue shorts on the home kit. The away kit is ace though.
  22. Out of curiosity, where is the missus from?
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