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Another Connection.......

The Beard

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arent clues supposed to help?! Im just getting more confused! laugh.gif


Yes Matt but googling is easy so this is designed to get you thinking hence the very crypticness of it all


Got the book but I've not read it so I may struggle :unsure: .


Correct Mike.



The Catcher in the Rye




Obscure Link ...



John Lennons killer Mark Chapman, had a copy of the book in his possession when he was arrested.?



Decent effort Bill but incorrect.

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OOOPs forgot to add, correct MikeO and decent effort Bill but incorrect. Sorry Bill, I see what you mean about the link, my apologies, that is the book.


Another clue, the title of the book is the title of a song. When you get who sang it then you are nearly there. :P

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Or the Everly brothers who recorded the album "Two yanks in England".

That must be right Bill, so (by googling because there's no other way unless you happen to know it) we're talking Wesley Rose....just now need to establish a connection with TCITR :mellow: .

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Anything to do with Guns-n-Roses who have recorded "Catcher in the rye". ????



Or the Everly brothers who recorded the album "Two yanks in England".



Could it be that Wesley Rose who managed the Everleys is the father of Axl Rose, who sang TCITRye. (A very vague link).



Very very close Bill and as you are almost there I shall reveal all. The Catcher in the Rye, which was the famous 1950's book, was indeed recorded on Guns 'n Roses last album. The Everley Brothers (clue of Band of Brothers), which MikeO also mentioned in the seventh post of this thread, indeed recorded Two Yanks in England, in the 1960's The Everley brothers manager was Mr W(esley) Rose and Guns 'n Roses singer Axl was born Mr W(illiam) Rose. Once this was all established the further link was that Mr Axl rose and Mr Don Everley, of The Everley Brothers, where once father and son-in-law after Axl married Erin Everley in the 1990's. rather tenuous and long winded but hey! I was bored with our lack of transfer activity. :P

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