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Everything posted by Shukes

  1. Garbutt is a very tidy player and has the ability to become a top pro. But he is not the star some are making out. He performed well when he came in, nothing great...just well. His cross big was a breath of fresh air...not because it was Amazing but because he crossed the ball. Baines mostly looks for the balls inside and one two's where Like wants to cross early. Lots of full backs do that. If he wants to go then I'm neither happy or sad. Plenty of players of his ability to replace him with.
  2. But also a way to put the ball in Lukes court. I am a big believer in the training pitch. Put yourself forward and make it hard for your manager not to pick you......don't walk away to wherever it may be easier to get in.
  3. We need to be positive and put our name out in Europe to,attract better players. Yes if we qualify it will be a strange Way to qualify....but it's what the club does with a given opportunity. We should grasp it and make a statement. Why as a club would we want to turn it down?
  4. Baines to miss the last two matches could be a blessing in disguise. A couple of matches and wins could see this lad change his mind.
  5. Am I the only one that notices Besic has very good control, an excellent turn, can take players on and can find a pass? He plays as a defensive mid, but whenever he pushes forward he looks better to me. Don't judge a player by their position.
  6. Laughing my ass of here, was thinking pretty much the same thing.
  7. Damn am i the only MMO nerd around here. Everest and the likes.....i really am a geek aren't I haha.
  8. Were gonna get hammered cause were shit!
  9. Ye your right. I just get so dissapointed with what our players should be producing. I know lukaku can be a beast on hos day...it's just not often enough. Take Saturday...the first 20 minutes he wad a bully. The next 70 he was nowhere to he seen.
  10. He had a knock and is recovering here rather than there. The U21 match is his comeback and then he's going back for the rest of the play offs
  11. What a dope. Don't think he really understands sports does he. It's not about where you should finish as a business but striving for better and always wanting more. That's how too teams and players succeed. You need a winning mentality to make it and fans are no different.
  12. Baines simply shouldn't take corners...He is literally useless at them. He can accurately pick the near post out....bit if he wants to get it any further he has to just whack and hope for the best. Mirralas takes a damn good corner. Why can't we have someone like McCarthy try a few.
  13. I don't think he's a bad player but I am starting to wonder if I have Blue glasses on and just want hon to be good so bad that I'm lying to myself? I want him to succeed so badly.
  14. He has one more than Jelavic in the league...nothing amazing. While I disagree that he can he replaced easily I also can't see why people think he has had a good season? He's been average at best this year and his goal return shows it. Again I'm not sure why so many are letting the freak euro run scew his record. Fact is he in the top 30 goalscorers in the premiership this season.....that's nothing great...Not even good. Again I think he will come good when the team comes good. Bit at the moment it has been what....ten matches since he scored an open play goal.....can't for the life of me see how that is a good season.
  15. Your right Steve. Mist if mine came from sheer frustration and deflation. Thinking back, I thought we played some lovely stuff and thought it was a matter of time before we scored. Imagine if either if McCarthys or Colemans would have gone in. Colemans effort was worthy of Dennis the dutch maestro.
  16. Interesting reading the comments below. Seems he has turned opinions on there head. Now he is playing well it will be interesting to see how this pans out. Personally I think it would be a no brainer for us. Tidy on the ball and could easily replace Barry....though I would rather see Besic step in.
  17. Worst performer? Think that's a bit harsh. He acted as a sweeper for much of the game and did a very good job. He also had a few efforts on goal and managed to put a few balls in foe others. Though Lukaku and Stones were our weakest players yesterday.
  18. It's been reported that we have been granted the position already. I thought that was a done deal?
  19. Kone is listed as MIA. Yesterday was a wierd game. We made enough chances but just couldn't put one away. McCarthys effort typified the afternoon.
  20. Just had a look at the goal scorers chart and find our highest placing is Lukaku at 23rd place....one above Jelavic. Next us Mirralas at 29 Naismith cones in at 36 That's really not good enough for a team with top six aspirations.
  21. Well if that's the case then we must have scored something for our attacking king intent today, all though nothing came of it.
  22. Looks like west ham have been instructed to play for Europe. Lost at a whimper to Villa, but no yellow cards.
  23. Honestly don't think the width hurt is today...we created 22 chances. What cost us was inability to finish. Some of the efforts were lacking in intent...look at Barkley's chance. We need to discover a way to score goals.
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