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Everything posted by Shukes

  1. Always thought that there was no question over his commitment or attitude to be honest. Even when he wasnt scoring i thought he still put in bags of effort. Looking forward to seeing him in competition against Kone, or even alongside him.
  2. im really putting money on him being a success here! at the expense of my very valued opinion! ( ye i know ) But i am going on record as saying that Kone will put 15+ away this season. and if he doesnt.....then well ye it was my son pratting about who wrote this!
  3. Johnys too proud to go down a level. and the reality is he is only a mid table player unfortunately. I still think he could do a stella job in mid prem.
  4. To be honest i havent heard anything of any substance to say they are trying to get away. If anything Felly has said that its in Evertons hands. And everything baines say sounds like he is happy to stay if we want him.
  5. exactly.. thank you. someone else strengthening my point....No other left back is anywhere near to Baines quality. Thanks for the backing Bud!
  6. But dont you see that is just the point? There are many midfileders around that you can buy for your team that will add to the quality of your first team. The trick is to find players in other positions that can add quality too. thats how you build a good team. We have a left back that actually adds quality and offensice power....that is why Baines is worth so much money. There are simply no others for under 20 m that can replace a player of his quality, yet there are a hundred players if you look arouynd that can do a great job in midfield for you. Midfiled is not a nharder position than left back....just a different position. If we were weak in the left back position then i am sure we would all be screaming out to strengthen that position.
  7. Welcome to our forums mate. Moyes has constantly aggrivated us every transer window due to his slow moving nature. Fellaini is a typical last second signing. Most people didnt even know about this one until the day after transfer window had closed. But it's not only buying thats the problem, Arteta going to late in the window gave us no time to properly evaluate who we want to bring in to replace him. There are many many others....and many names that we missed out on.# Please dont mention the name Mouthino on here! Dont get me wrong i loved Moyes and think he will do a stellar job for you. But his transfer activity was frustrating to say the least.
  8. Im having a shit day...well shit week, feeling like if it wasnt for football at min i think i would jump of a bridge, but knowing my luck i would survive. God i needed that lol. Im going with the 316 suprise formation, most attacking team ever haha!
  9. Keep him at all costs, simply cannot replave him for a player anywhere near his level. Garbut is nowhere near ready for the prem let alone Baines level. The lad is young and only got into the England U20 team though injuries. And when he got on he looked like he had a long way to go. Wouldnt think we will be seeing him for two years at least. If i am honest with myself i am not expecting him to make the grade here. Baines is top of his game, in his prime and irreplacable! You want to offer us stupid money then well talk, he asks to go, then well talk. Until then he plays for Everton.
  10. Not on OS yet? ok i have been stung too many times to get excited until reported on OS.
  11. If RM pulls this off then appointing him was the best desicion the clu has made in a decade. That would gain him some major respect. I know this would only be a loan and we would have to hand him back at the end of the season, but by then he might have helped get us into europe! Praying this comes off.
  12. I have to admit that maybe i have misjudged this guy. He looks like an energetic box to box player, just the type of player i love. Watched plenty of vids on him and he looks the part. I really did and still want him to come. But then looking at other comments and the fact theres not exactly a queue, and we have already pulled out of this one once. Then maybe there is a reason for this.
  13. i dont think he actually weants to go., I think like a lot of us that Bainsey is interested to see how RM does this season. We will only sell him if the club speak with him after a proper offer and say they are happy to let him go, otherwise he will be here at the start of the season.
  14. has anyone heard anything on this move yet? Seems to have gone real quiet after his supposed medical. wish we could just get it done and move onto our next target.
  15. I think one of Fellis strengths is holding the ball up. I also think that for his size he puts 90% of the prems midfielders to shame agility wise. The amount of times we have watched him take a ball down turn away from someone and play the ball makes him ideal for a holding midfielder. hen theres his break up play. He is excellent at stealing the ball of someones toes due to his agility.
  16. We need another striker that can score goals. We are desperately short there with no real young player coming through, Maybe McCaleny, not sure. Midfield we need another central figure. Ossie is getting on now and gets tired after a run of games. We have barkley coming through but i would love to see another strong energetic midfielder come in. Gibbo can do a job but is only a 6-7 of 10 player. I think Oviedo, kennedy, Mirallas and even Coleman can do a job out wide. Defence is lacking. I really am worried about our defence. all we need is one big injury and we dont have the cover in the middle. Heits needs to either step up or be replaced. I have reservations about Duffy but really want to be proved wrong. Goalkeeper, yes we need a bench warmer. So for me the following; Kone. Alcaraz. Fer, still would love this guy. Goalkeeper = no idea.
  17. I dont even need to look up a link of total games to goals do it...lets be honest!
  18. They are getting better quality players? havent saw those bids yet. they are bidding on unproven talent yes, and paying double for it. That sounds like a beter business deal? Sorry but just because these teams are spending more money des not mean they are better signings. And you will have to excuse me for being old fashioned and all but im a FOOTBALL fan, not an Alan Sugar fan, I dont give a shit about how much sell on potential a player has. i would rather see us buy a player that can fire us into Europe next season. Which incidently makes cash too. Look a new manager comes into a team and do one of two things: 1 = Shake the whole team up, sell players and buy players and cock everything up. 2 = Work with what he has and add what he thinks will improve on the current set-up without rocking the boat too much. I am going with 2.
  19. May as well sell him, hes almost past it according to the Kone thread. Get the cash while we can, he will be worth 3m next year
  20. Kone is just the type of player we need, a SWASHBUCKLING goalscorer!
  21. 5 Million for Kone. Just been watching a few good old you tube clips on him. 5 Million is well worth a player of his age and quality. We really writing a 29/30 year old off? well thats half our team written of with him. Goal records? he has a better record than any of our strikers. Seriously guys i think we need a reality check. 5M for Kone should buy us 10 to 15 golas at least. 50+ for Cavanni should buy at least 50 goals then. Has anyone got any candiadtes up front that we should be spending 5M on? And whats with all this cash we have to spend? i must have missed smething, because last i saw were still broke. Yes we have extra money from TV deals, but all that has done is make us more secure, it doesnt mean we have 20m to spare to spend on a single player. How much did we spend on Jela? How many do we expect Anichebe to score next season? Can McAleny make the grade this season? Will Felli even be here? Oh ye i forgot we have Naismith dont we! Come on we are spending 5M on a 29 year old forward who has scored goals in some top leagues. Why do you all want us to become a breeding ground for the top teams? why can we only risk money on players that we could make money on ( possibly ). With our current squad we would struggle to hit the top eight next year. we are about to spend a small ammount on a striker that hit double figure for a team that got relegated. How much bigger is an open goal compared to a goal with a keeper in the nets? the only difference is your under more pressure to score. How much weaker are prem teams when playing for a relegation team? the only difference is its harder for you to make chances.
  22. you gotta stop that now haha i have work to do!
  23. thats true but they failed to realise one important thing. We already have a defense, one thats not going to forget how to defend overnight. Really Martinez must be excited to be able to come into a team that has a solid defense already. I honestly think this is the right guy for us. We needed a manager that will go for the jugular, and he plays attacking football. I would also like to risk the wrath of a few here by saying....ahem cough!...Moyes was not the finished article until he came to us. Maybe BK had a big influence in how Davey boy progressed, and maybe he can bring RM along a bit too. I am hoping that we have made an appointment along the same lines as we did with DM. A manager that we are looking to stick with and build upon.
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