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Everything posted by Newty82

  1. I respect your opinions Paddy, but I don't get what seems to be over the top criticism of Martinez and the team. All this last season was a fluke stuff is pretty poor. As said above, we shipped 13 in the first 4 games. Now only 5 in the last 7. We've played 4 games in the Europa and conceded 2. And under Martinez we can't defend? So tell me, at what point does it become a Martinez defence? Because at the beginning of the season, that was a Martinez defence. Now that we are steady at the back, is it a Moyes defence again? I know we ain't playing as well as we all think we can, but it ain't THAT bad.
  2. Get over yourselves. What's so wrong here? He doesn't walk on water but some this stuff is ridiculous. You gents are in for a number of hard years ahead with your total disliking of Martinez (widely applauded in the game) and the style of football (widely applauded in the game). There's about 16 teams in the middle of the league that have not found real consistency yet. The league so far is as tough and unpredictable as it ever has been. I don't get what the big downer is? Lukaku getting criticised has nothing to do with his price tag. He was crap. Gibson was crap. In the first half, Coleman was crap. All different prices.
  3. Haha!!! Frogs and newts for me. Love em.
  4. The easiest thing will be for you to watch the Lille game and then watch this one again. That will explain a lot.
  5. I'm down on this particular game...but if you look at the league, apart from Chelsea, is anyone team not losing? It's as open as any season has been. Take a look at the table. Look at the 'Lost' column. This is a massively competitive league...no one is guaranteed a win. Yeah only 3 wins in 11, but also only 3 loses. Only 4 teams have lost less. The difference will come as winter kicks in. Always does. The squads with less quality in depth start to suffer.
  6. Was poor today unfortunately. Lacking real match fitness. Does look for the defence splitting pass but it's 50/50 whether it comes off. Started off ok, but faded alarmingly. If Barry's out for a bit, will be more likely to be Besic to start.
  7. Think this will be a massively split vote. Went with McGeady. Looked on point today. Looked to be our most dangerous player going forward. And always did great tracking back in the first half when Coleman seemed to be missing (although Coleman was loads better 2nd half) Eto'o pushed him close. I really like Eto'o in this deeper marauding role. He finds space, and makes things happen. Just that, for me, went a bit quiet in the 2nd half for a while.
  8. So fuckin frustrating! We had a near full strength 1st 11 out there. Plenty of creativity available...but yet again created minimal clear cut chances. These boys need a wobble. But let's not disrespect Sunderland, they are a solid unit. Plus points...Jags and Distin looked good overall. McGeady put in a brilliant shift and shouldn't gave gone off. Eto'o looked as good as ever in his deeper role. Barkley showed glimpses with powerful runs. Not so good...Lukaku. Fuck me, what an enigma this bloke is. Might as well have stayed at home. The wall for that free kick was abysmal. Gibson faded alarmingly quickly. Barkley went missing for most of the 2nd half.
  9. Lukaku...back to his worst. How many attacks break down with him today? Anonymous this half.
  10. Lukaku just give away a foul...forgot he was playing!!!
  11. Yessssssss! Lucky though...Baines, sort out your set pieces
  12. Not even getting booked? Surely?
  13. He didn't prepare the wall with a big hole in it.
  14. If we can keep this tempo up we should break through...
  15. Oh lukaku! Against Lille he would have slotted that...why such a change in a few days?
  16. MarkJazz...I think Baines has been involved in a fair few attacks. Coleman however is a bit absent both in attack and defence, that I agree. We can do this. Sunderland will have to be more daring at some point, being the home team usually brings that sort of added pressure.
  17. Not a great game is it? We ain't doing too much wrong, but also not a lot dead right. It's just ok. The shooting is awful. Sunderland are defending as deep and compact as we'd expect. And we are struggling to open the tin. I quite like Eto'o dropping deep to find space. Also liking Barkley powerful runs. And any notion that McGeady doesn't track back when required have been blown out of the water. Lukaku needs to up his game...again. If we can just be patient and look to get into the box, we should sneak it.
  18. Hahaha!!! Oh shit! Knew something didn't look right!!!
  19. BBC ' S fault for putting MOTM so late...the swines!!!
  20. Can't we just get over the whole bust up thing? Even if there was a dust up, it may not be entirely of a 'negative' nature, for example, Martinez telling Distin to change his training habits as he is 36 now and needs to adjust...and Distin saying "not a chance, my bodies a temple...." Close you eyes, go on, don't be shy, and picture the scene at Finch Farm.... (Distin is flexing infront of the mirror after his 4th gym session of the day...) Distin: BOOM! Check the arms baby! Martinez: Listen Sylvia, you're 36, wind the training in a bit... D: BOOM! Check my abs...what you say? M: I'm telling you to wind the training in a bit. We're giving you a new schedule. You get your bus pass next year, calm it down. D: BOOM! Boss, my body is a temple. I'm fine. Here, touch my thighs...solid mate, solid. M: Sylvie, I'm a physiotherapististist, you need to wind it down. You'll get a soft tissue injury. You'll be out for anywhere between 2 weeks and 4 years. We need you this year. D: BOOM! Need more weight on the bar, boss, pass me the 20's. M: You're dropped you french *&£$* See what I mean? It's entirely possible.
  21. I love meat!!! Love chicken...fresh from the butchers...from local farms up here in Cumbria. I use Musclefood for meat sometimes. They do all sorts of meats...horse, wild mouflon, Llama, Crocodile, springbok, zebra, kangaroo, ostrich, buffalo. I'm a bit boring though as I eat 'clean' for large parts of the year for some daft gym related reason. Most things plain with brown rice!!!
  22. Oh jeez. Many people enjoy nice holidays in Mexico. Just shows what lurks behind the glitzy commercial side. The countries torn with the drug wars. And they're merciless bastards too.
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