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Everything posted by Shukes

  1. I get the blame for everything. You guys pick on me I swear.
  2. No one's making a fuss, it's more people made a comment that they thought it lacked class and otgers are making a fuss about it. Some think it's ok, others think it lacked class. No big deal either way. And
  3. Always struck me as being an honest guy and a true Evertonian. Bet you were in your element mate.
  4. Everton thinking mate, and hope it never changes. For me it was unnecessary, a guy of his level should be intelligent enough to be able to say it without saying it. I have had many bosses that say it like it is.....I often label them as assholes! Funnily enough, most people I know do to. Unless they are the boss of the football team they support.
  5. People are reading in-between the lines. Its the modern world way, everything is a conspiracy. No honour or dignity left anymore....there has to be something sordid going on. Transfer deals are complicated. It's that simple. Sometimes they come off and sometimes they don't. But let's not sack Moshiri just let eh?
  6. I'm not commenting that we couldn't and should have done better. My comments are aimed at the posts specifically using the net gain as a point. To me that is tunnel vision. I agree the last day was disappointing. I agree we didn't get our marquee signing that we needed. I also agree we need another few players. My point is solely against the net gain argument.
  7. Over head, mate. The point was that so many comments are pointing out that we finished the transfer window with a net gain.....and that's ridiculous. It should be based on the strength of the squad after the window, not how much money we have spent. I still say transfer prices don't have anything to do with the quality of a player anymore. Wages are where our club can separate from the mid table label.
  8. Breaking news! Everton buy Messi, Pogba and Suarez for a combined fee of 200m They also let Niasse go for 201m Everton fans in meltdown and want the board out as thier net spend is -1m Only at Everton.
  9. Let me get this straight. We get rid of some dead wood and replace it with better quality players, thus, improving our team and squad. We also sell a wantaway player. We do this and come out in profit. And this is a bad thing? Hmmm OK.
  10. If we finish tenth am I allowed to say it's progress?
  11. Stayed out of it due to thinking the same. He is a business man and can see past the tunnel vision. We are stronger now than anytime in the last ten years in my opinion. Let's see how we push on and see what he can do in January.
  12. I think we're above his level now. Never been Impressed with him
  13. Looked good everytime i saw him play. Would like him here but it seems unlikely.
  14. I just forced the missus to watch it, for fuck sake we better get a few in now. I'm not gonna sleep for two days
  15. Just wouldn't be Everton though. But wow would be a window.
  16. He also said he didn't pick Rashford due to him not getting game time. Yet Hart who has missed more than he has played gets picked.
  17. Not saying I don't agree mate. But he spoke out against the untouchables. The FA have always been the same, that's why we fall behind the rest of the world's national teams. FA is all about politics and not sport, speaking out to then is a national offence.
  18. Not really surprised. His form hasn't been the greatest and the second I read the Lukakuesc interview,o thought the England hierarchy aren't going to like that. I know he is young and naive and was baited into it, but it's still speaking out against am England manager. Remember Lukaku doing it against his national manager...albeit one who was still in charge. Might be thier way of giving him a sharp kick up the arse. Will be interesting to see his mental toughness now, will he sink or swimm.
  19. That's heartbreaking and must have been rough to watch. Just couldn't imagine being in that position. Hope we can give him a good send off on our next Goodison appearance. Head up mate.
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