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Like claire, i've been away for a while. Had a good time in flamingoland with the kids. Didnt go on any rides, too scared have you seen the people that operate those rides :huh: .


Goldy, similar thing to round here, a woman in need has a lower priority than an innocent fella doing his own thing.



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It's big in the news at the moment, and with my recent experience, I think you could have a good defence on killing one of these little f*ckers in a gang as long as you can prove your life was in danger.


C,mon Claire, first thing you do when you become our second female PM is to do something about these little shithouses.





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Good call mate, but won't it go against their human rights, forcing someone to get physical exercise and an education and serving the public good.


Sorry to be sarcastic mate, kids today couldn't hack it, I know of which speak. The theory is fine but getting the little buggers could only be done by a simple dilemma....







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Agree with you Mac I'd make them choose jail or service I wouldnt want every kid doing service.


And as for human rights thats all gone too far Id prob want to take us out of the convention on human rights. Were a civilised democracy with our own form of constitution and the country ran perfectly well before all this human rights farce

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i agree with you claire. i saw the bad lads army a while ago when he bastards who were there wernt fake, they were proper twats who literally got away with nothing. seding em to national service will do em good as they learn discipline and actually get pointless punishments for little things.


however some army officers/trainers prob wont want to do things like that.





my idea is simple combine the two. national service and jail.




when the arseholes go to jail they have all thier rights taken off them. they have a boot camp routine into thier daily lives (imagine all of that for all of the sentance ie 5 years) they wont have sky or plush beds. they will have basic food and wont get any decency or privacy. and punished for every wrong doing.


the point im making is that we should make prison look like a place of punishment. not a free holiday. itl reduce the amount of repeat offences in a year.

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Where do you stand on this one though Mark, the forces can offer so much to the right people, but do we run the risk of an Army of hoodies who would run at the first sign of battle, or do we maintain the high standards of a voluntary Army?.





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The Army as it is now is perfect apart from it being made smaller and smaller by the Government. I dont think if people were forced into the Army they would run from battle, personally if I was forced into the Army I would stand and fight and die for my country if necessary. But the fact that I was basically being TOLD to die for my country would piss me off just a little bit.

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i agree with you claire. i saw the bad lads army a while ago when he bastards who were there wernt fake, they were proper twats who literally got away with nothing. seding em to national service will do em good as they learn discipline and actually get pointless punishments for little things.


however some army officers/trainers prob wont want to do things like that.

my idea is simple combine the two. national service and jail.

when the arseholes go to jail they have all thier rights taken off them. they have a boot camp routine into thier daily lives (imagine all of that for all of the sentance ie 5 years) they wont have sky or plush beds. they will have basic food and wont get any decency or privacy. and punished for every wrong doing.


the point im making is that we should make prison look like a place of punishment. not a free holiday. itl reduce the amount of repeat offences in a year.



Completely agree with you people should be scared of going to prison not see it as time off work

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but in some cases mark itl be what the young bastard would deserve. itl reduce the crime.



I know that, but would you want them defending the country if worst came to worst? Atleast with a voluntary army there is less chance of them running scared.


Completely agree with you people should be scared of going to prison not see it as time off work




I know prison isnt as bad as it used to be and I'm still shit scared of ever going to prison

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Sorry Alex, I missed your post on combining the two. The only problem comes in as to where do we divide the two, a total deprivation of freedom combined with a strict regime could possibly be counter productive.


Peronally, I don't think there is an answer, but I love to listen to other views on a contentious issue.


Agree with with Claire, life behind bars should be just that, behind bars, no trips, no mollycoddling, a nasty experience never to be repeated.


The forces on the other hand must allow a certain amount of free thinking, you don't need an Army of unthinking robots, a soldier must be able to operate under his/her own steam.





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Romey 1878 :The Army as it is now is perfect apart from it being made smaller and smaller by the Government.


Sorry but my dark sense of humour & sense of Irony has got me again.


Ironic that an Army Involved in several wars..>Would get smaller & smaller...!!!



No chop @ you Mark, no was a serious comment, weirdest things just makes Pat Laff...!!!

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Started a rite old debate with my lil story here didnt I :D


Here's another one for you opinionated little f*ckers to thrash over.


Would you ever stay with a partner for money and the lifestyle it could bring???


The ex was signed to a reccord contract 4/5 months before we broke up and it had been on the cards for a while but she just didnt make me happy at all. We ended up breaking up and I think its the best thing that ever happened to me but a mutual friend of ours today pointed out her band now has a website and seem to be doing quite well. He didnt seem to be able to grasp the fact that I realy wasnt arsed and still think I lead a happier existance without her.


Do people realy live in unhappy relationships because the other person can improve their lifestyle?

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what a question personally i would never ever stay with anyone just for money however one of my exs did just that to me she had a young son when i met her and me being a dumb ass thought she was in love with me it took 2 years for the penny to finally drop and for me to realise she was only with me in order to give her son a better life so to answer your question goldfish yes it does happen :(

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Can I just let people know that I'm about to dismantle my computer to replace it on its brand spanking new desk wot I've just bought, and am imminently going to assemble from its present state of Flat-Packedness. I may be some time and there may be some Anglo-Saxon emanating from O Towers for a while :huh: ...wish me luck :lol: !

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