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Everything posted by Sibdane

  1. Yeah, the timezone is a bit of a stumble. I think I've found that I run into the most forum members around 6-7 pm my time. Only problem is I have the most time to write when I'm sitting in the office at around 10-11. Ah well. I already feel at home here, so I'll just stick with it. I'm not trying to be in a contest with other Americans either. It's easier to win when there are fewer of us.
  2. Definitely. Still feel cheated, too. Actually, I didn't join for a few weeks. I browsed TT and a few others through that time. I mainly hung out as "anonymous" in the Rumourama section -- Transfer season is my favorite time of year... and it comes twice!
  3. Sibdane


    Seeing as Mississippi is a fairly less common place to mention than China, I could only feel singled out. ...but fair enough. I don't expect anything from you, except to be fair with my comments. Then again, I realize you don't have to be. All is good, mate.
  4. I laughed quite a bit. I'm always a fan of comic relief. To get back on subject, I agree with the initial post. I went to a few Toffee forums before joining this one. My research told me that this forum seemed the friendliest and most open-minded.
  5. Yes. Yep. Yeah. Yessir. THANK YOU. And no, I'm not patronizing you. I agree 100%.
  6. Sibdane


    1. Never asked him to step down. Get your shit together. I respect that you may not like me because I'm foreign, but if you're going to dislike me, make sure it's for the reasons you say. 2. Really? Very childish analogy. 3. Nah, I live in a different time-zone. If you're going to say something that is personal with me, you're going to hear from me, even if it is after everyone else has said the same thing. To quote Newton: "Tact is the art of making a point without making an enemy." Wait, am I allowed to quote him? He is from England...
  7. Sibdane


    Hmm, I missed a few arguments there. I was away from the forum for a day. I noticed a couple of pages back that you, Av, mentioned the bemoaning of a fan from Mississippi -- seeing as I'm the only fan from MS, I'd have to assume that is me. Not too pleased that I'm considered a "bandwagon" jumper just because I disagree with Moyes' tactics. I have the benefit of watching the game on the tele with replay, pundit analysis, and stat sheets at my disposal, and I felt able to make an opinion that is based on my own experience while watching the game. Furthermore, I never called for Moyes to be sacked and only that I question his tactics from time to time -- Questioning tactics will always be a trend among the fans. I realize that Moyes is the most capable manager for this club at the time, but I still question him, because I don't always agree with every decision he makes. Granted, I'm not there, so I'm not at liberty to claim I'm an expert of the game. However, I did watch the game. I saw the ineffectiveness of Cahill, and I've never seen Felliani play well in an attacking role (ever), so I assume Moyes was seeing the same things. I didn't even disagree with the fact that he brought Distin on; I just felt it should've been Cahill out instead of Saha. While I'm sure you didn't mean to offend me, your comments make you seem as some sort of elitist who thinks every opinion that differs from his own is incorrect and that, my friend, is what I call narcissism. I'm just baffled that you think that everyone who disagrees with you is some sort of idiot who only makes opinions on the basis of what you consider to be misinformation. Like you say, it is never wise to comment right after a match, because emotions are swirling, but I still stand by my comments earlier and show no remorse for disagreeing with Moyes from time to time.
  8. He also interacts with the fans. I kind of like that.
  9. Agreed. I still think he'll go to a club that better suits his playing style and will shine. He just wasn't given enough chances, in my opinion.
  10. Agreed. I think he was their best player... but that's not saying too much. He was expected to go into the season as the best player. He still showed flashes of brilliance, but not anywhere near his old Arsenal self.
  11. Hopefully he'll prove a decent enough player to merit a senior team call-up in the future.. be it Ireland or England
  12. Sibdane


    Think I deciphered the rest besides the bold...
  13. I think Moyes has done some amazing things. Right now, I'm just upset about the result and am spouting my anger... I'm sure it will change tomorrow and by our next win, I'll love Moyes again.
  14. Must be. When I look at the votes above for MoM, Ross is in third with having only made 5 appearances. hmmm..
  15. Not a slight to McAleny--he had a decent debut, but Moyes was thinking like this: "Why not put on the young lad, it's not like we are going to win anyway?"
  16. Honestly, given Moyes' mentality, it's going to have to be a brilliant striker. I can't see many strikers getting any goals by playing the lone gun and having a lack of support like we do now. I'm going to say most forwards would struggle.
  17. Sibdane


    Just what I was thinking.
  18. Sibdane


    Should've taken Cahill off instead of Saha! Infuriating!!! I enjoyed watching Coleman in the second half though. Howard was brilliant. Heitinga, decent. Felliani, so-so. Bily, average Moyes, questionable.
  19. True. As much as I'd love for Landon to come back to Goodison, with me being American and all, the lack of goalscoring ability by the front-line is atrocious. Striker first.
  20. I have no idea. It seems like the deal could go through now... but might have to wait until January before he can actually be transferred? Anyone?
  21. One more thing about Davies: He's a Poacher. Don't expect him dazzle you with fancy tricks. He just has a knack of being in the right place at the right time. He has scored a lot of wacky goals for the US team just from being in good position.
  22. Altidore is tearing up the Dutch league right now, but then again, it is the Dutch league.
  23. I'd take him in a heartbeat for free. In the MLS, you have can have only 2 or 3 designated player spots.. AKA only 2 or 3 slots for paying a someone a ridiculous salary(Beckham, Keane, Donovan are the Galaxy's 3 slots). Basically, a club can't be run financially in the MLS like Man City does in the PL. MLS teams can trade one of their slots for cash allocation, draft picks, lesser valued players, etc... Good for strengthening a squad that doesn't have a lot of depth, which DC doesn't. I'll admit, he's not as good as he was pre-World Cup, but I'd say he's better than Faddy (yes, not a good example -- I know). But he still has pace, strength, and can hold the ball up well. He was decent in the MLS and would have been leading goal-scorer but had a couple of injuries where he'd miss a couple of games here and there.
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