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Gordon West Passes Away

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Bless you Gordon for those wonderful memories. RIP Big Man.


His own words in response to a question comparing him to Neville Southall:


Gordon responded: "I was better than Neville in the Sixties but I’ll accept that he was better than me in the Eighties. Today, we are about the same – both of us are fat bastards."

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I first got news of this Sunday night while out fishing, it was a bit of a shock even though I knew he had been ill.. Played with the very good side we had with Catterick and had his share of successes. Lost another club great at the weekend. My sympathies to his immediate family etc. RIP Mr West. You were a very established club servant.

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I think when the time arises they won't do anything simply on the basis that the time will have passed significantly, what with all the damn soccer euros on and all, when that is over and we get back to domestic issues, it will be like another eight or nine weeks by my math and I think by then the Mr West passing would have been maybe forgotten about to an extent or other issues will take priority. That's the best way I can put it into words. If the incident had happened early August I'm sure some acknowledgement would have taken place or ceremony or whatever, but at this stage of the close season I do feel nothing may be done, it is a pity.

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I had the pleasure of watching Gordon play when I was a kid, always amazed that he preffered to throw the ball rather than kick it. And how the St End would cheer when the big man did kick it. I remember one game against Fulham when Allan Clarke was standing in front of Gordon not letting him throw the ball out, Gordon looking around and shouting at team mates suddenly hit Clarke smack in the face with the ball, Clarke went down like a ton of bricks and Gordon looking all inocent at the ref won a foul and gave a very young Allan Clarke some very valuable experience! RIP Gordon, condolences to your partner and family

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